Depression, Suicide and The CPS - What About the Parents - Enjoy with Troy!

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

The Pain expressed...

Laying on her be she could not shut off her mind. The tape kept repeating...over and over and...Glancing at the 5 X 7 she thought of a memory...a happy time yet a memory that had been ripped and stolen from her life. "Damn then!" Tears flowed uncontrollably and helplessness was all she knew. Why was she given this pill ...this struggle? Why? Why did they take her child .. She was tired of it all and only wanted to escape. She had enough. Nothing left to give. She only wanted to sleep and be done. The pill. Yes the pills.


Depression and Suicide Steal From Families

In the United States there are more suicides than homicides. A person takes their life every 15 seconds and 60 of suicides are cause from depression. Both children and mothers of children taken by the CPS run a much higher suicide rate. Working together with the CPS, depression and suicide coordinate a joint effort to bring misery and a pain that never leaves. There become an overwhelming need to escape the world - a feeling captured best in the Alice in Chains song Black Gives Way To Blue.

Often rightfully so, the emphasis is given to the poor child who has been ripped from their home and family. But what about mom and dad? What about the hell that the CPS system places on them? They have to be strong or at least act like it. But everyone has their limit. They have emotions and are not made of steel yet have been stolen from. Perhaps you know of a parent who is struggling from CPS child theft. Perhaps they are suffering depression. Here are some things you can encourage them to do.

  • Encourage exercise to boost mind, mood and energy while controlling stress.
  • Make sure they get 6 -8 hours of sleep. Too much sleep is counterproductive.
  • Diet can impact your disposition. Encourage foods that are mood boosters.
  • Eliminate alcohol or any substance.
  • Develop a live face to face support group rather than relying on social media.
  • Get exposure to sunlight. The more the better
  • Listen to music that gives happiness rather than the negative news programs
  • Volunteer and give back to the world around you. Generosity brings joy to the heart.
  • Don't be afraid to reach out to others if you need help.

If however they are thinking about suicide they are going to need more than friendly suggestions. Here are some tips

  • Try not to act shocked and get help immediately
  • Listen to what is being said
  • Act concerned and do not leave them alone
  • Offer hope and encouragement

Parents who are suffering the loss and trauma from the CPS system need friends not judges. They need folks who care and are there in their corner backing them. Perhaps you know of someone who you can be a friend to. Help them heal their pain and even see the safe return of their child. I would encourage you to offer yourself to them. They need you. Together the two of you will grow in this loving adventure. Together you will touch each other's lives in a beautiful way. Together you will bring hope and love to the world.


How To Talk About Depression
Suicide among mothers of children taken into care by Child Protective Services
Ten Mental Hygiene Hacks for Creatives
How To help A Suicidal Person

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Support Family Protection

THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection?

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Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment, upvote or resteem. - Troy.

Thank-you @enjoywithtroy for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

Great article and I really felt the introduction for I know from my depressed phases that you can spend hours listening to the same record staring into nowhere and imaining your death. It sounds stupid but for me the only way to get out of that circle was to do something. Of course if you are depressed thats the last thing you feel like. For me nature is the best healer in that case, because you can just lie down in nature(instead of your bed) and nature will provide the healing needed. Maybe you see a plant or an animal ou don't know and it triggers our curiosity. Curiosity is the opposite of depression I think. Peace and Love. Thanks for your understanding article.

Thank you for your insightful words and sharing your personal experience. Yes diverting the mind is a great strategy but the last thing you want to do. I also suffer depression more than I wish to admit so I can relate. It robs you of much that you can be. creative folks like you and I are more vulnerable to this. Also many of the great masterpieces in music, art and literature were born out of misery. From hopelessness and pain spouts beauty and life. Again thanks.

This is amazing and couldn't be more true..I've dealt with these people before and it's horrifying. Really great post

Thank you so much for your sharing your experience. Blessings to you my friend.

A lack of support during the trying times of having a case worker snooping around, looking for false evidences can be really stressful. If a child is taken, I see how suicidal thoughts can come to mind. For most parents, their children are everything

Their children are their world. Without your children you feel empty and hurting. Thanks for sharing.

the truth is that the depression has biological bases, the neurotransmitters are not activated generating substances from the satisfactory pole and this generates abysmal behavioral consequences, but if this should be accompanied by regular exercise, even expand the social network to feel accompanied but, in many opportunities It is necessary to implement drugs, not to generate dependency, but to help in rehabilitation, a depressed father is not really a good person to take care of someone, since the first symptom is that he is neglected as a human being. I would like you to take a look at my last publication, maybe you will know a reality that you do not know, greetings

thank you for sharing.

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