Why I Write For @familyprotection!


I remember hearing about a case awhile back where a homeschooling family was reported to the CPS by their neighbor. The neighbor claimed the children were not being educated because they always seemed to be outside playing instead of learning. Little did the neighbors know that was a big part of their learning. Who ever said children can only learn while inside, at a desk or table? These children were outdoors exploring the world around them learning about science, nature and their environment. They were also getting in the physical activity that every growing child needs.

Being a homeschooling parent myself, I didn’t want to be clueless if the CPS ever showed up at our door. I wanted to know the best thing to do in a situation like that to protect our family. At that time I didn’t fully understand what our rights were and wouldn’t have been able to stand up for them. I knew it had to change in order for me to feel comfortable and confident with homeschooling our children.


Awareness & Education


When I started hearing these types of stories and wanted to learn more about our rights I was getting more involved with Steemit. I was meeting more homeschooling families and people that chose not to vaccinate their children. Shortly after, @markwhittam and @canadian-coconut were working on this @familyprotection cause. I loved the idea of bringing awareness to the community. People started sharing their personal stories of their experiences with the CPS, or stories of others they knew. Steemians were sharing accounts they had read about online and others were teaching us our rights as parents and what to do in certain situations.

@familyprotection has been the go to community for education and awareness! I have met so many likeminded people that are trying to keep their families safe as well. Because of @familyprotection I now know how to keep my family safe and what to do if certain situations were to arise. I am more confident as a parent and as a homeschooling mama. It really helped me to know I was not alone and that others were out there fighting for their families to keep them safe.


Stopping The Madness


My first posts for @familyprotection were sharing ways my husband and I protected our kids while in the hospital after giving birth. We never let our babies out of our sight. I knew that being a homeschooling family that doesn’t vaccinate made us automatic targets. This is considered to be an alternative lifestyle that most professionals don’t agree with. We hadn’t ran into problems with the CPS but I wanted to contribute and support the cause of this community in any way I could.

Fast forward just a few months ago it hit close to home. My cousin was falsely reported to the CPS and my nephew and his family were visited by them. You just never know how close to home this will get...it’s quite scary. Thank goodness in both situations everything played out okay and none of my family was taken.

Unfortunately we have seen that a lot of cases don’t end well. Families are being separated, losing their children forever, parents put in prison for not complying, children being abused and neglected in these foster homes and brain washed to think their parents don’t care. Sadly ‘Family’ is not valued or sacred anymore all in the name of money.

For these reasons I write for @familyprotection. I want to be apart of the solution so I choose to take action. I want to see change happen. I want to see the stop of family invasions. I want to see more families standing up for their rights. Bringing awareness and education is a huge step. If families knew they didn’t have to open up their home without a warrant or court order I think we would hear about fewer CPS cases.

Thank you so much for reading! Let’s help each other keep our families safe and together!

Photo Source: Pixabay

Please support @familyprotection because...



Spreading Awareness To Keep Families Safe


Thank you @markwhittam and @canadian-coconut for creating and keeping this support and awareness community thriving!

Thank-you @crosheille for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

Well said, @crosheille! Those are good reasons and it's really encouraging to hear that you've had a chance to build confidence and have a better plan in place for your family after learning more about how to approach this whole CPS issue.

One of the reasons I contribute to @familyprotection whenever I can or have something worthwhile to say is that I too feel a lot of threat from CPS because of our family's tendency to do things outside the usual professional recommendation.

Ben and I have had a lot of good conversations since reading the @familyprotection posts and there are a lot of things we hadn't planned out that we have a much better idea how to address now. I'm a lot happier with how some of our family decisions are structured this year as compared with last and I'm happy there has been a lot of good advice available to help us guard our children in the event of any bad intervention attempts.

Thank you @lturner! I am really thankful for this community!

I’m glad you too have a better plan addressed now. It’s great that we have a place to come to to get good advice and help us prepare for the worst (Lord forbid it ever happens).

Amen and amen.

Thank-you @crosheille for expressing your reasons for being involved in @familyprotection so nicely.

I am so gratified to know that this initiative is already helping families stay together by simply sharing knowledge of our rights and by bringing awareness of the dark side of "Child Protective Services."

It was my pleasure Ca-Co! 😊

Bringing awareness has made a huge impact by acting as a preventative! I am truly grateful for this initiative~ ❤️

Well said. Thanks for expressing your heart. @familyprotection is a worthy and needed cause to pick up that pen. Kind blessings.

Thank you @enjoywithtroy! It’s definitely a pleasure. 😊

Many blessings your way as well~

Beautiful sharing. I can know understand the hardships you & many of my friends face. Yes ! Truly important to know the fine line to protect your family

Thank you! Yes it is very important to know!

Agree with you romaing out side is also a learning.....

It surely is. Thanks for your feedback. 😊

This post was upvoted and resteemed by #thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

Thank you for your support as well~

You are most welcome!

Great reasons to write for family protection! I love the little community there of support for people who are going through issues or passing around info to help if one does encounter CPS. There are many stories in that group that I try to keep up with and pray for!!

That’s great that you pray for them. I do the same~

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