It Hits Close to Home Again - The CPS Pursues My Great Niece and Nephew


Names have been changed to protect my families identity...

Two months ago I informed you all that the CPS was searching for my cousin because someone made a false accusation against her. Thank goodness things seemed to have calmed down and are clear for now. At this moment she has no worries and feels they are not looking for her anymore. She knows how to handle them if they were ever to show up at her door.

Last week I got a late phone call from my mother. She informs me that two women from the Social Services came to their home to check on and inquire about my nephew James’ two children ages 1 month and 1 years old. My nephew, his girlfriend Denise and their two children are currently living with my parents. It’s a good thing they are because their last place of residence is what caused the CPS to keep tracking them.



What started this whole ordeal was Denise’s aunt Tammy making a call to the CPS. She claimed that their children were living in filthy conditions, were not being cared for properly and needed to be handed over to her. Yes she wants their children!

When Denise was a young girl Tammy took her and her brother from their mother. Denise told us that her aunt got really ill. Once she recovered from it she found out how she could make some good money (most likely to help her pay for those medical bills) taking in her sister’s children. So she made up some false accusations and ended up with both children. Denise said it was like a little girls’ living hell over there. She said Tammy never allowed her to have a normal childhood and would always put her in time out or on punishment for no good reason. She never felt loved or cared for when living with her aunt. Denise was only there for a few years and then her mother was able to get her back. Unfortunately she was never able to reclaim custody of her son and until this day he still lives with aunt Tammy. Denise’s mom just recently passed away this year. She remembers her mom telling her before she died

Never trust your aunt. She only cares about herself.



James and Denise are both young parents in their early twenties. Before they moved in with my parents they were living in a very rough and dangerous neighborhood. They had been working on getting out of there because my nephew was held at gun point and robbed while walking outside. They did the best they could to keep their place clean and tidy but the living conditions there were not the best. When the CPS came to visit them the first time they told them they needed to consider finding a place to live with better conditions for their children...a case was started. The CPS has been keeping tabs on them ever since.

Before the CPS showed up at my parents house last week Denise got a call from Tammy. She told her that she will have custody of her children and that she will never see her brother again. It’s just so sad how your own family can be so cruel and heartless. When people see children as a dollar sign it’s heartless and selfish.

Denise tried to tell my parents they did not have to let the CPS in. I was so proud to hear that her and James had been doing their own little research about the CPS and studying about their rights. My dad decided he wanted them to come so that her aunt could be proven wrong and hopefully silenced. He wanted to send a message to her that all is well and his great grandchildren aren’t going anywhere. My mom stayed up until the morning hours and made sure the house was extra spic and span (their house is always spic and span, my mom does not like a dirty house).



The two social workers first spoke with James and Denise alone with their children downstairs. Then they went upstairs to speak to my parents alone and asked them some questions. They wanted to know if the children were being well taken care of by their parents.

After the conversations the two ladies congratulated my nephew and his girlfriend on living in a much safer and cleaner home. They stated that they believe the aunt was not being honest and that Denise had nothing to worry about when it came to her children. They informed her the case will be closed. Then they told Denise they wanted to keep in touch with her and be of help to her along the way. This is where I stepped in. I talked to Denise and warned her that the CPS is not her friend. I told her this is what they want, to keep a close eye on you so as soon as you do something they don’t agree with you’re back on trial again. She told me thank you and that she is aware of their schemes and that she would be careful.

I am relieved that their case will be closing. I just hope that her aunt will leave well enough alone and give up on trying to get those babies. The thought of my great niece and nephew in the system sickens me...I pray it never happens. I’m so thankful my parents took them in until they get back on their feet and are able to find a new place to live.


Thank you so much for reading! Let’s help each other keep our families safe and together!

Photo Source: Pixabay

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I am relieved to hear that your cousin is out of danger and that cps are no longer a threat to her and her family.

It's sad to hear that so many of these situations are brought about by false accusations. The thing that bugs me is that in most cases it seems to be close family members that are making such claims convinced that they actually helping the situation.

A child doesn't care about their living conditions as long as they are loved, our children don't live in a big fancy house anymore but they have our love and attention, something they never had when we did live in a big fancy house.

I truly hope the person who was responsible for causing all this trauma will one day wake up and realise what they've done and how it has effected the whole family.

Thanks for keeping us informed and I hope this story serves as a warning to anyone who is about to make such accusations without truly thinking about the consequences.


Thank you Mark, we are relieved about my cousin and her son too.

It’s very sad that in most cases it’s close family causing the problems. They are doing more damage than they probably realize.

I totally agree with you about all a child wants is to be loved and paid attention to. Most parents are doing the best they can for their children but loving and caring for them is the most important thing.

I too hope these stories help people thing twice before making a false greatly affects everyone.

Thanks so much for your feedback. It’s good hearing from you.

That aunt seems straight up evil!

They informed her the case will be closed. Then they told Denise they wanted to keep in touch with her and be of help to her along the way.

That's not really closing the case then, right? If they allow this, they invite continued scrutiny and evaluation. Yeah, because they want to help... hopefully what you said really sunk in, because social workers are really good at building a feeling of trust...
Hopefully the CPS involvement is truly over, and they can breathe easy.

Yes @snowpea that’s what it seems. The things she has done to her family are definitely cruel.

I agree, technically it’s not closing the case. I believe they still want to evaluate them and keep a close watch on them. So are they really free of all of this? I would hope that they are but it’s up to them not to allow the CPS to stay close to them. I hope they listen too and stand firm on not allowing them to get what they want.

Thanks so much for reading and for your input.

Bless your parents! Thank god for people like them.. life savers ;) But that aunt from hell still has that boy under her custody?

Thank you! We are so grateful they were able to take them in, they are truly a blessing for our family.

Yes, unfortunately she still had Denise’s brother. 😔

So...the aunt has now learned she can make a living by stealing peoples' children and getting money from having them.

This is someone to never see again or allow her to have any contact with the children - hopefully never even see them - again. She is very, very dangerous. Wow.

Yep that sums it up. Selfish greed at its best.

She plans on never allowing her children to see her, she’s dangerous and cannot be trusted. She might not even make them aware that she exists.

Always nice to hear one of these stories that ends well. All to often it doesn't turn out that way. I wish that people who make these false accusations could be held accountable for their actions as well, but it never happens.
Good advice to keep clear of CPS once they close the case, out of sight should be out of mind for those workers as they have plenty of other active cases they are probably working, which is good for your family but a nightmare for some others.

Thank you @sultnpapper. You’re right, most stories don’t end this way, we are so blessed that ours did. It’s a scary thing knowing what could have happened. I feel once children are “placed” most families never see them again...I don’t know what we would have done if they would have taken them away.

Yes, staying clear from them is the best thing anyone can do after a case is closed. Thanks for your input.

I'm so relieved to hear this went well!

Thank you. We are relieved too.

Glad to hear that the situation is turning out well. Sad to hear about Denise's brother though? How old is he now?

Thank you @ladylei. He’s 12 years old now.

@crosheille , I am really glad that your niece and nephew are finally in the care of your loving parents and their kids have a chance to have a safe, good and normal life growing up.

I too have never heard such a selfish person who exploits relatives for personal gain in that manner; but nothing is surprising these days to be honest.

Probably that is why financial sound mind is very important and I hope your aunt will realise that she can no longer exploit people for gain; and I too pray that your brother be free from all the condemnations that she has poured unto both of you.


Thank you @littlenewthings. Right, nothing is surprising these days.

I appreciate your feedback.

I am so happy this has worked out well for your nephew and his partner, I always get a bit scared when I see the term CPS in a post, but so happy this has a happy ending, so important to spread success stories as well xx

Thank you @trucklife-family. I am thankful to be writing about a happier ending.

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