in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

No one choses to experience and remain in poverty,it is a condition that seems to happen to people through family background, economic status,inaccessibility to resources,etc.
Moreso, the economic condition of the society, community,state and country also has it effect on the placement of a person financially.

About 49% of people in a society are jobless,that is to say they have no labor income or I'll categorize them as non-earners. However,there are those who despite their status of being poor,do not just accept such state but yet strives to improve their financial station in life..



In our world today,the poor are being oppressed and their right trampled upon. There's a popular saying that says a lot

A poor man has no voice.


The CPS has used this as an excuse to take children away from their parents.
When did it become a crime to be poor?
There are several wealthy homes where children are suffering abuse but you will never see the CPS barge in there and forcefully take the children away. Due to this evil act by the CPS, several parents will prefer to die in silence and provide certain needs for children no matter what it takes than involve any form of governmental agency in a bid to get assistance.
Recently, I read of a story where in a community, they lacked water amenities but these parents wouldn't report the situation for fear of the CPS taking their children away from them by force.
Poor people are the ones who have suffered the hurt of their children taken away from them by the CPS most.
I have come to realize that society is biased to poor ,without making effort to understand what it means to be poor,how people got into that station and what effort they are putting in to get out of there. Do you know what it means as a parent to watch your child taken away from you because society thinks you don't have the financial capacity to raise and care for that child?
Do you understand or bother to consider the psychological effect of such a situation on the parents and the child,how do you think a child will view his/her parents.

This abominable act has got to stop!
Obviously, when you have money,you got an advantage around the CPS,really,this is absurd!


CPS have communicated an underlying message with this barbaric actions of theirs,they are saying
This is not supposed to be so,God knew there were going to be poor people yet he gave every human reproductive organs

Be fruitful,multiply and replenish the earth!

These poor parents need financial supports and materials required to raise these kids given to them to assist them their own kids and not tearing these families apart, this is a very hideous action by the CPS.

CPS was designed and created to protect children from abuse,neglect,etc but they have turned into a clear cut example of

Institutionalized classism and racism

The managing director of Family Defence practice at the Bronx defenders shares about one of her experiences as a public defender.

Ketteringham describes one of her clients, a woman she gives the name “Eline,” as an example. Eline is a single mom of two whose children were put in foster care for three years due to suspected neglect. Eline lived in a rat-infested apartment where it was impossible to keep the fresh foods her pediatrician ordered her to provide for her younger child, who was underweight. She finally got her kids back after going to a court-mandated parenting class and finding a different apartment. The injustice here, as Ketteringham puts it, is that “Eline did not need parenting classes; she already loved and cared for her children. She needed a home that wasn’t infested with rats. The city should have helped her find one.”
Instead, Eline lost her kids.

Culled from:http://www.scarymommy.com/poor-parents-held-to-different-standard-cps/

Preferential treatments are given to wealthy parent when it comes the CPS, where poor parents will pay in tears for their sin,rich parents have the means to compensate for their erring and all they'll get is a stern warning. It is inhumane to count poverty as a neglect,it would be wicked to count a parents inability to provide food ,clothes or shelter for a child as neglect. Rather than persecute these poor parents,why not support them and make parenting easier for them.
How dare you separate a child from the parent and then you ask the parent to go attend parenting classes. How does parenting classes solve poverty?
What these parents need is financial and material assistance to make the work of being a parent easier. The CPS has to deal with the issue of Class disparity in their dispensing of duties.



They go after poor families and steal their children from them. I remember a story I read about of an unfortunate family the CPS raided and forcefully took their child. The story had it that when the CPS entered into the house,the kid used to the back door and ran out but the police officers whom the CPS went with who stood outside,saw the kid,pursued and captured the kid,in the process manhandling the child. The CPS uses the law to back up their new duty Kidnapping . Was this the purpose of their creation? No.


This injustice by the CPS against poor families must be stopped and @familyprotection is out to do that with every means available. CPS can't keep using poverty as an excuse to kidnap people's children.

A child's place is with the family.Protect the Family institution,you protect the society.

I want to thank the @familyprotection community for what is being done to make the world better than we met it. I want suggest that poor families be looked out for and relief materials be sent to them,to assist them in job of parenting. The world economy is not quite favorable to a lot of person and so they stand disadvantaged and more susceptible to the scheme of the CPS. However, this would not be possible without money,therefore I want to make this hearty and humble call to all members of the @familyprotection community and supporters of this cause to send in financial contributions to @familyprotection to aid them carry out this work effectively. On that note, I pledge 30% of the earnings on this post to the @familyprotection community.

I want to say a big thank you to @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam for this brilliant initiative and also for giving me this opportunity to be a part of this cause through my writing. Thank you to all followers of and visitors to this blog for their support,I am grateful. A big shout out to @dreemit and @healingherb. Thank you all so much. Keep Steeming


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