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RE: DCF/CPS Kidnaps Kids. Be Aware of Their Dirty tricks....My story

wow! what a read. let me start by saying i am SO SORRY that happened to your family, I cannot imagine! My husband was a Marine, 10 years in as an EOD. When we delivered my daughter back in June, it was an awful experience. We weren't supposed to be delivering in a hospital but in a birthing center, but due to complications we had to go to hospital that night ot deliver. I wanted to go all naturally and they kept pushing and pushing drugs on me telling me I needed them and trying to guilt trip me into doing it "their way". Finally after being stressed out and having a break down my husband being whom he is stood up for me and got "authoritative" about telling them to stop pestering me with drugs I don't want any and basically just stood up for everything I wanted and had in my birth plan for the last 9 months. Well the nurse did not take this lightly (who may I add was a absolute snot anyways). Fast forward to the day we get ready to leave with our new bundle of joy. a lady with a clipboard enters our room and tells my husband to leave. he refuses, she says he has to or security will show up ... he hesistatntly left but before he did he told me "you don't have to say anything to them without an attorney don't answer any questions". at this point my husband apparently knew sort of what was going on but I was oblivious. I spent the next hour sticking up for my husband because apparently the nurse who had gotten butt hurt over my husbands comments to stop trying to force drugs upon me had turned him into DCF and they were there to investigate whether me and the BABY WERE SAFE TO LEAVE... they were going to try and KEEP my baby thinking it wasn't a safe environment for her just like that, from one woman who didn't know anything about us who got butthurt over him disagreeing with her I could've walked out of the hospital empty handed. THIS IS INSANE! THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE!! He fought for our country, has never had issues with the law, has been a stand up partner both pre baby , during the birth and now as a father. One woman. who we had never met. got butthurt. and was able to almost tear our brand new family apart.

Again I am SOOO sorry this happened to you. Thank god I was raised by a cop and was cool headed and knew all the right things to say to get them to go away.... I just cant even imagine someone taking my little girl away.

LETS ALL TEAM UP TO STOP future families from having to unnecessarily suffer!!



Shared on both my forms of social media kind sir. I hope the best for your family!

Tell your man I said "Semper Fi Devil". I have been looked at the same way he was looked at in the hospital many times. I actually had to threaten my daughters doctor when she was born to get her released from the hospital. He wanted to put her on a medication that would require hospital supervision , Because he had a hunch. I called him out on wanting to bill our insurance exceedingly to help pay for the new wing they just built told him that if she was going to be hospitalized, he was going to be hospitalized. It didnt go over well but she came home that day.

Like you husband i am a former Marine also. Two combat tours in the infantry. I said this in an earlier comment but ima say it again. I do suffer from PTSD as a direct result of my military service. My PTSD was actually used against me in this case. They said that it made me aggressive and angry to the point where i was a danger to my daughter and unstable. My daughter is the biggest factor in my recovery from PTSD. The reason they used all that shit against me was to lay the groundwork to send me to all the anger management, mental health, parenting, substance abuse and all the other government funded, self serving groups and whatnot so that they could add another stat to their b.s. numbers that they use to justify their existence. It is a well honed system of bureaucracy bullshit.

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, I wish you and your new family the best. Dont be complacent. Ask your husband, complacency kills. Dont think it wont happen and not prepare. Prepare for it to happen and hope it doesnt. I tell everyone to locate a good local family law attorney. I gave mine extra money after my case closed as a retainer in case i ever need him again on a moments. It wasnt much because i had already given him plenty over the last sixteen months. I cant stress enough to just cover your ass before anything happens, if you wait it will be to late. Judging by the pics i see flashing in front of me your husband is a very lucky man. God Bless you both, and the little one.

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