Stop Children's Aid Society Ontario from Ruining People's Lives

It has been about 4 months since I used the tag #familyprotection. I have stated many times that it is a valued tag and should not be spammed or abused. Since it's an important group I decided to give it some attention. Just because CAS is out of my life (yes I defeated them in court), doesn't mean others do not have them in their life.

I frequent a group on facebook that deals with CAS which is constant. The amount of lives effected and ruined is heartbreaking, and I feel it is insensitive and hypocritical to not stay engaged even though my time with them has ended (for now at least).

"Riddle me this.....Why, if this describes a personal relationship, 99% of you will say these rules are extremely unhealthy and mentally deranged and would not hesitate to point it out that only a controlling psychopath would set such rules. But, conversely, when "your/our government" forces those same rules upon the you and yours, most of that same 99% will say they live in one of, if not the greatest countries in the world.

When you defend these rules by praising "your country", whether you realize it or not, to me and many others, you sound like a mentally abused and suffering girlfriend with Stockholm Syndrome. Typical of someone who has been abused and brainwashed

Even when told by the cop she should charge her boyfriend and leave the sick ****and never get into such a toxic relationship again - perhaps even suggests psychological counseling to determine how she became so enamored with such a twisted ****, responds with how he is misunderstood and he's genuinely great despite those rules and treatment.

No matter how many times the cop points out how deranged and sick those rules are, she will always argue she loves her man and would never consider leaving him or opposing such behavior because he's one of the best men and she's so very lucky to have him.

Please substitute the American Government with the private Label CAS who has absolutely no government oversight and WILL violate your human rights. This is the true state of society we live in. It is up to those who have run in with these S.O.B's and educate people everywhere (including this blockchain)

Thank-you @bearbear613 for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

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