CPS going overboard !!!

in #familyprotection7 years ago

Losing her job, becoming devastated and abandoning dreams of becoming a licensed practical nurse was the case of a Latina Natasha felix, a mother of three of ages 11, 9, and 5. It got to the point she couldn't send her child to take the garbage out, not to be accused of child abuse.

As I read this case, I got emotional and disappointed that CPS is such a cruel agency. This case happened July 29 2013, some few years back. It all started one day, When Natasha sent her children with their visting cousin out to play in a Fenced park just across an eye view of her own apartment building. Natasha kept an eye on children even though they were in the park.

This is where it gets interesting, A local preschool teacher called the CPS based on judgement one of the child is trying to climb a tree (9yrs old) and the youngest son of Felix was on a scooter in the street of a Fenced park. Not long after, the dreaded CPS visited Natasha.

According to the findings of the CPS, they found out the children were well-clothed and groomed and their mother appeared to be a good mother. Even they made a finding the the oldest child appeared matured enough to take care of his siblings in a Fenced park.

Though, the first two children of Natasha were ADHD patients but their doctor had given them the summer of for medication. Sadly, Natasha couldn't win the case against the CPS and her name was written in the child-abuse registry.

Leading to her losing her job, dreams and left with a feeling of fear and dejection. Looking at this case, the CPS would think they did a good job not knowing they turned an happy home into a broken, dejected and poverty stricken home.

Natasha with no job can't cater for the children easily, she has her dreams broken and a constant fear of the CPS coming to pick her kids keeps banging in her head which makes her scared of sending them out just to help with the garbage

The CPS have broken so so many happy homes with information from strangers who do not know what's happening, for example the preschool teacher had jumped into conclusion of things without having any idea of what's going on. She didn't know Natasha had an eye on her children and their visiting cousin in a Fenced park. You would notice I italicized the word fence cause its not risky. The park is fenced and should be safe for children to run around.

Before picking up that phone and making a call to the CPS. Always put yourself in that situation of "Would I want someone to call the CPS, if I let my kids go out and play?" or "Would I want to have my children taken away from me just because I let them have a little freedom ?".*

Stopping the menace called CPS starts with individuals of the society. The CPS can't just come knocking at anyone's door without getting a prior information be it real information or fake information.

Yes, I do know sometimes the CPS can help but most of the time they do go overboard with their act of selfishness and unremorseful actions. They forsake the happiness of a mother, a family or a child just because they feel they are doing the right thing.

Not also forgetting that the people working in the CPS are corrupt. They can falsify statements and evidence to suit their cases. We need to work together to stop their irrational actions and make them know family protection won't stop till their aim is achieved. Numerous cases where the workers of CPS falsify statements and evidence has been known but the government aren't working as hard as they say to eradicate this menace called CPS. Its up to us to do the job and make sure happy homes arent filled up with Dejection, Fear, Unemployed and Sad individuals.

The Campaign to End CPS starts with you, Together we can bring an end to broken homes, sad children, child abuse and so much more.



CPS isn't what it's supposed to be. It's gone rogue, and it treats children as tickets to the government's fund.

May God protect us all.

Without a doubt, the first thing we must do is generate awareness, these guys had a happy family and unfortunately things ended badly

Very informative article, thank you! These days it seems like CPS only goes after people that are actually taking care of their kids! CPS rarely goes after the child molesters, pedophiles, and abusive parents! I know because I have been on both sides of the fence! CPS is a horrible Corporation and I honestly believe they need to revise their entire way of doing things! Starting by firing everyone they have employed, and hiring new young fresh Minds!

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