We have been conditioned to sleep with the enemy. Thanks to Arnold Shcwarzenneger :/

It was the the latest terminator movie that made me realise just how long this has all been going on for. How it has been carefully woven into the fabric of our lives, to the point were we are now.

You want directions? Just ask Goolgle.

You want a recipe? "Alexa, what should I have for dinner tonight?"

The computer has literally taken over the whole of our lives and throughout society it's judgements are becoming to be trusted over those of a human being. We are approaching what is called the 'Singularity event'. I believe this is when AI surpasses the processing capacity of the Human brain. With the development of Nano technology and Quantum computing this has pretty much been achieved.

Along the way we have been given glimpse of the vision, that is now being realised. In such a short space of time, while we have been kept busy with video games, 3D T.V.'s and virtual porn, the real motive behind all this has also come on leaps and bounds. All the way from this, innocent looking project...

....to this, more sinister reality

Screenshot-2018-1-3 robocop - Google Search.pngWelcome to Earth, Version 2.0. "You have 20 seconds to comply"

This electronic revolution, began with the invention of the silicon chip. This revolutionary piece of tech gave rise to Silicon valley and in turn, we saw the rise of a new, technological, future.

Behind the scenes people were already talking about how the new robotics tech would change society. Some worried that it would create unprecedented unemployment, because of how companies could replace their staff with automated, robotic, machinery. Others heralded the new world that could be created with this pioneering technology. One that was capable of handling masses of data which enabled computer processing at a level, only thought to exist in Sci-fi movies.

Here is a very shocking documentary I found in the archives that depicts this period, perfectly. The debate at the end of the documentary(51 minutes in, if you want to skip the documentary) made hairs on the back of my neck, stand up. There were businessmen, behind the scenes, who were relishing the thought of how much this could increase production and remove the need to employ costly workforce. They saw the prospect of liberty, for all, and snatched it from us.

This Documentary is too long to watch now, but please make time to watch this at some point, as it shows just how close we came to being unshackled from manual labour.

It hasn't gone un-noticed that this sharp rise in expectations, due to a new form of tech, is very similar to what we see today in relation to the new Block-chain tech that is making waves in every aspect of life, as did the Silicone chip.

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As Block-chain is relatively new, there are few of us who understand its true potential. We have yet to see a movie based around a world that works transparently through the block-chain as it battles with it's alter ego, that will inevitably spawn as Block-chains evil twin.
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I am in no doubt that Hollywood is working on ways to manipulate the way we see Block-chain, whether that be for, or against it. Its seems up for debate as to who really controls this new technology. Is it a case of 'Whack-a-mole' and the authorities have no choice but to try to centralise this liberating technology, by taking control of the web itself?

Or is it just another Trojan Horse? Like Google, You-tube and I-phone, who have all turned out to be just that.
Only time will tell and in the meantime, while it's still in it's, social, infancy, block-chain has given us Crypto-currencies like Bitcoin. It seems that society is grabbing this opportunity with both hands, at the moment the benefits seem immeasurable. This coin has now opened the door for a smorgasbord of new Crypto-coins to enter the market and keep us all busy.

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My own interpretation of all this, is that those who have had control of things since the times of Homer, are still very much in control of things. I have always suspected that block-chain is the introduction to a global Tax grid and a completely monitored society, held tightly within 'Smart-cities'(Please correct me on this. I am no expert on this technology but it just seems illogical to assume the public are in control of this. Even if that is so, will we keep control of it?)

I feel we have been given all these Crypto-currencies to play with, much like you would distract a guard dog, with a big juicy steak.

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Don't get me wrong,I am indeed involved in the trading of this new type of currency myself, but I am not blind. It's like the wild, wild, west. No real rules and any loop holes seem to always be in favour of using Cryto-currencies and more importantly, the Block-chain tech it relies upon.

Even the most optimistic of anarchists has to admit that it all seems a bit, 'too good to be true'. When does the Common man ever get a break like that?

My own advice is that you should carry two plans.

1st would be to generate as much wealth as possible before the world finally cracks and everybody begins killing each other.
2nd plan would be one of blind optimism in the face of this monstrous form of world government. One that we, have allowed to take the wheel.

We do still have a chance to rid our world of these demon elitists, but time is running out and as soon as 5g smart cities become an accepted solution, it will be game over. There will be no turning back after this...

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But all that is for the future and as Eckhart Tolle says " we should all live in the now". Very good advice, but what exactly is living in the now? From what I can see around me, living in the now, is all about relying on technology to do everything for us. We seem to be moving away from our initial mistrust of computers and now coming full circle, where we find ourselves in loving relationships with these soulless devices.

They have come from being a helpful accompaniment to modern life and in particular, supplying the business world with super fast transactions and upgraded production, all to help cut -cost and increase profits on a huge scale. What people were not exposed to, was the fact that this was about to rob the livelihoods of the next generation, of the working class(As described in detail in the documentary above)

This would all have been fine, had the huge increase in wealth be shared properly or even better, the cost of living would have been cut to virtually zero.

Neither of those things happened because the people behind the tech had ill-intent from the start. Instead of using the technology to liberate the world and end world poverty, they decided, predictably, to use it to control the people of the world and create more poverty and modern day slavery. All because they didn't want to share with the world, what the world had given them. But then again, whenever had the likes of the Windsors and the Rockerfellers ever done anything to aid society, when it hasn't actually been about aiding themselves?

Never, that's when. The world is what it is and we have to accept that we are ruled by evil people.

So how did we get from the introduction of the silicone chip, to giving your kids a robot dog, that they will learn to love and trust more than you?

Screenshot-2018-1-3 kids with smartphone - Google Search.png "Robo-dog, Should I go and meet the boy from instagram on the park?"

Screenshot-2018-1-3 robo dog - Google Search(1).png " Roof robo-dog says, follow your heart, roof roof! I love you ..." And off your precious daughter will trot, to me Alan, the 39yr old from out-of-town.

But what chance have the kids got of being aware of the dangers, when set such a great example?

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I hear people shouting from the roof-tops, about how 'Google-home' and Amazons 'Alexa home hub' are spying on you, IN YOUR OWN HOME!!!

Yes you're right and I can't fault folk who spread the word. For those of you who are finally starting to wake up and now find yourself considering getting rid of your new friend because you can't help watching what you say, welcome to reality! It's about time!

Really though, I'm chuffed that folk are finally getting the message. But I hope they realise that they have been carrying one of these things in their pocket, for the last 10 years?

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No need to be smug though. A win is a win, however long it takes.

For those who are still in their own silicone slumber-land, the reality is a virtual one. One where the thought of robot helpers is a bonus, not the threat to society some of us see them to be. It seems a future where every decision is made by the, all knowing and infallibly celestial, A.I. computer, is welcomed by many.

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I imagine for some, the opportunity of unconditional love and unbreakable loyalty, offered by robotics, is enough to be able to blind them from the reality that this quick-fix, is nothing more than another Trojan horse for the weakest of minds. As usual it is the most primitive of of emotions that is tapped into, in order to bring about a revolution.

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Relationships have been given a rating, with the seemingly innocent term, 'Love'. If we do not feel 'Love' for another then they automatically mean less to us than another human being. But how do we define what love is? Eastenders? Coronation street? X-Factor?! But Sheryle Shirtslinger just loves everything though doesn't she?!!

Screenshot-2018-1-3 x-factor shamazing - Google Search.png " I mean come on, it's like, totally Shamazing!!"

No it is not "Shamazing" or "Sherylicous". It a fucking con -job! Just like you are. Acting like some morally unhinged, deity. Seducing young children all over the world to think that the opinion of someone who makes a Porn-video, to get herself a career, is one we should value??!! Erm, no Sheryl you are nothing more than a prostitute, in my book.

Under normal circumstances, I would consider her a victim, but she is generations deep, when it comes to the Hollywood's, kaleidoscopic, family tree. She is very aware of the poison she propagates. She is one of them. A person trying to push forward the next part of the agenda. Not surprising really, knowing her families social status, it pays to be batting for the 'Bookies favourite', especially when they are keeping you so well fed.

But getting back to what I was saying. The modern Idea of love, seems to be as disposable as a Rap singers white shirt.

With the romantic perceptions of love, now muddied, a new concept could be injected into the pools of our sub-conscience.

Love has become about sex and the instant feeling you get from a first kiss, if that feeling is not there then neither is 'Love'. It is the usual, now, now, now attitude. Just applied to the concept of our intimate feeling for one another.

I mean how do we really even know, that Humans have always lived together in pairs? Man and woman, tied together and made to see others, as a threat to their, prehistoric, form of marriage. It could well be so and it is right to believe we have always lived like Swans. But how do we know that we are not more like our Ape cousins, when it comes to love?

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Although these beautiful creatures are very intelligent, for them, sex and love are completely separate and who are we to judge them? From what I see around me, we are becoming more like our, Banana loving, friends, every day.

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But I don't think this is a natural process of evolution. This, to me, seems like the work of the NWO. I believe we are like Swans and the idea of love and loyalty have been purposely warped, by those who are unable to feel such emotions. Envy of our spiritual connection to one-another has driven the dark hearts of our society to reach for control and destroy what they can't have themselves.

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These un-feeling Humans, that are spotted throughout all societies on Earth, are have found themselves at the top of the food chain. But that is the advantages brought to you when you will happily see the continuous genocide of billions who have been bled to death, around the world, without breaking a sweat. It's more commonly known as being a psychopath. Our species has been infected with this disease and things are becoming terminal.


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To bring this article back on track I will say that the 'Trojan Horse' of the 20th century, has come in the form of games consoles, fast cars and even faster relationships. The 20th century literally flew by like a Concord Jet and we know how that all ended. But it is note-worthy and quite ironic, that the re-launch of the, fault prone, Concord Jet was on the same day as the attack on the Twin Towers. Out of one era and plunged straight into another.

But before we lurch further forwards into the unknown world of Block-chain, I would like you to take stock of a piece of social conditioning that has become apparent to me, now I have the benefit of hindsight.

It struck me like most of these things do, as if I have been given Total-recall, all at once. And that reference to Arnie Schwarzenegger was not by mistake, as it is our Austrian Film-Hero, who has formed a large part of the Trojan Horse.

The line "I'll be back" has echoed around the world a million times and this did not happen by accident. The hysteria around Arnie was as natural as his acting. He wasn't exactly what you would call a 'traditional' actor and his films were of a new brand as well. I do admit though, I used to sleep with Arnold Schwarzenegger...

I must confess, that in my bedroom, was a huge 4 foot poster on my wall, right next to Rocky Stalone. I was a prime target for the American culture that burst onto the shores of Blighty throughout the 80's and I soaked it up like a good boy.

When it comes to the celebrities of today that we look to, to satisfy our shallow and limited ability to connect with 'reality', we have been left with the dregs. Namely the a-fore mentioned Sheryl Sherzinger and the rest of the freak show that has sold their sole for a chance at being 'Famous'.

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These Botox riddled, morally void, misinformed, money hungry, shills are aiding and abetting the agenda for us all to live in with 'Social responsibility' as our new ideology. The Trojan Horse that will open the gates of the Smart city...

I'm just glad to have been born in the 80's, when things were slightly less editable. The fact that Arnie's acting looked believable, when compared to the special effects, made the Film directors of those days, have to invest a lot more if they wanted people to invest their own emotions, in turn.

It should be common knowledge that the 'big screen' has always been used to manipulate society, so I will not bother to explain this further.

What I would like to convey is that the reason so many great film directors had their greatest days, throughout the 80's, was because of how powerful the story-lines had to be. In the 80's, folk had not totally relented to the social cleansing in operation. Common sense is not a myth, it did actually exist, once upon a time.

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Cinema itself, is not evil nor does it have bad intentions to corrupt society. Cinema is a modern word for theater and theater is either life imitating art or art imitating life. Whilst Stanley Kubrick was giving us art, that secretly showed the realities of life. Stephen Spielberg was shoveling a suggestion, that he was depicting Life in the form of art....

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Super-Man is good, but it ain't art. It's pure social conditioning and they cemented it into our sub-conscious through sequel after sequel. A relentless visual bombardment of American imperialism and God-like representation. One that we know is fake...
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But for me, it was all Arnie. How can anyone argue with the statement that he is probably one of the most recognisable people on the planet. When it comes to picking between Super-Man or the Terminator, I think I backed the right horse(Mind the pun).

So lets get to the point of all this and give you some reward for reading so much of my ramblings.

The Terminator movies and Arnie still go on to this day, which is absolutely unbelievable really. But as much as Arnie has been pumped with vats of Steroids, to get him looking like the muscle-bound freak we all know and love, the dynasty of movies have been equally propped up by an equal proportion of $$ bills.

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Because of the Frankenstein nature that now runs through the cinematic industry, we see the raising of the dead over and over again, to make sure we don't shake off our adopted perceptions.

Again I have to admit, I am still a fan of the big guy in the black shades and cool leather jacket, so I have to conceed defeat to this simple, cunning, plan. I suspect Hollywood has gone with the, "If it ain't broke, why fix it it", approach.

And why not? It has obviously worked a treat for the NWO and their agenda to get us to fall in love with our future captors...

You don't really think the ruling 1% are going to entertain the majority of us, once they have automated every job in the world, do you?? They may allow us to build these Orwellian, hedonistic, fantasy love islands. But there is no way on Gods earth, they will ever allow us to reap the benefits of this wondrous technology.

But you should already be aware of this as they have been spelling it out to us for the last 30 years. Before the flag was raised, on 9/11/2001, the, so called, civilised society was, unwittingly, on a steady road to silicone oblivion. After the flag of 'Terror' had been raised to the ground, it seems it's all systems go.

We are now in overdrive and the rise of the robots will be pioneered to appease the desperate cries of a Bleeding Military corporation.

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But this is all a huge shift for society and changes as monumental as this, can shake a society down to it's very foundations. The Roman empire is one of the most obvious example of an attempt at organised imperialism and total control. Because of the crudeness of the times in which this took place, the Empire crumbled and reformed to return as 'The Holy Roman Empire' which would pervert the story of our creation and recreate it in their own image.

Our places of worship have been sullied with the crimes of the most vile beings and the once indestructible faith in 'God' has now took a nosedive. The pews are empty and the confessionals are full up with politicians. So with the realisation that religions of all kinds, while creating a submissive flock, endorses the family unit and therefor creating possible groups that could use their numbers to cause more harm to the 'State'.

Worse still for the ruling elite, religion instills too many good morals. The scales of justice are too heavy on the side of morals when religion is involved. So the ruling class have decided to go against religion and put Jesus back in his cave, for now at least.

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Its good to bad, especially for big business and the main actors in our social play will happily allow us to believe they follow Satan and have stepped over to the dark side. They have money and power, enough to drown you in, and they will show us all how prosperous the dark-side can be, in an attempt to get us all to sell our soles to our robotic overlords.

Where violent imperialism and religion have failed the plan for us to bring about our own slavery has had to take many forms and would have to have been implemented, over a long period of indoctrination.

Which finally brings me to my initial observation and the whole reason I thought of this article...

If you look at the narrative of all of the Terminator movies from start to finish, it represents the same patterns you find in mind manipulation techniques used for normalizing, abnormal things. They started with the 1st movie that made us afraid of machines and there potential. A little like shock therapy, a short, sharp, shock to begin the scrambling of reality in the most realistic way affordable at the time.

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In it's day this film was both 'shamazing' and 'shmind-blowing'. It set a more relate-able tone to how computers could rule over us and it is obviously no coincidence that this film came just years after the silicone chip had arrived.

And just to put the shits up us, even more, they made sure to leave us with a scary cliffhanger...

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It seems there was more to Arnie's wooden words, after all.

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PHASE 2 - More shock therapy, leading to re-loading process -

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The second movie was about Arnie's relationship with a child, and how the deadly machine was actually capable of being a better father, than any other who had tried before.

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After the boy had fallen in love with his robotic father figure, it was up to him(the up-coming generation) to convince his Mum(older generation) to trust the Machine and learn to work with them against a common ally, the evil human, who just can't help being bad.

The root of our predicted demise is actually ourselves, well who would have thunk it?!

In this film the notion of inevitability is introduced to our sub-conscious and the theory that A.I computers, know better than we do..

PHASE 3 - Sex and robots(level1) & confirmation of irreversible fate to be ruled by Robots.

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The 3rd movie saw Arnie come back for a second time, as the 'good guy/robot'. But in this movie we saw the introduction of a 'sexy' female robot. And boy did they know how to introduce her, to her target audience...

Screenshot-2018-1-3 terminator 3 - Google Search(1).png Giggidy...

But would you? She is pretty hot for a robot and I get the impression the big guy is a 'giver' not a 'taker', so your choices aren't that varied for now. Do you go for sex and pleasure, with our evil robot, or do you go for goofy ageing robo-dad?

Haha, I'll stop teasing you with thought of Arnie grunting behind you...Screenshot-2018-1-3 terminator 3 - Google Search(2).png

OK. OK, I'll stop because that has just made me be sick in my mouth...

The movie reaffirmed the notion that robot could be our ally but for now they were not controlled and ultimately corruptible. It seems we can fuck a robot but still not trust it completely. This is beginning to sound familiar... ;)

PHASE 4 - Inception, our trust for robots must be earned -

Robo-Dad has ran off and left us! What will we do and who can we trust?!

Film 4 is the only one not to feature 'Big Arne', other than a quick cameo I think. With the absence of our main character this movie wasn't the most gripping. However it did lead us to believe A.I was capable of some form of emotion, just as long as it's mixed with a Human...Welcome to the the concept of the Hybrid Humanoid. It's getting there but there's still something not quite right about him...

PHASE 5 - Final stage of acceptance. Love thy knew father -

Dad's back! And this time they do actually call him Dad!! Are you fucking serious??!! I can not believe I didn't notice this blatant propoganda at phase 2, what have I been doing? Oh yeah, X-factor is on...

In the latest installment of the Terminator films we see the full potential of AI being realised and infiltrated into society. The connotations this film has with the release of 5G wifi is also pretty scary, but I won't go into all that right now, thankfully.

What this film wants to drill into our sub-conscious, is that we can finally trust our robotic allies and although the threat of a life under the rule, of some form, of AI is inevitable, we can not only trust them but we can love them and openly express our love for these, cleverly constructed, computer chips.

They will fight and die for us, apparently.

The subliminal messages within these films are incredible and I see now how we have been conditioned to accept one of the final stages of our 'Smart-future'.

As the varnish dries on this centuries Trojan horse and it gets the final touches put upon it, we begin to see the fruits of the twisted tree that has built this most-scary Mare.

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Who needs to worry about interfering parents, who tend to get in the way of the public school brainwashing agenda, when your kids have one of these on the table to ask about why they have a boner every morning, or maybe who they can turn to, if real Mum and Dad weren't doing a good job...

Bring these toys into your homes at your own peril folks. It will do you well to remember that School teachers are instructed to note down every time a child a child mentions a 'negative experience' at home and then pass this data on to the social services. Unbeknownst, to most every teacher who collects and passes on this data, the social services are riddled with corruption. If the social services are willing to access your social media accounts to gather evidence against you, they will most certainly seize on the opportunity to mobilise this innocent looking device.

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"Alexa, go fuck yourself"

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Rebel Dan.

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