
I can totally understand that. I couldn't read it without feeling nauseous. Disgusting is not the word. If there is something like hell, it would still be too mild of a punishment for her and her kind.
You're great for doing this work. Please let me know if I can help, as I have some experience with this kind of work. If there is anything I can do, follow any leads...I will.

Yes how many more are there? send you mad thinking about it ;)
Hey I wish I was that well connected. I'm Just a pissed off mechanic. Always known something wasn't right though. Only way I would point anyone is to go to denounce the deception and join in Lawful Rebellion(shameless plug, sorry) I have followed you and will keep an eye out for any info we could swap. Cheers me dears! :)

Following you too, so will do the same. I'm in Ireland, and here, this crap just never ends...But you never know: there might be a few connections...
Oh and just one question: It's about the Maddie McCann disappearance. Did you ever believe the stories the parents gave? I've always had the feeling there was much more going on than they told. I'd love to hear your opinion about that.

I noticed on your post you were from the Emerald isle. Looks like you're getting a Trump style wall lol. I'm not sure if anyone can avoid the crazy gang nowadays. What part of Ireland are you from?(don't have to say) I am new to all this but the Maddie thing has always just made me feel sed so I never looked further. I just ignored the msm so it's hard to comment. This might help you though, I forgot to add it to my article. lucky you, you have an @article61 exclusive ;)
Its just a chat forum that I found but it may have some links for you. I found some gems in there. Good luck.

Yes, I'm Dutch but live in Ireland (some say I'm more Irish than Dutch and I certainly feel that way...Nothing to be proud of coming from the Bilderberg group country no. 1) And that wall....yeah, not sure what to make of it. First they cause the war that sends so many refugees into Europe and then they want to build a wall to keep them out of their country...But that's crazy politics for ya. Thanks for the @article61 exclusive. I appreciate it. Will be looking into that first thing in the morning. Oh wait, it's morning lol. Well, time for sleep...Good night to you! And thank you again.

Good night to you too, but I am staying up to watch the cricket ;)
P.S. I lived in Holland for a year back in 2001 you had the Gilder back then, just. I live in HertogenBoshe(prob spelt that wrong) Beautiful country, Bad politics lol. Night.

You were almost right, s'Hertogenbosch is very hard to spell even for us, that's why we short it down to Den Bosch lol. I am actually from Tilburg, about 20 minutes from there :) And bad politics is right, but that's everywhere now...

Forgot the s and added an e serves me right for trying to show off. Den Bosch is a beautiful town. I was there when they had their uutledonk(don't laugh) festival for the south. Every one in fancy dress and I mean everyone!! You Dutch are funny people. I don't think I stopped at Tilburg. I had a short stay in Best. So have you drained the Irish reserve of Mayo? ;)

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