KIDS = PROFIT ( Benefits and Motives )

To give you an idea of how badly I under-estimated this subject would be to say that President Kennedy had a bit of a bit of a splinter...

I have been researching the subject of forced adoption and the system that it works within, for only a month. I will admit that I have been more enthusiastic, in my search for the truth, than most would normally be.

Regardless, the information is still there and the truth is the truth no matter who discovers it.

Please do not be put off by the apparent length of this article, it has many short clips that take up page space, so its not that much reading, really. I've tried to add a little humour along the way too.

Now sit back and enjoy the final part to my KIDS = PROFIT series on steemit

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I have tried to arrange my previous articles around documented facts that I have found on the internet. I have presented this evidence for you and merely added my opinion, but hopefully not in a way that would invalidate the conclusion.

So far, there has been 5 episodes of my 'KIDS = PROFIT' investigation and through this journey I have proved, that the UK's DPP, Andrea Saunders, is an under-qualified, lying, Elitist, at the very least! And I have also laid out the career of, 'Top-Cop', Chris Eyre. In both these reports, no infact. In all of my reports I and those who have read them, found out that the way to reach the highest ranks in any sector of our, vast, Social/Public Services. If you want to succeed, there really is only one rule....Be prepared to lie through your teeth to secure the outcome that will realise your personal ambitions.

For Andrea and Chris, their ambition seems to be to accumulate wealth and to increase their ability to exert authority over others. Both shared similar careers that involved controversy to the highest level, including asbestos cover ups and witheld evidence in many of the biggest cases in the last 50 years (just type in Hillsorough of Madeline McCann and you will find their calling card)Screenshot-2017-12-16 deadly calling card - Google Search.png
Before Police Chief Constable, Chris Ayre, took his cushy new Job in Cyprus, he did manage to join forces with the DDP Andrea Saunders. In my 'VICTIMS' episode we see how the pair have colluded to unlawfully imprison, child abuse survivor and Beechwood home whistle blower, Melanie Shaw, who is presently being held against her will and against the will of many who have protested on her behalf.
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Melanie has been sentenced for two years for holding a MALE paramedic hostage, at her home. Previous to this she had tried to alert authorities to the systemic child abuse and murder, that was being carried out by members of high society. Wealthy business men and public servants, who were using Beechwood care home to traffic and abuse the children who were unlucky enough to find themselves there, Melanie was fortunate enough to have survived her ordeal, but we must never forget that many did not.

If it wasn't for brave people, like Melanie, nobody would ever have found out, articles like this would never have existed.

After the Demon duo had Melanie sectioned under the mental health act and had her child taken into care, they then proceeded to conspire to have her locked up to secure her silence over the Beechwood child abuse scandal.

"You damn right Jules!!" And if you think this is a 'conspiracy theory', please go read through my evidence, this is no theory.

After researching the despicable way our justice system could be perverted, by only 2 individuals, I had to find out more. The story of how they had victimised and silenced Melanie Shaw led me to the door of the SS( Social services ). In this part of my investigation we exposed the link between the child welfare system and in particular the roll played by social workers, in supplying the child trafficking industry with 'fresh meat', through an extremely aggressive policies of social care and oppressive legislation.

It is my own opinion that our secretive government, in alliance with UN Agenda 21/30, have an agenda of depopulation. War is a sure fire way to remove would-be Farthers and the men who have children already, but are yet to pass on good their good morals to their infant offspring.
Many of the Fatherless children are left to make ill-advised life choices and then they become easy prey for part two, of the destruction of society...

Part 2 of this agenda, is to destroy the traditional family structure. Through provocative music, TV and other media, that is available to the ruling class and open to their manipulation, the ideals of chivalry, honour, trust, forgiveness and most importantly honesty, have been slowly eroded.

Marriage is a Vegas fair-ground attraction, Men can now marry Marrows and religion can just butt-out! "what's it gotta do with religion anyway?" People should be allowed to celebrate their love in anyway they want but to change certain principle, to appease misplaced envy, is just ludicrous. Who the F$%k wants to get married in a church anyway? Scary looking places if you ask me. Give me a beach and a ring and you can shove your certificate up your arse! Love is love but nobody needs to shove down others throats, unless they have an agenda...cough, cough, LGBT(P)!

The point I want to make, in this investigation, is that the motive for forced adoption, is to feed the depraved inclinations of a secret community. A community of wealthy pedophiles from around the globe. Once the children are inside the care-system, it is people like Jimmy Savile, who gain 'special access' to these Gulags, through charities and other projects, to procure young children, for pedophiles in high society, to molest and murder without any fear of being caught.

Now this is a disgusting thing to be involved in, so for those who do not partake in the murdering and buggery, they have to be either blackmailed or bought off. Those who have read my spin off article about the Super Bowl 2014 and how it attracted 10,000 prostitutes. Which according to the official investigation, is anything but uncommon. An estimated $93billion in revenue is created through human trafficking, PER YEAR.

So you see there is always plenty of cash and status to be gained, by the likes of Mrs Saunders and adoption agencies like the FCA, who also manage to coin in Millions of £'s every year.

With profit as a first concern, the well being of the child is merely pot luck. Once the child has been put into care, it only opens up new windows for the SS to come creeping through. If child 'A' settles with his/her adopted parents, then that is a tick for the statistics, that will be paraded in-front of the public. But if child 'A' doesn't settle then the possibilities are endless for the prospecting SS agent, that part just depends on the reason, child 'A', gives for her unhappiness... and in the instances where families are torn apart with no good reason given, I would be certain that the child(ren) taken into care, would most certainly be unhappy!! But I doubt the child's pleas, to be returned to her loving home, would fall on sympathetic ears. Not necessarily because the social worker is corrupt. But because they would have been trained to block out any empathetic feelings towards their customers. Even the most kind hearted social worker would have to refuse a request, based on this ever-so-common response. And the social workers who are without soul and/or conscience would probably just laugh in the face, of the sobbing child.

It is a tragic fact that SOME social workers have no interest in a child's well-being, they only want to improve their own prospects.

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The obvious option for Child 'A' is then to make up a more serious reason, one that will ensure the pain goes away, no matter what happens to the family who have adopted the child. Some social workers may be able to stress the consequences enough to the Child, so she retracts her accusation, in which case everyone wins except the child and the disgraced parents.

If the adopting family and the child are unlucky enough to be assigned one of the more target driven social workers, then they are all in grave danger.

A social worker who wants to be seen as a hard worker( or maybe a good earner ) would certainly seize on this kind of opportunity. The stand-in parents, may have Children of their own and with an official complaint, in the hands of an dishonest social worker, they themselves now stand to lose their own children.

And what do you think will happen once the devastated children reach their new home...?

They will feel the same desperation and they will do anything it takes, to get back to that family home....But now we know where that approach leads...

And so the industry moves on and the profits grow higher...

We must also spare a thought for the poor children who find themselves in one of the many abusive homes, that are all too commonly, discovered after it is far too late....Just ask Melanie Shaw...? Oh no you can't, she is locked in a cell for trying to speak out....

" I can assure you that we did no su..."Screenshot-2017-12-1 UK Column News - 30th November 2017(3).png ( DDP, Andrea Saunders)

"Your coming in quite useful Mr Winnfield! Thank you".

"How would you feel about joining the team @familyprotection? We could really use your talents. You think you could find Former Chief Constable, Chris Eyre for us? Someone needs to have a serious word with that guy. So what do you say, do you think you can find him?"

"Yes. He most certainly does..."

Looks like we have a replacement for Tom Selleck, the useless git...

Screenshot-2017-12-16 magnum pi - Google Search.png "God damn to timing mother fucker"

OK, that's quite enough of that. For now.... ;) Lets get back to business!

For Children like Melanie, social workers show the true contradiction in their existence. Any pedophile who is clever enough hide his dark secret, from the scrutiny of the honourable folk at the FCA( As terrible as they are i am sure they must have some vetting process), is obviously going to know all the tricks. This type of deviant won't have to defend him/herself to a social worker, because the child will never complain. By the time the poor child, who is already traumatised from the unnecessary forced adoption, realises they are in danger, the seasoned abuser will have protected himself, as they always do, with mental manipulation. The child will never ever complain, not until they have been completely destroyed, not until they have nothing else to lose. Only then, will they find the courage to come forward. Just ask Melanie Shaw...oh yeah, your not allowed....

But lets not leave this to my, over cynical opinions. Lets hear it directly from the soldiers, out in no mans lands. I say no mans land because these brave soldiers of justice have to fight were nobody is allowed to follow. The Judges, barristers, solicitors, social workers and courtroom 'Experts' are the soldiers the innocent must fight against. These tainted individuals each have their own reasons, for allowing 1000 forced adoptions, PER MONTH! And I will not even try to work out why each one would do such a inhumane act, there will be time for that once justice has been served. What I will do, is expose the system in its entirety. I want to show you how the individual pieces fit together and how they purposely deceive anyone they need to, in order to uphold their judgements.

This process isolates the victims and renders them silent and as a kicker the Crown even see fit to steal the possessions of the most vulnerable, while they are held in mental care units, unaware they are being robbed.

This is the 2012 report on the case of Leonard Lawrence. I will let the report speak for itself...( This particular case was won by the victim, who is now suing those who acted against him).

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Now before I disclose to you, what actually happened to our subject. I will take a moment to remind us all, exactly who this "Mr Justice Adrian Fulford" is...

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Or as Google and the so-called independent media circus, would have you see it...

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Honourable....Hmm, OK... Or is it just more like another knight of the realm, caught jousting in the School playground. A Knighthood really is turning into a Masters degree in pedophilia and people trafficking. Further erosion of our constitution.

So lets get back to the case of Leonard Lawrence and find out what he appealed about, to the most-honourable, Lord Justice Fuller....
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Now I am no expert at reading this kind of document, with its specific terminology. But what I can see, is that this vulnerable person was denied his rights of adequate lawful representation, in a British court of law. Now call me a revolutionary, but isn't that a treasonable offense?? Lets see...

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And for the sake of the seditious folk who doubt the validity of Magna Carta 1215, Article 39 has been upheld in the UK's, Bill of Rights 1689 and in the US Declaration of Independence.

OK, so back to my accusation of Treason, towards the judiciary in this particular case. Lets define the meaning of treason and see for ourselves...

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Yeah I'd say what they did, qualifies as Treason.Screenshot-2017-12-16 funny the hangman - Google Search.pngScreenshot-2017-12-16 you fucked up - Google Search.png

But lets not bring in the hangman quite yet. I haven't nearly finished building my case yet and there is so much more to show you.

Not only were the authorities denying a citizen of the UK, Due process of the law, they were also working together to rob him of his last remaining possessions. It appears that they had committed Leonard to a mental institution on very shaky grounds but that didn't stop them kicking him while he was down...

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But was that really a fair judgement?

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Evidently not.

So you would think that with the reassurance of an internal organisation, like the DWP, that the coarse of the investigation would change dramatically in the favour of Leonard, but of coarse you should know better by now...

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Remember, they never work alone.

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So why all the secrecy and lies?

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Screenshot-2017-12-16 the crown uk - Google Search(1).png "....God save our Noble Queen, God save our Queeeeen!

LA LA LA LA, LEAD US VICTO....giphy.gif

Yep, me to Jules. Me too...And lucky for us, so is Leonard.
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Unfortunately, this is a very rare case of Justice finding it's way out of the swamp. Although this is not an example of Child abuse, it is an example of collusion between authorities to pervert the cause of justice for the financial benefit of the Crown. With the crooks involved all being rewarded with a new rung to climb, on their greasy career ladder.
If you would like to find out why all this happened to Mr Lawrence, please use this link that takes you directly to this report -
( There are lots of Extra pieces of info in the replies section so don't forget to look at those too)

So we have seen how our Social Services collude to steal the property of those they have committed to the crazy-house. But now lets look at how they go about stealing our children.

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To simplify that statement... "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should".

The report continues...

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Sounds like we're gonna need more rope...Dr Van Rooyen must definitely be added to the hangman's list. What a freaky Dutch Bastard he is!! Screenshot-2017-12-16 Gold member - Google Search.png

Looks like Jules is back already... So you sorted out Chris yeah?

Another gobby side-kick, I see. "You'll go the same way as Tom if you keep that up. Now give me one of those Big Kahuna Burgers and come take a look at this"...

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"What do you think about that then, Jules?"

"Not the Burger....I mean the messages!"

" You're supposed to know how to deal with criminals, Jules...So what the plan??"

"I like the enthusiasm! We might just have to tone it down a tad, but don't get rid of your Guns, you never know what we might find out next...."

Have I made my point yet?

Hello reader....? I'm talking to you now. Has the realisation set in yet? Have I shown you enough...?

I wish I could say I have. Unfortunately what you have seen, so far, are the arms and legs of this repugnant business. Most of the limbs I have chosen to mention, merely receive the fresh blood and return it to its owner, blue in colour and drained of life...

But who is this all for? If we are traded like mass produced gorms without the sense to know better, who is receiving the product? I believe I have proven beyond a doubt, that individuals, such as Andrea Saunders and Chris Eyre are willing to cause grave harm to anyone who threatens their wealth and power. But they most likely, are not themselves Pedophiles. Heartless Bastards, yes. Pedophiles? I'm not so sure. What I am sure of, is that we do have a large group of highly predatory pedophiles. I am not talking about the Roy Whitings of this world or almost all of the monsters caught by the on-line group, Pedophile Hunters. They are dark souls who deserve the same punishment. But to be very frank for a moment, they do very little harm, throughout their life-time, when you compare it to the Demons who are the heart and brain of the beast.

This crime is so heinous, that if it was just about money and power, then it would not be as prevalent. Yes we will always have Pedophiles, 4% of humans are said to be classed as a Psychopath/Sociopath. But even with that huge amount, not all of them will be into murderous sex with children. So I will make the accusation, that there are a small minority, who are in it because they choose to be. They enjoy abusing and killing children and they are the reason it has grown into an industry of human trafficking, that generates $93 billion per year in the US alone. They have had to pay big for the silence of the victims and they must have had to get into places of great authority, to be able to fool society the way they have and to be able to bribe, blackmail,seduce or kill anyone with the power to expose them.

The Worst abusers have to be at the top of the pyramid, they have to be the one's pulling the strings and we must accept this if we are to slay this beast...

"With great envy comes equal greed and only greed could sustain such a terrible beast as this."


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I know!! Maybe we should all take a deep breath and count to ten, because I am afraid it only gets worse. 1,2,3,4,5...

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And they say "you couldn't write it...."

"Hey Samuel, did you share a dressing room with Kevin Spacey, going through some lines, eh?"

"Keep your wig on. It was just a joke and we are gonna need a little lift before we get into this next part..."

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For those of you who are not aware, or do not remember, the Dunblane Primary School Massacre. This was both, a false flag operation to remove hand-held guns from UK citizens and a cover up of evidence that would see Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and many more, in prison for a long time, if they are lucky...(High treason still carries the death sentence in the UK :)

So why would the secret services and the UK Government, think it necessary to kill 16 children and a Teacher? What could possibly be worse than the crime itself?

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"Sorry mate, but that's just the tip of the Iceberg, it is worse than your darkest nightmare"

And lets not forget folks, from official statistics quoted in many of my previous articles, there are currently 89,000 children, held within the 'care system' and here are some of the folk who designed it...

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I'm not sure about you but for tonight, I have heard enough. My head and heart can only take so much darkness. The report that I used goes into much more detail and also back and forth through the UK's long history of being ruled by Pedophiles. Great Britain indeed.....

"Jules it's time for you to do you thing"...

I thought he might like that. But hey! The man loves his job, and who doesn't enjoy watching him at work...


It is no surprise to me now that the world is being formed in their image. In the vast majority, we are becoming a society void of morals. We seek instant pleasures to lift us from darkness but it has become apparent that the fantastic technology we have created and the wisdom Humans have managed to gain, has been placed in the wrong hands.

Weather you be black, white, Hindu or Jew, humans when given free will, seek out peace and harmony with the world. Religion and other such ideals have perverted these natural laws, held in every good human. We can be a wonderful species when we come together.

In the past people like you and me have given their lives to secure the liberties future generations. After time, when it was discovered a hand shake could no longer be reliable insurance, our revolutionary ancestors forced their elected officials to abide by a list of simple laws. One of the most important of these is Magna Carta and it is part of our British Common Law of the Land. These laws have been used to reset the balance time and time again. For some reason we have been led to believe these Laws no longer apply, maybe because our Universities stopped teaching Common Law in the 70's(Just before (P)Ed Heath entered the UK into Europe)...I can tell you from endless research that they most certainly do apply and the denial of these fact has not gone unnoticed. There is a good reason I have chosen to call myself @article61 and you would be much-the-wiser if you were to find out why....
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Our once respectable ideal of Law and order has been undermined and the power within our constitution has been taken from the people(And Brexit will not help us as that is all a charade - Check out UK column and find out me on that)

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the evidence I have gathered. There are at least 1000 more children, each month, who appreciate it too. We can all take a breath and come back armed with the evidence to present to your local Police station - IT IS THERE LAWFUL DUTY TO ACT ON ANY EVIDENCE PRESENTED TO THEM -(From experience I know you will get little response, in my Town at least. But we can only use the tools we have in our possession)

Much love to @markwhittam & the rest of the team behind @familyprotection. Thank you for giving us this platform, truly legendary.

There are lots more voices that need to be heard. I can only report on a fraction of what is going on. So don't forget to check out @familyprotection and all the great profiles they promote.

And don't worry it's not all as dark as this. We do have solutions too. :)

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You may not agree with a Monarchy of any kind, I know I don't, but our laws have a 'get out clause' and we need to stand under article61 to realise its true power. My own opinion is, we use the tools we have to reset the balance and then create a totally new constitution, one on a much higher level than where we are now. I very much doubt I will be around when that day arrives, but man, I'm gonna try my best to ensure it does happen.

Come join the solution at

PTYAY steem image.jpg

Rebel Dan Screenshot-2017-12-16 lawful rebellion - Google Search.png


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes.

Funds are being raised so that in the future we can help families fight the system and stay together. Your UPVOTE of this comment will support this cause.

Thank you @article61 for supporting @familyprotection

ooow Tarantino !
my one number movie director

The gift that keeps giving. Glad you liked it, bud.

Absolutely amazing wealth of information in this post! I have reason to suspect that the family court system intentionally disregards the parent's side of an investigation, especially if the parent gives the court information that would lead any reasonable, critically thinking person to decide not to place a child in a specific foster home, say in the case of a known pedophile. Instead of investigating these foster homes, where abuse is prevalent the child is left to basically fend for himself the best way he can, which is more often than not, barely at all. I cannot fathom how any self respecting person could allow child abuse to continue and do nothing to stop it. It is horrendous how these agencies and the court system is ruining human lives especially those who are innocent.

Cheers me dears, good to see people are enjoying this as I was worried it may be a bit too long. It is every bit as bad as I make out. Not to say there are not a lot of normal scenario's. It seems they target the poor and vulnerable.Thank you for the support.

No, you did a perfect job of piecing the parts together so that people such as myself don't have to run all over the internet searching endlessly for much needed details. I think you're correct in saying that these agencies go after families in poverty stricken areas who are likely not able to afford to defend themselves in court. You're welcome, supporting a great cause is never an issue with me!

great theme friend , good luck

have a nice day

Thanks buddy that is nice of you to say. Glad you enjoyed it.

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