2018 will see the implematation of new tactics for the CPS and it doesn't look good...

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After seeing the horrific video and reading about the poor Romanian family, ripped apart by European CPS, I have made it a priority to do some more digging to help expose this terrible industry for what it truly is. This report by @ladyrebecca is a tough read but the truth needs to be said, no matter how horrifying. Please find the time to read through this report.

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For those who have already read the report above, you will know why it is so important to keep speaking out and giving exposure to these isolated families who have to risk everything, when they decide to 'go public' and cry out for help.

So for this reason, I have cleared tonight's diary and my thinking cap is ready to go.

I will begin this investigation by stating a very sad observation. Whenever I decide to start an investigation, it always surprises me how easy it is to find someone or something, to investigate. At first, I thought I was just getting lucky and by the time I was on my 3rd report, I began to believe I had been, somehow, equipped with a special turd radar. Unfortunately, neither is true. After writing several articles about the Child welfare system, it has become painfully obvious that the reason I always manage to find these horror stories is because it is happening on a level I never could have imagined.

It has become apparent that looking for Child abusers, is like looking for a needle in a crack house. No need for a radar, a blind man could see what is happening here.

Child abuse sustains the appetites of a sick society of Pedophiles, who use money and power to employ tactics of infiltration,bribery,murder and worst of all, social conditioning to allow the normalization of children being seen as sexual icons. A plan that begins with this...Screenshot-2017-12-28 manga - Google Search.png Then it starts to turn to this..Screenshot-2017-12-28 rude manga sex robot porn - Google Search.png Slowly getting more and more twisted...Screenshot-2017-12-28 rude manga sex robot porn - Google Search(1).png And I mean twisted...Screenshot-2017-12-28 sex dolls scandal - Google Search.png Until we eventually end up with this being normal...Screenshot-2017-12-28 sex dolls scandal - Google Search(1).png How have we allowed this?

WE HAVEN'T! It has been forced upon us and shoehorned into society. By a government who earn taxes from people who think that this sick industry is worth investing millions of $$ in?

Put as simply as I can ( for my own benefit, not because I think your wouldn't understand ) These high-ranking pedophiles are using public services, to corrupt the Family unit and give them an ever increasing supply of broken children.

The Children who are taken into the care system have a very high chance of being abused while 'in care' and the thousands who are desperate enough to run away, are most likely to end up on the streets, becoming easy prey for pimps and abusers on the black market.

The folk who facilitate this, are doing so for various reasons. Some could be seen as innocent, because of ignorance, or fear. But those kind of employees won't last long, as a child welfare officer. I have heard, first hand information of how superiors use disciplinary actions against Social workers who do not tow-the-line. I will show you evidence to back up this claim once we get into the 'meat n potatoes' of this rambling article. In fact, lets bring out the latest example, of systemic child trafficking, I have managed to dig up...

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I found this report hidden in a link, at the bottom of an article by the Guardian, one I had picked out to read among many others in order to start my latest article. As usual I struck gold straight away, but that wasn't until I had cleared away the debris from this explosive report. At first glance, this, is how they want to promote this pioneering change in the way Social workers interact with Families in their case files.
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Don't they look a caring bunch? Hmm, Spider-sense, tingling....

But lets look at what these, apparent, do-gooders have to say.
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"truly broke the mould".... Now this, I have to see.

So what exactly have the Hertfordshire, 'Family Safeguarding team', been up to that has earned the bold exclamation that, "Families and Children are healthier and happier".

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Before we go any further, I want to bring to your attention a very telly omission within that last screenshot.

I quote, “If you call on a parent because you’ve had a concern expressed about the care of their children, then they have a vested interest in lying to you, so you don’t take their children away,” says Williams

So according to the, Child welfare, "expert". You are considered guilty from the beginning and anything you say that contradicts the social workers claims, will automatically be (mis) judged and documented, as a lie...

The report will be filed as such and because of staffing shortages, it will probably be handed to someone else who has no prior knowledge. This social worker will already have a document, that casts unfounded suspicion, on the parent(s) under observations by the CPS.

Great start for 'team-child-snatcher', don't you think? What a divisive attitude to uphold, no wonder a 1000 children a month are being forcibly taken into care.

But lets not judge this whole issue on one persons perception, however poisonous it may be. Let's look a little deeper, because within this, guardian, report, are claims of huge savings and astronomical effects on the levels of repeat offenders. So maybe I have this all wrong and it is the start of a knew, ethical, family orientated social services...(The fact that this project has been funded by the Government make me not want to hold my breath)

After lines and lines of boastful claims, which you can read yourself as I have no wish to spread their manure, I have finally found the part of the article that tells us what has been changed, to create such unbelievable results(unbelievable being the operative word)
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Screenshot-2017-12-28 Guardian Public Service Awards 2017 overall winner Hertfordshire county council(5).png
Screenshot-2017-12-28 Guardian Public Service Awards 2017 overall winner Hertfordshire county council(6).png

Well we have heard all about Williams style of sympathy, so I can only imagine her deceitful intentions, when interviewing a completely innocent, unsuspecting, parent.
And I am not about to ignore the giant red flag, that is government funding. I will tell you now that the huge sums, of taxpayers money, going to fund this project, will go directly to companies who supply the knew technology, that is being trialed in this modernisation of the CPS.

I think it is time to leave the Guardians sewage farm. I have bit my lip long enough and I can take no more of their blatant lies. This will be the very reason that they mention the official report, with an attention to detail akin to that of the corrupt Family court judges. This report, when studied in detail, shows the exact opposite of the, Family loving, morally upstanding, respectable charity, the Guardian wishes to portray. So with that being known, the Guardian have purposely tried to mislead us. Surprise, surprise...

So let's take a look for ourselves, at these "moving testimonies". The phrase itself can have both good and bad connotations and from what I already know about the Guardians integrity, I fear that the comment has been taken out of context...

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Screenshot-2017-12-28 Stat guidance template - Family_Safeguarding_Hertfordshire pdf(8).png

For those who aren't fluent in this ancient Orwellian language, I will now translate the above passages as simply as possible.

This knew project focuses on 3 separate, social service, offices. It will collect data at 3 points, beginning at implementation(T1), then reviewed again at the half way point(T2) and finally at the end of the study period(T3).

Screenshot-2017-12-29 mumra - Google Search(1).pngBEGIN TRANSLATION - We are now using employees from various social services to interrogate/intimidate you in your own home and we are collecting the private and supposedly confidential health records of anybody we can, especially those who have had past dealings with us. We feel the need to re-open old wounds/cases and re-evaluate every single case we have, under the knew 'terms and conditions'.

We will be asking vague and misleading questions that can be manipulated to suit our ultimate agenda of laundering money and children, to criminal organizations for vast profits. We have already given hundreds of thousands of pounds, to our friends/associates over at the, ran for profit, MI training college. But don't worry, it is a tried and tested method that will rake in millions of pounds in revenue and black market investments. Here, let me give you a little run-down of what MI training involves...

The MI training is a fantastic form of mind manipulation. It would otherwise be known as 'Diversity sensitivity' training, but there are too many people who have realised it is a technique similar to that used by the armed forces. You break the person down piece by piece and then rebuild them, in your image. The Army carry this out on a physical level but in this instance, it is used in a psychological way. The technique involve asking the participants to talk about there problems and their personal issues. After a sympathetic acknowledgement, of the persons flaws has been accepted by everyone in the room, the process then pretends to find the 'real' reason for why the accused is such a bad parent. The training given is not in how to listen to the woes and moans of your target, but to know how to manipulate the conclusion. The social workers using this 'new' technique will be primed and ready to steer victim into a fake reality and convince them of their own bad parenting.

Once this has been achieved, the inept parent(s) will be at our mercy. By their own admissions, we will be able to bend them, this way and that way, until they can bare no more!! MU HU HA HA HAAAAA!! Oh how devious we are...

But as we always expect a certain level of 'resistance' from any of our cases, we have beefed up our security. The welfare of our social worker is very important and for those who regularly hit their quotas, they will find that there is no limit to the amount of protection they can receive form 'Big Brother'. Once part of the inner circle, our agents are infallible and have complete immunity to any kind of recourse. To help our forced adoptions to go smoothly and to help cause as little trauma as possible, to our employees that is, we have allowed you to use health service workers, who will pretend to be on your side but really they are their to back up any doubts a lonely social worker might have. I mean just look at the possibilities!! If the social worker can't create a reason for us to steal the targets children, then the health worker can, or maybe if that doesn't work we can call in the drugs councilor to convince you of your utterly pathetic existence.

To put it bluntly, we hold all the aces. We have all the keys to all the doors and we decide who goes in and out of the Gulags. Screenshot-2017-12-29 mumra - Google Search.png - END TRANSLATION

Not a bad evaluation, if I do say so myself and one that every family, who is unfortunate enough to come into contact with the CPS, must be made aware of.

So far it seems that the CPS have created the pedophile equivalent of the Batman symbol in the sky.

Child-Catchers!! Assemble!!

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For myself, this seems a reasonable concept and if my suspicions are correct, then many of the health workers, will be fooled into thinking they are helping someone.

At the same time, the vulnerable parent, who believes a new approach is being rolled out, will fall for the trap and give vital information to the health worker. In-turn the health worker, whether honest or not, will have no choice but to give up this confidential information to the, salivating, social worker.

Please pay attention to this information. The social services will be using these tactics, mark my words.
And do not forget that they have cast their net, to the past, as well as the future.

It seems the government is interested in historic abuse after all, just not their own....Screenshot-2017-12-29 melanie shaw - Google Search.png

Those who follow my work will know that I have the evidence to back up my claims. I do not wish any of my reports to be catagorised as, "The rantings of an angry man".

I am here to show you the information that is supposed to be public knowledge and wipe my bum-crack with the most valuable part of the Guardians report(that's if they still sell a paper-back version of their fairy-tales).

Although this report tries it's best, to disguise the truth, it has to adhere to some form of impartiality. Because of this inconvenience, you and I, can pick out the truths and the lies from this report.

Fortunately for you, the reader, I have done some of the hard work for you. I will proceed to show you some of the more telling parts of this evaluation.

Before I do, I would invite you to investigate this report yourself as it is more than I can handle in one night. As with all of my articles, I am typing this report as I investigate. This has always helped to focus my aim on those who are new to this, like myself. (if you were to read all of my articles, which are relatively few, you would know as much as I do about this subject, so please feel free to join in. I am no expert, just a mechanic with a knack for breaking things down).

My first example is one that exposes the way in which a good idea can be ruined by bad technology and how Taxpayers money can be given to companies who have no desire to supply a working product

It's almost as if this thing has been set up to fail?

So what do you think? With all you know about systemic corruption, is there anyone who can prove this isn't so...?

I know exactly what the main-stream zombie citizen would say...

"These services are there to protect children and the social worker, who's job it is to protect children, are saints. They are as noble and necessary as our emergency services, how can you possibly doubt them?"

Erm...I think you might want to look at these incriminating pieces of information, before you go buy the listening to the Guardian again.

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Screenshot-2017-12-29 Stat guidance template - Family_Safeguarding_Hertfordshire pdf(2).png

I mean how does anyone gain any kind of optimism from from this project, when we are allowed to see this kind of information....

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I hope that the amount of possibilities, listed above, does not pass you by for what it really represents?

How can any parent defend there family, against so many different angles of attack. And I would love to know who has the God-given right to dictate what is right and wrong, at such an invasive and personal level. I would personally question anybody who accepts a wage from the government. It is common knowledge, however much some folk choose to ignore it, that the UK government, as well as most others, are corrupt beyond repair and taking a wage from them should be considered the same as working for Al Capone himself. Blood-money. No more, no less.

If the obvious over-reach, of the social services, is not enough to convince you to be, at least, wary of the CPS, then maybe you should bare in mind that there are always two sides to every story..

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As you can see, the figures have changed drastically, in the favour of my argument. But then again, this is from the mouths of lying parents( As stated in the notes made after the 1st phone call. Social workers like Williams are, evidently, trained to assume guilt, remember?)

To cut a long story, a little shorter. This whole report is another piece of government propaganda, that has the agenda of perpetuating the child slave trade.

The way I see things, this 'INDEPENDENT' review, tells one very important story and it is a very harrowing one, especially for our future generations...

With this new style of interrogation being introduced, it brings with it some very dangerous caveats.

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But if all that goes over your head a little, maybe this will make their intentions crystal clear...

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As I said earlier, I will prove to you that within the social structure of any social service department, there is a culture of fear and relentless drive forward, regardless of human costs.

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The social workers may be protected, but it appears nobody is sacred.

One of the things that worried me the most about this report, is something that almost passed me by. I will give them their due respect, they did well to cover this in smoke and mirrors.

If what I think is happening, is actually true. We are all in big trouble...

Throughout this government funded, 'INDEPENDANT', review,(on the subject of a government funded project...No conflict of interest there. Noooo, not at all...) I have noticed the inclusion of some kind of electronic workbook, that has been, expensively, incorporated into the social workers toolkit. Don't worry this isn't what almost passed me by. They made this part quite obvious. Although the exact functions of this device, seemed to cast a enigmatic shadow, over its true purpose. Very little detail is given on how this device aids the social worker. We can safely assume that it is supposed to streamline the industry somehow.

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My guess is that this, innocently named, 'workbook' helps to process the data, collected by field agents. You know how 'Big Brother' likes the idea of allowing machines to make decisions for us. Why trust an irrational and emotionally clouded Human being. when you can get the, razor sharp, emotionally void, judgement of a machine?

From the comment below, I can only assume that the 'Workbook', has a set of vague and possibly divisive questions, that have given those who use them, cause for concern.

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t once answered will then be fed into this computer. Regardless of who has set the parameters, to determine what is a 'good ' or 'bad' answer, If the data is entered and the machine returns a verdict of guilty

But it was this small section of the report that set the sirens ringing, full volume...

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Those last three lines should send shivers down the spine of every @familyprotection regular. If you think that the Family courts and the whole child welfare system is unaccountable now, then you just wait until they relieve themselves of all responsibility and pass all family court judgements over to a computer, that has been constructed with the narrowest of margins for success(where the family unit is concerned).

As my evidence has shown. Under the new system, with all of their collaborated efforts, the number of offenses has been increased, to snare those who are normally too whiley to be caught.

Once it comes to the point where all a social worker has to do, is produce a computer printout in order to fulfill the requirements set by the Family courts, to obtain a forced adoption order. At that point we may have lost the last possible hope, that someone inside the family court will defend the true essence of Child welfare and give families a tiny chance of justice. But once Human interaction has been completely removed from, not only a court hearing but a home visit too, the battle will be lost and violence will prevail.

I do not promote violence but I have the same rights as any free animal of planet earth. Raising Children is the most important thing in life, without it, there is no life. It is one of the last spiritual connections we have to our higher selves and those who want to oppress us wish to strip us of it all. We would be crazy not to be prepared for conflict if this carries on the way we all expect.

Modern technology has allowed the realisation of complete automation, of everything imaginable. From the pollination of flowers to the creation of intelligent lifeforms, robotics and AI has truly entered the stage.

The need for human physical contact has become obsolete and so too has the family unit. To those in power, any good form of emotional connection is to be deemed a waste of energy, time and resources.

I hope you can take the information I have supplied and use it, to prepare yourself.

Whether you are in the grasp of the CPS, or you know someone who is thinking of contacting them, please prepare yourself from these conspirators and warn anybody who is thinking of letting these monsters through the door.

Please support the work promoted @familyprotection. They have created the page to highlight issues like these from all around the world. Please show them your love and remember you can always send some dollar their way through the transfer feature inside your wallet :)

I will soon be announcing the arrival of @team-solutions to help promote all of the positive things we can do in order to make the world and our own lives, a little bit better. So please keep an eye out for that and help me promote some goodness to Steemit.

I will leave it there for now.


Rebel Dan

Sources -
1 - https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/625400/Family_Safeguarding_Hertfordshire.pdf

2 - https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/nov/29/guardian-public-service-awards-2017-overall-winner-hertfordshire-county-council

3 - all image stills sourced from google images.


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @article61 for supporting @familyprotection

Thanks man. They most certainly could be. A lot smarter than we give them credit for though.

a very interesting article

Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for the support.

The powers that be (call them what you wish)have intentionally chosen to push an agenda down the throats of families and peoples. The enemy will not stop. He may back down or put on another mask and costume. But he wants control. This enemy has taken over main line media, the political parties(Both) (No you do not have a choice politically as they both work for the same boss), the education system, the social services, your government, part of the health care system and so much more. You may have noticed a shift over the decades from states sovernity to national sovereignty. That was done on purpose. It is easier for THEM to control on a national or global basis than allowing states rights. We need to go back to states, counties and cities having more power. We need to reduce the power of social workers. And we need to fight these bastards and make them powerless over our children, our families our lives. WE NEED TO BE THE RUTHLESS ONES WITH GOD'S HELP WE WILL SUCCEED. AMEN.

Well said brother! Absolutely spot on and I can not agree more with your suggestion to go back to more local forms of autonomy. Catalonia are going through this at the moment, but as you have stated, all parties are corrupt so I see only one out-come for the people of Catalonia. The EU has already put measures in place to stop people from leaving the EU. Global control through a global government. I was going to mention this in the article but deleted it. I strongly believe that national government and all local services are being portrayed as either useless or at best, bumbling idiots. I think this is part of a psy-op to remove our trust in national government, allowing to rise in support for a one world government.
Thanks for your support, always enjoy reading your comments.

Thank-You for sharing such a useful information

No problem at all. I am happy that this has been so well received.
Thank you for your support.

is a complete lecture
great post for knowledge @article61

lol I try my best to keep it as short as possible, but it is very hard not to get carried away. It would go on forever if it wasn't for the amount of stuff that gets cut out. Thanks for your support.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

Anticipating @team-solutions. Thanks for writing in

Thank you and you can have an exclusive update. @team-solution was confirmed to be verified, last night :)
Am going to prep the page and introduce it hopefully tonight :)

The governing bodies need to keep us weak and submissive because in that way we are easier to control. From there they take our freedom of choice away, whilst trying to convince us that they have our best interests at heart. But we are more and more becoming a global community and our voices are starting to be heard. Keep up the great work @article61

Excellent comments, thank you. It is all done under the disguise of a good cause and this makes it hard when trying to convince folk of the puppet show they see.
Unfortunately this topic needs all the help it can get. I never realised it was like this.

So sorry I only got to read your post today and thanks for your kind words.
As usual, you make an excellent case - must take a lot of patience to get through some many sources.. and hours of work!
Reading through the criteria these CPS guys judge a family, it's basically guaranteed they find something against you... just think how many people face some financial difficulty at some point!? how does that make you a bad parent?
And the scariest part is that 'presumed guilty' which is contrary to the way the judiciary system operates. No matter what allegations have been made against you and by whom, you're guilty until you can prove yourself innocent...if you can...

That is exactly the point I was trying to make here. Your comment has put a big smile on my face because of that. It is, just an open book. And as soon as they press a button on their new Electronic work book, that's it, you're done for. No need for a judge or jury, the infallible computer system has made the decision and taken all responsibility away from these crooks. It's a very scary reality to live in. We are being programmed to love computers at the moment, it's been going on for a while now, but films that have been made over the last 5-10 years have been heavily centered around relationships with robots/computers in one form or another. In fact you have just made me think of my next article :)

Thank you for the compliments, that means a lot. It does take a lot of time and effort and it is nice to know people appreciate that. It's just lucky I don't need much sleep :P

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