This is my family. I found it all on my own - 20th September 2018

Federal Funding Provides Incentives for States to Take Children Away from Families Even When No Abuse is Present

The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) laid the foundation for families such as Sarah Carter’s to be torn apart


When Child Protective Services (CPS) takes children from a loving, non-abusive family, the parents, and sometimes grandparents, aunts, and uncles, often seek out information about what is happening. Many gravitate toward groups on social media that provide education and support for those fighting CPS for their children.

As the confused parents try to sort out the information and learn how to get their children back, one question dominates their search: How can this happen in America?

It isn’t long before they will hear of ASFA – the Clintons’ Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997, which provides billions of federal dollars to states to place children in foster care and adopt them out to strangers. Parents quickly learn that ASFA is one of the most destructive pieces of legislation to ever impact American families. Activists and parents alike are calling for it to be abolished.

For the history and the laws, please read:

My comment:

The Law (CAPTA) has to be re-authorsed every few years (usually every 4 to 6 years). Start fighting it from now. Let your State and Federal representatives know that you want the total CAPTA system to be re-though, so that families are protected from those who are meantot be protecting them. Also, there must be very strong laws that anyone conspiring or causing children to be taken from their families without strong and serious reason, they can personally be sued and held accountable jointly with their Department, plus all who worked with them in taking children from their families - children they had no right to. There must be prison time, but also heavy financial penalties.

Are you willing to help fight against what is happening to the children of other families - or must it first happen to you?

Another Important QUOTE:

Mandatory Reporting

Wexler points out some of the more harmful provisions of CAPTA:

CAPTA encourages states to enact mandatory reporting laws requiring certain professionals to report child abuse, despite the fact that there was then — and is now — no evidence that they actually reduce child abuse, and many of those who once championed such laws now have second thoughts. (Source.)

Health Impact News has noted that mandatory reporters often have the idea that they need to report any possible slight sign of abuse “just to be on the safe side” in order to protect their own licences, under the notion that Child Protective Services will investigate the case and that innocent parents will be exonerated.

It is clear from hundreds of cases investigated by Health Impact News that this is not the case.

Any report simply opens the door for CPS social workers to come into a family. If they decide they want to take the child, if they want funding for the children, or if they have an adopter that they want to find a child for, the evidence doesn’t seem to matter.

Though the “Right to Lie” by social workers was struck down last year by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, the ruling has had little effect on the day-to-day practice of social workers throughout the country.


Judges Reject Claim That Social Workers Didn’t Know Lying In Court to Remove Children Was Wrong ( )

Is the heart of all children special to you? Then look at how you can fight back, to stop this abuse of power by people who do not care for or love children. In many ways, what they do is JUST AS EVIL as what the worst of Paedophiles do.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

20th September, 2018

  • posted on Steemit 20th September, 2018

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