Mom wants kids back

My friend posted in family protection and I checked out the tag to see stories that kind of break your heart.

As a First Nations person there's not shortage of people fighting the system trying to get their kids back; which is a hugely uphill battle that you need lawyers and courts for.

Even more so, I meet lawyers for legal aid all the time discussing they need more funds because they can't help everybody that needs.

Which is why I'm happy to see this tag. I'm litterally in my own court fight against my band office because we found the chief and council embezzleing money meant for the members.

The woman in charge of family services, Victoria Peters, appointed herself the head of services and one of the ways she keeps people from standing up to her is holding their kids over them... while she takes the money meant for them.

But that's my story and I'm dealing with it.

What I want to bring your attention to is a young lady I follow on twitter... I don't know her, I just know her story and that she's polite when I ask questions about her situation.


Tamara fights for native rights in her community but hit a roadblock last year when social services took her kids.

I recommend that people track her down and follow what she's going through; and I hope, my open based on some of what I've read is there's now an organization that can help.

I say this not knowing for sure, I found the main posting group but who do I send links to or twitter accounts?

That side... her Christmas sucked. She wasn't allowed to see her kids unless she promised not to tweet.

She was asked about drinking and had her place checked over and over again; she was given wrong times and had times changed.

But the one that bothers me the most is this...


Who would ask if there's booze at a sweat.

I'm not spiritual, I don't believe in God and I don't talk to trees... but at least I have enough respect to know that there's no booze at a sweat.

There's booze in church.

That aside. She doesn't drink. She's a spiritual person and she doesn't drink for a good reasons... it's against her beliefs and how she lives her life.


Why keep asking?

See... now I'm mad... I don't know her but her story makes me angry; this to see your kids at Christmas.


Wait till I tell you what's going on with the 60's scoop.


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @andrewgenaille for supporting @familyprotection.

Hi, you're actually the organization or group I was referencing; I was wondering if you have a website or listing.

Honestly... people like you are needed.

It is just two of us here from Steemit that are running this initiative. Myself and @markwhittam
You can listen to us both being interviewed, right after we started this.

And you both are doing excellently well.

it seems like many of them just like to harass and cause trouble until trouble is made. Almost a bait and switch. You would think they have a quota to make or they were being paid by commission. Shame on them. Absolutely no conscience or moral fabric to these workers. Thanks for sharing.

I have to agree with that.

I've been arguing with people on twitter and watching other arguements from people who used to work in the system. They like to defend the system by saying it's just power mad people on the front lines with egos... but we keep pointing out the system should be fixed to get those kinds out.

Right now the do have absolute power over the kids... absolute corrupts absolutely.

thanks a lot for your kind post...

Thank you for putting this on steemit and in particular, @familyprotection.
I will certainly look into this case myself, this sounds a terrible case and such sad consequences. My thoughts go out to her. Any links would be appreciated.

I'll go look for her twitter account link, but it's just her name; New event the other day as her 15 yr old son just started his twitter account. She has the link as well... you get to hear the events from his perspective.

I have found a few web pages and have put together a post, its on my profile page and has a pic of Tamara, so you can't miss it. This story is very worrying because of the background and it being an obvious revenge attack. We have a lady from my town who has been imprisoned for trying to speak out, her name is Melanie Shaw. I will come back to this story as it is ongoing and she sounds like she could do with any kind of help.

This is awful. I do not approve of what this people are doing to families.

Yeah. I'm a big believer that the cases need to get in front of judges for deep review or looked at by the auditor general.

Sort of a believer. Three judges in the last six months in Canada had to step down for making racist statements against First Nations.

So complete overhaul of the system... by a good person.


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @thethreehugs

I am appalled that in this day and age of enlightenment we still find ignorant and biased people. To even ask such questions just blow my mind. Who protects the families from these people?

So far... not many protectors.

Her lawyer doesn't say much publically but she says he works tirelessly and sometimes free. People like him needed to be held up more. :-)

n my country, in December, 30 children were not allowed to travel to meet their parents outside of Venezuela, although they were taken out of the country with their respective documents in order. I have remembered it for not allowing the twitter girl to be with her children

Yeah. Kids are the most innocent elements in our world... sucks how people treat them

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