A day to remember: Our family’s journey in the beating of the bounds..

in #familylast month (edited)


On June 8th, our family had the incredible opportunity to take part in a tradition that has shaped the heart and soul of Llantrisant for centuries. The Beating of the Bounds, an event steeped in history and community spirit, is performed every seven years, dating back to the mid-1300s. This year, we joined our fellow villagers to walk the 7.5 miles around the parish boundary—a journey that was as meaningful as it was memorable.

The day began with a sense of excitement and anticipation. We gathered in the early morning light, our children clutching their willow wands, ready to mark the boundary stones just as generations before us had done. The Freemen of Llantrisant led the procession, their presence a living link to our village's storied past.


As we set off, the air was filled with the hum of conversations and the laughter of children. We walked through fields and woodlands, up hills, and along ancient paths. The landscape, lush and green with the arrival of summer, provided a beautiful backdrop to our journey. Each step we took felt like a step back in time, a way to connect with the history of our village and the people who have walked this path before us.


One of the most touching moments was when we paused at each boundary stone. The children, wide-eyed with curiosity, watched as the Freemen demonstrated the traditional marking of the stones. It was a simple yet profound act, reminding us of the importance of community and the shared responsibility of preserving our heritage.

The walk, though long, was punctuated with stories and shared experiences. We met neighbors we hadn't seen in a while and made new friends along the way. The sense of togetherness was palpable, and by the time we completed the 7.5-mile route, our legs were tired but our hearts were full.


The Beating of the Bounds is more than just a walk; it’s a celebration of Llantrisant’s history and a testament to the enduring spirit of its people. Participating in this ancient ritual with our family was a powerful reminder of the importance of community, tradition, and the bonds that tie us to our past.


As we returned home, we felt a deep sense of pride and connection to our village. This day will forever be etched in our memories, not just as a historical event, but as a cherished family experience. We look forward to the next Beating of the Bounds, knowing that we are now part of a tradition that will continue to thrive for generations to come.


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