A Beginners Attempt to Crochet Pinkie Pie!!!

in #family7 years ago (edited)

I'm not quite sure how or why, but I decided to make M a Pinkie Pie hat. She loves to play ponies and she also loves to dress up. I figured a hat might be easier than a whole costume!!

My Little Pony is life in our house and Pinkie Pie is my daughter's favourite. She has the stuffed animals and the little plastic ones with the ridiculous manes that matt up after 5 minutes of play! To be fair it isn't the worst cartoon for her to love, they each have a broadly good message and friendship and teamwork usually save the day!

I am very much a beginner when it comes to crochet, but I found a pattern and set to work. Top Tip- If you are unsure of a stitch or technique, there are a lot of youtube videos where you can crochet the stitch alongside them and pause!

First I made the hat part. It was actually surprisingly easy, mostly using only one stitch (hdc/half double crochet). I had to be careful to keep count though!!

I borrowed my husbands eBay head model to check sizing and the shape as I went. Most of my crochet time happens to coincide with naptime ;)

Pinkie Pie has a mass of curls, they were actually not too challenging to make once I memorized the pattern of stitches.

Except I had to make 15 in total!

Next up were the ears, the nose and the eyes. The eyes were the most challenging part for me. I am new to reading patterns and the pattern was not repeated like with the other parts. They are not perfect, but I think they were as close as I could achieve as a beginner. Maybe as I crochet more and learn to read the patterns and the techniques I will make another pony.

As I began sewing all the pieces together it really began to look like Pinkie Pie.

M was very excited by the finished hat :) her face lit up and she wore it to play. I feel pretty proud of my achievement. I am always a little ambitious in my projects, but this time it worked out! This is only my second ever crochet project so to me it is awesome!!!

My husband asked me to make him a hat...watch this space because you dont want to miss it!!!


Oh, my goodness, how cute! I am a huge fan of crochet and have crocheted many hats, scarves, blankets and pot holders, but I have a much harder time doing more intricate stuff like this!
Good job, mama!

Thank you so much. I would love to see some of your creations sometime too. This pattern was deceptively easy as it was mostly either single crochet or half double crochets, so you just had to make sure you counted the numbers right. The eye was the only really tricky part. I have a million things I want to make, now I feel motivated to try some more!

Crocheting can be addicting! I spent the last half of my first pregnancy crocheting! I think I made at least eight blankets, haha! There are so many possibilities!

Hello @thriftymum!!! I too am a homemaker and I homeschool all of my children. I LOVE crochet everything lol! This Pinkie Pie hat turned out really really Cute! It doesn’t look like this was only your second crochet project! Very nice job and I love the curlies!!!!

I have made an initiative here on Steemit to get the needlework arts to fill up the blockchain. We have a growing community of crafters that share their creations while supporting and inspiring others. Every Monday we post our creations under the tag #NeedleWorkMonday. I would love for you to share your work with us as you journey off into more crochet projects. If you would like you can click on the tag now and see the crafts that were shared last week. Any craft involving a needle is welcome :)

I hope to see you on Monday’s!! 😃

I checked out #needleworkmonday and I love how you guys not only share your amazing creations, but aim to spread love throughout the community with your giving projects. I will definitely check back in and hopefully participate as much as I can. I am currently making my husband a hat, that hopefully will be finished in time to share tomorrow, as well as a quilt and a crocheted blanket- for one day in the future!

How many children do you have? The idea of homeschooling is quite new to me, but more and more of my friends here in America do it. I used to teach First Grade/Kindergarten in England and loved it. So I do a lot of preschool play based learning with my daughter.

The curlies were my favourite part too. I have curly hair and so does my daughter and she keeps saying Pinkie Pie has curls like her!!

Thank you for checking out the initiative! It feels really good when you can use your skills to give to others. I look forward to having you join us!

Oh and don’t worry if the hat is not finished by tomorrow. We like seeing projects in progress! It makes it even more exciting seeing the finished product :) You did great taking the process pictures in this post, you can do the same when posting on Monday’s too. It’s fun to see how a project came together.

We have 4 children ages 1, 4, 6 and 7! We are currently expecting again this June! So we will soon be a family of 7!! I have been homeschooling since my oldest was 2 doing preschool things with her. I like the freedom in it and that I can control what my children are learning. Before I homeschooled I taught in many daycares. It hit me that these parents are away from their kids the majority of the day and the kids spend more time with teachers than their own parents. I didn’t want that when I had kids. I wanted to be there to see every milestone and be their guiding them from the beginning.

Wow so you taught in England? I bet that was quite the experience! 😃 So are you just trying it out or have you decided you will be homeschooling her for sure?

Aww congratulations 💗 my friend had her 7th child when I has my second (we were 2 weeks apart) and I love the dynamics between her kids, they were all so sweet with mine too.

I know what you mean about daycare, it is so hard. We are fortunate that we can afford for me to stay home. My husband has suggested more than once that I homeschool and while I feel very confident for the first 5-6 years of schooling, middle and high school I am not sure I would be the best teacher for all the subjects. I am English, so American schooling is all new to me too! It's something I am interested in learning more about, but I haven't decided either way yet! For now we do learning activities as part of everyday life, as she gets older we will see!

It is a basic hat so it is oretty much done, just a few details to sew on and ends to tie in 😀 next I am going to do a ripple blanket.

Thank you!!! We are excited!! Never knew I would have a big family like this.

I definitely understand that. It’s a good thing your daughter is still young and you have the time to research it more.

Oh cool! I’m looking forward to seeing this ripple blanket! 😃

Such a cute hat... You are a natural!

Thank you 😀 that is so sweet.

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