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RE: Staycation Chicago - Museum of Science and Industry

in #family7 years ago

The place was pretty empty being that all of Chicago and most of the suburbs still had school and their break didn't start until next Monday. Our district was smart and used Thurs and Fri before spring break for parent teacher conferences so the break turns into almost 2 full weeks as they get the Monday after Easter off also.

On a normal weekend or day during a break the place is packed. So honestly I'm not sure if more people is something they are wanting to achieve. But maybe at a lower price and using online ticketing with a max number of tickets per day they could achieve some sort of balance. Or maybe during the week on non peak times cut the price by even 30% to increase traffic and give some other people a chance to go that might not otherwise be able to afford it.

Now it's funny about the Fairy Castle, my Wife swears that my working from home has "corrupted" her little girls. This actually wasn't something they really cared about. They looked at it like a massive doll house and couldn't appreciate what painting a picture on the wall with a single bristle means....or they just didn't care. Either way the adults liked this one more then the kids and they were ready to get to the space area. We had to tell them to relax at least 10 times.

No rest for me today. Blogging and working while the Girls (Wife included) are off having fun today. Someone needs to make up for what was spent yesterday and cover the horse riding lessons today...a very expensive hobby that the kids do.


That was a great idea to visit the museum before the official school break @thedarkhorse It would have made your day out, much more pleasant and allow you to take in all the fascinating details without fighting the crowds. I don't believe for a minute that you working from home has corrupted your little girls .......but I see where she is coming from (lol) I'm sure they are directed to more of the subjects that you are passionate about but they wouldn't spend time with any of them if they weren't interested too. They must love having their Dad available. It is interesting about the Fairy Castle. If they couldn't actually play in it then I can understand their desire to move on. The space area was obviously a highlight for them and you can see the enjoyment written all over their beautiful faces. Horse riding sounds like a lot of fun. Will you be doing any blogs on that in the future?

The crowds over break is insane and I just like dealing with them. Already working on plans for our next visit and it will be midweek on a school day. Both the kids are very good students so pulling them from school for a day isn't an issue. Actually I give them each a couple "personal" days each school year to use at will. Figure it's better then them faking being sick to get a day off and gives them a little control over things which they love having.

I had done a couple posts before with some photos of the stables, but will do more for sure.

You are a very organized Dad. Its all about balance isn't it? I must check out your horse and stable photos.