Ideal Home

in #family6 years ago

The word "Ideal" signifies something that is:
Perfect, most suitable, of standard, ideal, exam plenary, worthy of imitation, correct, complete, excellent and flawless.
The Ideal home is the home which reflects the above attributes.
Right away from creation, Satan has been working to prevent people from having ideal homes. Hence the Bible records the account of some homes that are not ideal e.g Abraham's home, Job's home, Nabal's home, and Moses' home.
Yet, an ideal home is the desire of God for all His children. Every New Testament believer must be passionate about it and sincerely work towards having ideal home as this is one of the criteria for making heaven.


1. A strong wholesome family is the foundation and the strength of the society. If Satan by his cunning schemes can weaken or destroy the home and the family structure, the rest of the society is on the way to total collapse.

2. If we can pattern our family lives after the relationship between Christ and his church and cling to each other, thus becoming one, we will come as close as possible to the experience of heaven here on earth.

3. If you nurture your marriage it will be your oasis, if you abandon it, it will be your Sahara desert.

4. Be aware that there is a titanic spiritual battle against every home. This is the reason behind all the terrible problems in marriages and home today.

5. Experiences in many homes today are far away from the ideal, such experiences are: Broken communication, constant misunderstanding and quarrelling, withdrawal of affection, food refusal, sex avoidance, extra marital relationship, home avoidance, room separation, account separation, hatred, separate property acquisition, selfishness, unforgiveness, revenge, in laws problems, family control from outside, broken altars.

All these have eventually bred lots of problems into the lives of many children of christian parents.
We now have children indulging in stealing, lying, stubbornness, disobedience, disrespect, truancy, immorality, wandering, fighting, gambling, smoking, fornication, night party, occultism, gangs, pornography, internet scam, television addicts e.t.c be continued


Magic eight ball says outlook is good.

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