How to overcome the whims of a child? Tips moms

in #family7 years ago (edited)

Almost all children are capricious and not always obedient. It is a fact. Teachers, parents do a great job for finding ways to fight childhood tantrums, bad behavior.


Probably every mom has their own system of rewards and punishments of the child, your way to a kids heart.

My child is not the most obedient. He is kind, good, loving, well so obedient... Sometimes the children's whims rolls over so that I could have half an hour to assemble it outside or half hour trying to feed. I know it's my fault, the gap in education, but the fact remains, whims was the place.

But when I wish to decide something, all the universe will help you, or what's that saying?...

Their experience of dealing with similar situations shared with me friend, she has 2 daughters of primary school age. She is a mom with more experience than I do. I wasn't sure what her approach is going to help my three-year-old kid, but decided to try.

This technique is a kind of carrot and stick.

The first day I explained to the child that from now on, for a good deed he will get a green circle, for poor red. At the end of the week we count some of the circles will be larger if red, the child gets nothing, if the green – we go to the circus and buy a new machine.

Then he took a sheet of paper, drew it for 7 days, hung this "calendar" up on the fridge, so that the child saw, but could not get it.

My child could not understand what I want, but it was well understood that the red circles are evil. He cried when I painted those red circles... But I decided not to give up and bring their case to the end.

The first day we went into hysterics and children's screams, the red cups obviously angered my son, but to draw them was.

And I began to explain to his son that it is not necessary to be mad in red, better to just behave and get promotional green circles. To my son realized what I want from him, took me about the whole first day. On this day, our leaf was significantly dominated by red color.

The next day the red was less, the third even less. By the end of the week, I drew almost exclusively with the green pencil. This is unrealistic, but the child began to behave much better, stopped his whims and tantrums, he helped to put the toys, make the bed, wipe the dust. I don't chase him around half an hour in the apartment, I could put it, the son did everything himself, tried as best he could. I was very pleased. On the weekend we went the whole family to the circus. Then I went to the toy store and the son chose the car. He was very happy, I was proud of myself - the result achieved with my son has become much easier in the family settled peace and harmony.

This technique we practiced 2-3 weeks, then departed from her, the child behaved well, I was with him, and the son developed, if I may say so, the habit to behave.

Several months passed, the tantrums came back... I just remembered an old technique, and she is newly rescued, maybe she'll help some other mom? I will be incredibly happy if my story will save your nerves, at least one parents.
For me personally, this technique has been a lifesaver. But it should be used with caution. It is necessary to explain to the child boundaries, to tell you that he can get the red circle to explain in which cases you will be able to evaluate his behavior in green.


Exploring different methods of education, I have made the General conclusion that communication with children should be extremely honest. Don't promise if that will not do, and if you something promised – you need to keep the word, otherwise the child will cease to trust you and will learn to cheat. In communicating with children, trust is a very fragile thread, but it is the key to a good relationship.

Thanks to everyone who reads my posts!

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