!UPDATE! My dad has been bouncing from hospitals and care facilities for the last 2 years...

in #family8 years ago

This is a follow up post to my submission on Saturday evening. I'm posting this to be transparent about my request and to give an update in hopes the Steemit community can be used as a philanthropic assistance platform as much as just a way for people to make money off of blog posts.

My previous post garnered a total payout of 16.284 SBD. I transferred the SBD directly to Bittrex and exchanged into BTC at a rate of 0.00147150 BTC per SBD giving me a total of 0.02390200 BTC. I then transferred that total to Coinbase which showed a total USD value of $16.11. I hadn't realized YouCaring only accepted rounded dollar figures on donations so I rounded it down to $16. I will likely round up to the next dollar and fund the extra myself if I garner another donation with this post.

I'm sorry if this sounds like a simple money-grabbing scam, but I'll be more than happy to give anyone whatever information they would like to help prove the validity of my request. You can see the $16 donation given in the name of the Steemit Community with the link at the bottom.

Thanks again to everyone who upped the last post!

The Story
Meet Glenn Tiedemann, not someone who would come to mind when you think of someone who is disabled or handicapped. 26 years ago Glenn underwent surgery to remove a spinal cord tumor. Although benign, the tumor and the surgery left Glenn unable to walk and with no feeling in his hips, legs and feet.
With his faith and the love of and for his family, in particular his wife Marjorie and their 2 young children, he refused to be "bound" by his wheelchair. Glenn continued to work as much as possible and was active and involved in providing for and raising his family. He even found time to volunteer as a driver for the Share Food Co-op; delivering boxes of food from warehouse to distribution center.
Glenn and Marjorie were finally able to purchase a home four years ago and are welcoming hosts to friends, church family and their children and grandchildren.
He was and continues to be a fully engaged member of his church where he served as Music Director and organist/pianist for over 15 years. He has been instrumental in many music projects involving liturgical music for the church and the denomination as a whole.
He has had a hand in secular music projects as researcher, translator, and language coach for well known composers and performers. He also created piano tracks for use in the recording studio and has CD’s available around the world.
Glenn was happily rolling along when in April 2014 he suddenly had to be rushed to the hospital to discover a hole in his hip that exposed his hipbones. An infection in that hip required a number of strong antibiotics which contained but did not kill it. Thus began 27 months of continuous hospital, rehab, and care facility stays, numerous surgeries and treatments.
A few days after he was rushed to the hospital his wife Marjorie underwent surgery for uterine cancer. For the next year she endured chemo and radiation treatments - all the while Glenn was unable to take care of her. It was frustrating and heart wrenching for him as he had always been there for his wife and children regardless of his mobility limitations. To know his wife was enduring this without him at her side was a pain he was not prepared to bear.
He became affectionately known at church as the "elf on the shelf" because we never knew which hospital for what treatment he would be in next.
Finally after two years he underwent two major surgeries to remove the infected top portion of his femur. Then he had two reconstructive plastic surgeries which repositioned one of his thigh muscles and required two large skin grafts on the hip to close it.
Glenn is now working on regaining his strength and is eager to begin physical therapy to enable him to transfer himself from bed to wheelchair and begin the final stage of his journey home to his wife and family.
His extraordinarily long path to recovery and return to his busy lifestyle and home has meant that it has outlasted his primary health insurance! He is still confined to bed in hospital with only Medicare's partial coverage.
Glenn’s spirit, courage, faith, and love have not been depleted but his finances are exhausted. He now needs your financial help in order to stay in hospital to finish healing and strengthening so that he can eventually return to his home, wife and busy lifestyle.

Let’s get Glenn rolling again!

You can visit the funding campaign directly at https://www.youcaring.com/glenn-tiedemann-603225

Coin Marketplace

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JST 0.030
BTC 63476.83
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50