Mini Me’s 1st Birthday!

in #family7 years ago

Low key

Yesterday, my youngest turned one. Usually the first birthdays are lavish affairs in our household however we decided to keep this one low key. She will be christened later in the year, we’ll probably do something big then.

Beach baby

After a morning of unwrapping presents,


We decided to go to the beach to celebrate. As she was a water birth, it seemed only right!

Living in the hustle and bustle of London it is easy to forget that we actually live on an island and are never further than two hours or so away from a beach. We went to Southend-On-Sea. Although not the sandiest beach on the East coast of England it is only an hour away from where we live in London. Making it a very convenient destination with three excitable kids in the car.

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We were very lucky with the weather. It was perfect for lazing around on the pebbles.

Voyage of discovery

You learn a lot about your kids by the seaside

My eldest likes to dig herself out of holes…

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The middle one is a bit of a wanderer…

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And the birthday girl… well, today she confirmed a suspicion we’ve had about her for a while now….

She’s a Daddy’s girl!

She literally screamed the beach down whether I left her sight, be it to throw some litter away or play with the other two. Even mummy’s hugs couldn’t console her… although I acted inconvenienced, I was secretly beaming inside!

I tried feeding her some milk…

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She preferred cake (just like her dad)...

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Mum and her older sisters consoled themselves with Ice-Cream and the most sugary Donuts you’ve ever seen….

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All-in-all, it was a fun day. You never get too old for a kids celebration!

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Big congrats to @jrcornel also, whose daughter turned two on the same day!


Yeaaaaah congratulations beautiful little girly. @nanzo-scoop you have 3 beautiful daughters. And all 3 are different hihi...I know I have 3 daughters :p
Hope you've all had a great day at the seaside :)

She's adorable. All all girls are. What a grand day man! You have a beautiful family & 3 beautiful princesses. The smile on your face says it all. I'd say she has daddy wrapped around her little finger! :) It's truly magical how the love of a daughter can melt your heart in an instant.

Our family make up is the same, 3 beautiful girls. My wife decided I needed some male companionship a few years ago with all these women in the house and got me Rocky, our dog. Can you guess who's he named after? :)

Enjoy your day with the family man and Happy Birthday Ishy!!

Man these are beautiful pictures. The one of you giving her the bottle is my favorite. That is love right there man. She is collapsed in your arms and feels as safe and comfortable as she ever will.

I see you got her a Beanie Boo. My daughter is addicted to those.

Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter!!!!

Her sister got her the Beanie Boo... it shares the same birthday too!

Happy Birthday little princess!! She's so cute!! There's nothing like a family day at the beach, especially in celebration. You have wonderful family and your girls are all beautiful. I remember when you posted your trip to Harry Potter. You all always look like you're having so much fun! Enjoy this special day, they grow up much too quickly!

Looks like you have a very lovely and wholesome family. For me it's quite the opposite. I've been living out of a backpack for the past 10 years. I've now found myself on steemit doing well done travel reports and giving travel advice. My latest report was on Bali Indonesia. A real family friendly place. Someday I hope to achieve what you have! Keep on steemin!

-Dan "world travel pro!" :)

Happy travels - sounds like you're having a great adventure. As long as you're enjoying life that's what counts!

So true. I am happy. Hey I've got a great travel tip I'm going to be posting soon about medical tourism. Sharing knowledge that helps people is what I'm all about. I'll be following you. Thanks for noticing this small fry minnow. Cheers :)

happy birthday daddies cute and full of life... and thanks @nanzo-scoop you doing great and finding time as always for family which many lack. ( I sent a post on absentee husbands on the rise 4days ago...check it out) and a (short story on family versus office)me few weeks ago..both posts shows how people because of some flimsy excuses are apart of family causing issues for their kids but you and some steemians i know are wonderful dads! keep it up!
this post is worthy of my upvote... keep it up guys!

You have a beautiful family man. Truly blessed. I just celebrated my little girl's birthday this past 11th of August.

Congrats and happy birthday to your little one too!

Great to see that the weather is still good enough in UK to enjoy a day out by the seaside!

Happy Bday to your beautiful daughter! My little nephew today turned 1 as well! :)

Hope your nephew had a wonderful day!

Happy Birthday baby girl !!!! Big hugs 🤗

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