Jack of all trades, Master of none, Giving it All to Steemit
This post is organically created after a roaring forth of July. This forth of July was very eye opening for me. I love America. Even though there is so much going on. Do not focus on the bad. The slave mentality, mind control, focus instead on evolution. I realized we are evolving as a human species. Evolving into who we are destined to be. Why Fight? Is fighting the change coming from a place of love? Yes I think so. The ones who fight for the natural/ natives like myself. We love. We love so much and so deep it is without realization that the fight is not necessary. The fighting has been won a long time ago. We can be free who we want to be. Free in love. Free to have joy and peace. Free from fear most importantly. To fear is to be imprisoned. One thing I have been feeling fear for is my peivacy. I always fight for my privacy for fear of what will come from exposing myself. Who I am. I am my family. That takes all of my life. I live for my family. I work for my family. I wake up for my family. I yearn for my family. I dream for my family. My family is myself. I am my family.
This is us. We are free. We were in Lake Tahoe in this photo. It is hard to get a photo of all of us together because we are all by ourselves. We asked a nice couple from Argentina if they would snap this photo of us at Lake Tahoe.
My daughter turned 8 this weekend on the second. 8 years is such a wonderful year. I remember my eigth birthday. It was the biggest one I had. My family invited my whole class to the enchanted village amusement park. I received a talk girl for my birthday. You remember those....it was in the movie home alone. Mine was pink. I had so much fun recording on that toy. I remember one time all one my cousins were sleeping over at our big blue house. We watched the movie mortal combat. We recorded the theme song and had a blast pretending to be superhuman. I was cheetahhead.
My daughters name is Rose-Love. Isn't that a beautiful name. She is a beautiful person. So free and full of love. She is the little momma around our home, she helps with everything and knows so much for her 8 years. I hope her birthday wish comes true as she blows her candles.
My sons birthday was also last weekend. They are both cancers. His name is Diamond. Diamond is so strong. He is so strong I don't think he knows what to do with all of his strength. Our names are affirmations over our lives. My wife. She dreamed his name. She had a dream in which she heard a voice tell her to name this baby Diamond for he is a diamond in the rough. He is a rough stone, but I have no doubt that he will polish up nicely and shine brighter than any star.
This is us. We are a family tribe, I say a tribe because we can make our own party just our selves. We are so full of life. Which leads me to introducing my second son Zia. Zia means life. I have always loved the Zia symbolism. I even contemplated getting a Zia tattoo. I got a Zia child instead. I have no tattoos.
Our second daughter is our last daughter so far. She is beautiful and all things pure. Her name is Lily-love to match her sister. Lily means purity. She is so pure and innocent, all of three years old and so silly. She really has a funny bone to her. She loves the color purple. The highest vibrational color is what she is drawn to. Where as Rose-love loves the color pink. I love this photo of Lily-love. She fancies herself to be snow white.
My tank and who my wife likes to refer to as pools because of his big brown pools for eyes is Phoenix. What a strong name. Phoenix is for rebirth. Out of the ashes of death rises the Phoenix. Strong and ablaze in fire. He came at a time in our lives where we moved. We moved for good. Away from what we knew and what we are familiar with. We became a stand alone unit of a family. And Phoenix taught us what it was to be born anew. He is so strong. So very very strong, and smart. Its funny because when he was a baby and we had to buy formula for him I used to buy the premie formula because it had more calories. In my mind more calories equals more substance. He is a strong tank now.
Now Goji, isn't that a quirky name? It came to us so unexpectedly. He was born in a September of 2016. We had no name picked out. It was a beautiful birth. Just my wife my self and our children sleeping in the other room. He was born at 3:53 am. No name yet. My wife liked Atlas. I didn't. We threw around names like Glacier and out of nowhere come in the thought that his name is Goji. I am convinced he named himself. He let us know what he would like to be called. He had a monk like Air about him. Like he spent years medatating and all was peace. We didn't quite understand it but it felt right and we named him his proper name, Goji, like the Goji berries from the Himalayas.
This is us
My wife Kamillie and I am Michael. We are both in our late etwenties. Young for all the things we are doing. We love life and doing what is right. We try to be fair and just, understanding to others and patient. We met at a Casino one night many years ago. It was love at first kiss. My wife is from the U.S. Virgin Islands and I am from Los Angeles. How do we see eye to eye you may be wondering? The answer is we don't, but we do. All is fair in love.
My privacy, I give to Steemit. Steem On. No fear, just Love and I want to share my love, my family with the world.
If the writing is a little confusing it is because my wife and I we write these post together. We are a team. Together a whole and that is how we get things done. I would like to share more of us with steemit. Just let us know if you want to know more about us.
Nice, i like your family.I like the way you do not differentiate skin color, a happy family. A good post, hopefully inspired to the western population who like to mock and cornering certain skin color. greetings
Thank you for your comment. I'd like to think we are well rounded. I love her difference, she loves mine. Yin and yang. Together we make our world go round.
u just HAD to bring up race didnt you...

jk its all good
Beautiful family! Wishing you the best!
Beautiful family. Thanks for introducing to us.
Thank you. I have been wanting to let the whole world know about us, but fear of losing privacy was in the way. It feels good to share what I love.
I feel like I know your whole family now!
Lol- it is with great pride I introduce us to steemit. I'll need a pic with the Steemit logo next😋
great post your family seems to be wonderful and nice thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)
Thank you!
What a beautiful and happy family! :)
looking forward to your next post :D
Thank you! That's so kind of u guys. I look forward to sharing more on steemit.
What a beautiful family , I can feel so much love from this post !!
😊 thank you
I'm so excited.
Love this post.
Keep us updated.
Thanks n don't forget to upvote!
Nice pictures. I'm a big fan of family myself. You have a beautiful family there. Think it's good to focus on the positive in life. Glad you have a happy 4th of July.
Thank you @exavier!