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RE: Mango Madness! Weird tradition and planting some Mango Seeds! (Also, wanna win 1 SBD?!)

in #family6 years ago

My hubby never liked mangoes, but he's not too fussy on them now. Some things just take getting used to I guess.

Okay, I'm taking a wild guess at the mystery seeds, because I'm not in the US, so I'm not familiar with illegal plants there. I'll go with kudla as it seems to crop up most often as a favourite for goats.


Yay, someone made a guess! :D
Okay, I am wondering if 'kudla' was a typo... I am googling it and no plants are coming up...
Is there another name for this plant?

Lol! Yes it was meant to be kudzu! There's a suburb near us called Kudla, so I either had a senior moment or my Swype keyboard recognised it as that.

Heyyyy! The only person to make a guess gets it right!! LOL!
Yep, it is KUDZU! There is a lot of controversy about growing it on purpose due to its invasive nature, but it is wonderful fodder for goats and I want to give it a try in a very controlled setting.
Ill send you an SBD here in a sec. :D
Congrats, haha!

Oh! I was sure I must have been wrong! From what I searched goats seem to eat most invasive species, including poison ivy! I was pretty sure you wouldn't want to plant that though. 😨 Here they are used for clearing bramble. They are classed as an invasive species themselves though, so some areas ban them due to their escape artist nature! Lol!

Well, my goats are well contained, haha, so Im not worried about it. In my particular area, kudzu is not an issue, so I feel confident in being able to grow a small amount without it getting out of control. We shall see how it goes. The seeds havent even come up yet. :P

Thank you for the prize, btw. I always seem to misplace my manners...😳

You're welcome. ♥

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