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RE: Report Child Predators

in #family6 years ago

Yes, they also get even better cause the internet allows them to have many attempts.
If a guy was hanging out near in a community chatting up kids then it wouldn't be so easy, although, they do then tend to work their way into positions of trust.

Like all good narcissists, they don't view it as bad, cause everything they say is not bad, so therefore, they are not bad.

And, then when they view the world, they see people do "worse" things or "misread" their intentions.

Most narcissists I deal always have a duality in their actions, so they can justify on paper, they will lie, twist truths, blame the victim, blame their circumstance and so on... manipulators always find a reason to blame the victim, cause the victim is there participating, so i must be their fault, or their parents for allowing the weakness, their loneliness, some opportunity missed in their life they are making up ... and so on and so on..

I don't hate the guy, I feel sorry for him.

He is articulate, he is handsome, he can use a computer, he can strategize and so on, plus the part of the USA, Mt Shasta, has beautiful scenery but maybe not a lot of opportunity.

He should get some counselling and engage in some productive endeavour.
Breaking the wheel of behaviour is hard for all of us with whatever our crux we may find ourselves in.

My plate is already full and I am trying to maintain my current status quo.

If I had the time and energy to help the guy I would.
It would start with a slap in the face.
But people are impossible to crack until they crack themselves open first.

I had a friend who got into a bad relationship that led him to gambling to try and fix the relationship (ie. money) that destroyed friendships and the like back then.
Here he was, surrounded by a loving family and friends, and he still took 23 years to finally make the change in his life to break free from whatever bonds he chained to.

Not that I am claiming this church helper to be a molester, but when I was around 10 years old, me and a few of the neighbourhood kids were altar boys at the local church.
We were changing into the hooded robes and we were rushing to get ready in a side room.
My friends had all changed and were moving into the church but I was still slipping on the robe, we just put the robe over our clothing.
However, this old man blocked my way and insisted I should take off my top.
I said "No, I don't need to!"
He physically tried to lift my top off saying "It will be quick"
But I pulled it down and sidestepped him to follow my friends.
Again, it's an old memory, but it was just a "this ain't right" kind of feeling that was a mere few seconds.

Sorry, I went on a bit. A bit tired as I got home from boardgames pretty late. :)

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