Treat Your Maids As Your Own Children

in #family6 years ago

Every child whether with parents or not with parents has a right to enjoy the benefits of the earth. Many children have being subjected to so much pains and treated as though they are not humans or deserved to be alive.

I have heard of cases where Maids are treated by their mistress and masters as slaves and not humans. They receive beating from their so called masters/mistresses as though they are thieves. Cruel treatment does not bring love. If you want to give correction, then do it with love and not in wickedness of heart.

Dear sir/ma, treat that maid under your care as your own child. That maid should also enjoy the benefits your children are enjoying. Don't treat them as nobody because you never can tell what tomorrow holds.

Send them to school as well because they have to be educated the way your children are being educated. Buy them cloths and let them be neat as your own children. Buy them gifts the way you buy for your own children to avoid Jealousy and hatred.

Don't do to that maid what you can do to your own child

Sir, that maid is not an object of sexual satisfaction that you go into at your own wish. She is somebody's future wife, treat her as such. That your boy is somebody's future husband, respect that fact and treat them well.

Karma is so real and still happening today. The table may turn tomorrow and that slave you treated badly today might be in position to help you tomorrow. Being wicked does not pay but only gathers you regrets that will manifest tomorrow. Don't do things that your children will be the ones to pay for it tomorrow!

Do Good To That Maid!

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