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RE: Autumn In Sheffield Park

in #family6 years ago (edited)

Are you from Sheffield?

I'm sure you asked me that last time I posted about Sheffield Park @immarojas. You're as bad as I am! 😂

It's about a 40 minute drive from here and I'm from Bristol originally.

I am watching that market but your figures don't make any sense to me.

I'm looking at Steem as being currently priced at $0.796930 USD

What do your figures refer to? 😊

And . . . I thought you said you were selling Steem! 😂


Thought Sheffield is up north🤣😂😆 near Peak District!
And you were driving from Brighton to Devon or Bristol..i forgot lols

Am using US prices...the plan is to sell Gillian, but I have a week more to decide if it's worth selling with today's prices. I bought a bit to add up my steem on when it will go up. If not, i will just sell a few, hold the rest or power up.
If it goes up..well the liquid is there then buy back if i got extra.

Thought Sheffield is up north

Sheffield the city is up North @immarojas. you are right. 😂

This is a park that just happens to be called Sheffield Park and is in Sussex. I took the picture yesterday, not on one of my trips. I was trying to use Steepshot but it didn't work so reposted on my computer when I got home.

Am using US prices

Oh well I'm still really confused then because the prices you are quoting look nothing like the ones I'm following. 😂

I will probably buy a few if the price keeps going down today. 😊

Oh i missed the Park part lols pardon
steepshot needs getting used to Gillian..pls do try again later.

I am on bittrex.

I will give Steepshot a go again tomorrow of I get the chance @immarojas. We're looking after the grandchidren again and I'm not sure where we will be.

I'd like to get proficient at it before I go to Steemfest though.

I check the Steem price on Coinmarketcap. That's why we see different things I suppose. 😊

It'll get easier as you use it Gillian.
Hope you have a lot of energy with the grandkids😍😍

Oh that's why...what exchange do you use?

Is that the best one for UK? Do you have a crypto atm??

If you do a limit order there is no fee.

I don't have a crypto atm. 😊

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.11
JST 0.030
BTC 70855.87
ETH 3805.10
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.49