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RE: What’s Your Door Policy?

in #family5 years ago

Wow this was such a nice response. You brought up some very valid points that I hadn’t thought of.

Before the age of television and cell phones company was the “entertainment “. I agree with your statement about not caring as much about each other as people. It makes sense why we don’t visit or physically go and see each other as much...because using social media is easier and more convenient with our busy life schedules.

One time my mom tried to reach my cousin on her cell phone and she didn’t answer the first time. She finally picked up and said,

you know auntie, people do text nowadays.

I thought that was so cold of her to say. People don’t like to actually talk to anyone’s sad how things have changed with the rise and advancement of technology.

That’s good that you and your brother still keep in touch although you haven’t seen each other. I hope you do get to meet your great nieces and nephews one day in the future :)

There are surely pros and cons to both sides. Thank you so much for your contribution to this conversation! I enjoyed reading your response!


As I sit here thinking, I wonder how much the rise of incessant advertising has caused us as individuals to try to pull back into ourselves to find a little island of peace and quiet somewhere.

On the internet, on the television (even in the middle of shows we now get "product placement" shots), on the radio, through countless billboards and other vehicles (even on the sides of vehicles themselves) we are constantly assaulted, pushed, hectored, cajoled, guilted and hammered at by some stranger wanting our attention -- and willing to be intrusive and obnoxious to get it.

Maybe one more assault on our serenity when we finally get some space to do what we want is just more than we're willing to tolerate -- even if it's someone we know and love. Making space in a too-crowded life ... and having the time to hear our own thoughts ... has become such a luxury.

Technology is terrific. I don't want to give it up ever! But along with making our lives more interesting ... and often easier, too, it sure has found ways to make them more chaotic.

I agree with everything you just said! It is nice to have our place of peace and serenity away from all the noise. I love technology too but I see it as a blessing and a curse. I say that because the more advanced technology gets and the more social plattforms that arise, the more time we are away from our families and loved ones. Technology has us all locked in into our devices that by the time we look up the day is gone. I’ve been really focusing on spending more time with my family away from my devices.

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