A Feeling of Sadness After Thanksgiving and Christmas.

in #family8 years ago (edited)

Andy Williams' famous holiday song speaks truly; It's the most wonderful time of the year.

I can remember not too many years ago when I used to hate that song. I dreaded city traffic, congested shopping malls, and all other symbols of the commercialism of Christmas. But I found the Lord, and gradually my heart began to change. The true magic and joy of Christmas became more apparent. Christmas gifts no longer mean much to me. The joy of our savior, Jesus, is what Christmas is all about. (By the way, I still hate traffic and congested shopping areas, which is why I let my wife do the shopping these days!)

I anxiously await the final three months of every year. October and November bless us with beautiful colors and cool weather. Thanksgiving brings most of my family, who is spread out among four states, back together for a four-day weekend. And December is full of beautiful Christmas lights, Christmas movies, and evenings spent in our warm home with my wife and two young boys. I am a truly blessed man, and I am thankful.

It seems as if the pace of life slows down throughout the month of December. In general, people seem more warm, and there is more talk of family and less talk about work. Sure, there are some who don't appreciate the season and who are strictly work-oriented. I do not envy them one bit, no matter how financially successful they are.

However, I can't help but feel a sense of sadness and emptiness after all the family Christmas gatherings are over. Everyone has gone back to their homes and jobs, and the rat-race pace of life resumes. The Christmas trees and decorations get taken down, and the magic of the season seems to end abruptly.

If only every day felt like Christmas!

Our lives would revolve around our closest family. We could let our worries and anxiety fade away, and play board games, enjoy a glass of wine or hot chocolate, and snack on cookies and other Christmas treats. We could stay in our most comfortable clothes all day and listen to beautiful Christmas music. If only.

If you are fortunate enough to have good relations with your family, cherish those long holiday weekends together. Leave work behind--trust me, it will be there waiting for you when you get back. Take in the joy of Thanksgiving and Christmas in a way that is pleasing to God, being thankful for everything He has blessed you with.

And a word of advice: avoid the congestion and shop online!

Thanks for reading, and have a Merry Christmas.


aw...that's such a beautiful testimony of love and commitment. As I was reading , the song from Sesame Street Christmas started playing in my head....remember Big Bird singing "When Christmas time is over, and presents put away, don't be sad...."
Christmas does take on a different meaning when you are in Christ, no doubt. Presents are nice, but his Presence is best.
Thanks for being so open with your life @countryinspired.

Thank you for replying!

I can't say that I know that song... but it sounds like it expresses the same idea. I believe in pouring out my entire identity into my writing. I am not holding anything back here on Steemit. Amen on His presence is best!

Here's the link to that song...

It's an old one but it's a song that I used to sing to our kids when they'd be so sad the trees was being taken down, toys and presents were done. Brought tears to my eyes as I listened to it right now. I feel a little lonely truth be told - I miss my kids - they are all grown and have their own families and some live far away. Sigh.

I appreciate you @countryinspired.
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”’

I don't know what happened to my reply....maybe the youtube video ate it? But what I was saying is that this song is very old. I used to play it and sing it to my kids when we were putting the tree and presents away. They'd be sad - they loved Christmas. I miss their youth now - they've grown and have families of their own. I don't get to see them as much as I'd like. It's lonely sometimes but I have to accept this stage of my life now.

Wow, that is a great song! I can't believe I haven't heard it before. That looks like it dates back to the early 80's. Kid's programming was so much better back then than it is today.

And thank you, I appreciate you as well!

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But now I am seeing that God can use Steemit to create a community of believers who can share stories and uplifting messages, who otherwise would never have met. In fact, I am thinking about getting my church pastor on Steemit. He is a young guy who is very up-to-date with technology. He might like it.

Thanks again!

It is sincere! Thank you

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