in #family6 years ago

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When I started this post - or the idea of this post - I was going to offer X-amount of SBD. I thought I would make it a #contest or #challenge. With a monetary prize. But what right do I have to decide which winner has the most amazing Father figure? We all have memories. Some good, some bad, some happy, some sad.

Let's share with one another a little about those special men in our lives. Husband. Father. Son. Brother. Grandfather. Uncle. Yes, Father's Day is coming up but I don't believe we should be limited to expressing our appreciation and support of Father figures simply because half of the world are doing it! I have two stories to share. One is mind blowing to me and a testimony to the strength of character of the Man I am blessed to call Husband. The other story is a funny one - more like a de'javu funny (you'll understand later) which involves other Men in my life: Dad, Brother, Father-in-law. But first. My husband.

He loves motorbikes. Specifically the KTM. He had one. Briefly. He would love to have another. He talks constantly about the KTM and imagines doing day trips on back roads around our beautiful countryside. But, at this point, the closest he'll ever get to owning a motobike - KTM or otherwise - is the one in the photo. And this is why:


My Husband is amazing! If you get to know him you will be astounded at the odds he has overcome. It never ceases to amaze me how sane my beloved Husband is considering the very rocky road which has brought him to where he is. There are two defining tragedies in my Husband's life which could've broken him. They nearly did. First he "lost" his triplet sons. After their MMR vaccination at 18 months they deteriorated so quickly to soon be labelled autistic. They were happy, walking, talking, affectionate boys who lost all those skills. It took years to train them hand over hand to where they are today. They will never fit in society. The most difficult lives with us and is a constant trial to us. For the rest of their lives these precious boys will be dependent. Subsequently not only are they but also those around them handicapped. The second defining crisis in my husband's life was losing everything. And I mean everything in terms of what the world defines as success. A series of terrible events took away business, home, vehicles and more. My Husband lived barely hand to mouth for a very long time.

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And yet today he is the incredible Man he is, partly molded by those tragedies. He is no longer carefree or irresponsible. The fact that he no longer has a KTM is testimony to where his priorities lie. The Hand of the Most High has raised him up and restored what the kanker worm ate. I am now blessed to have a life by his side. A few years ago, my Husband gave me the greatest gift. He had his vascectomy reversed and we now have our precious little miracle baby. His love and sacrifice humbles me. He has left the city and become a farmer. No small feat. Not only has he learnt plumbing, fencing, carpentry, gardening but he is now challenged by failing crops - largely due to the ongoing drought. Every day we are woken by the outbursts of our challenged autistic young man. And yet, my Husband shoulders the burden of the day. We have the responsibility of three of our four parents and I know that my dear Husband sometimes feels the weight of the world on his shoulders. But still he continues with a smile and trust that there is a greater plan. Surely it is his knowledge that our wonderful Heavenly Father sustains him that carries him.

Please share your stories and let us encourage one another. Indeed the Men in our lives deserve tribute!

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wow @buckaroo this is so powerful! brought tears to my eyes and
that isn't easy to do. I am so impressed by what you said in tribute to your husband and I know that I only have knowledge of a small part of the man he is.
I'm in awe also and rejoice that you have a miracle baby and each other, isn't God great?
thank you for this and God bless all of you!

Awesome! Really AWESOME!
I too am blessed that The Father gave you such a man to be your husband my child

What a wonderful post! I'm all up for celebrating people in my life... I think too often we get distracted by the rush-rush of daily life and forget to appreciate our loved ones. It sure sounds like you have a lot to be thankful for with your man, and what an incredible story of loss and of love. That MMR vaccine has a lot to answer for... we spent a lot of time looking into vaccines and decided against them for our son, and I don't regret our decision for a minute. Especially later when we watched that Vaxxed documentary, and another one interviewing Dr Wakefield, and the truth is flabbergasting, and the lies make me so angry! We even had our local midwife come round our house after we refused the vaccines to try to persuade us that it was safe. I trained as a Learning Disabilities Nurse and worked with a lot of autistic people, and appreciate all the many ways life is affected for a parent/guardian/siblings and how trying. But you're clearly upbeat and determined souls, and have established a wonderful loving life regardless of difficulties (or maybe because of them?) I am glad to know you @buckaroo!

What a loving and understanding repsonse @woman-onthe-wing. Thank you. Well done on not vaccinating your son. I wish more people would do the research. It is puzzles me that a midwife would support vaccination. Mine also did although once we gave her the triplets story plus some research she was in two minds.

I find it quite worrying that often we know more than the people who are meant to advise us! But that's the thing that catches a lot of people out - we mistakenly believe them to be educated in FACTS! After the midwife's visit we had phone calls from the health visitor, and also from some organisation here in Ireland (I forget who) but they had been contacted by the midwife as if we were being irresponsible and neglecting our son's health by refusing vaccinations. Crazy! As if parents can't make wise informed choices about their own children. Well, I just ignore the health service now. I don't even take him for the recommended milestone visits!

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