Well World, I'm a Dad!

in #family6 years ago (edited)

Meet Tilly Mae! She was born around 2am on May 19th. She was 9 lbs, 3.7 oz and 19 inches long. I've wanted to do a post on her since she was born, but was never able to get around to it. Between the visitors, changing diapers, feedings, and just being exhausted, the timing never worked out. Luckily, she's asleep now and I should have a little time to put this together (hopefully in one sitting.) At some point, I'll do one of my poems about my experience but for now, I just wanted to get the word out. The past little while, I haven't been nearly as active on here or in various communities I've been apart of, now you all know why.

I'm sure most of you are just interested in pictures, so we'll go ahead and dive on in!

Hopefully y'all enjoyed those as much as I do. I couldn't be happier with such a beautiful baby girl. Having a baby is truly a life changing experience. As soon as I saw her, I knew I would do anything and everything for her with unconditional love. Every day is a new experience and I know she will grow up faster than I can imagine. I try to enjoy every moment and not take any of it for granted.

I know this post was kind of short, but it was more about the announcement and pictures. I will do some of my famous poems on my new experiences and I have no doubt they will be entertaining.

Thanks for reading, check out some of my past poem adventures to get an idea of future poems about Tilly. It's going to be quite the adventure for us all!


haha adorable! I'll have to grab your snap chat lol so you can send funny prop pics when Tilly's sleeping!

Thanks! Haha remind me and we'll find each other on snapchat, I have no doubt I'll have more

Congratulations!! She is a cute baby, must be from Momma!!

Thank you! Ohhh yes, nobody is going to deny that 😂 😂

Congrats boatsports !
Great name choice also

Thank you sir! Wife is a teacher so a lot of names were automatically disqualified, haha. We decided on Tilly and I couldn't be happier with it

Well a belated congrats Dad, my two boys were 9lbs 7oz, and 9lbs 10oz, whew! I'd pat your wife on the back for her feat for giving birth to a toddler. Be sure to make mother's day really special.

Thanks! Oh wow, God bless your wife as well, haha. I will certainly do what I can for her!

congratulations on your beautiful bundle of joy.

Thank you! Quite the bundle of joy for sure

omg I LOVE HER!!! congrats fam!

Samesies 😍 thank you!

Tilly Mae, welcome to this world, congratulations dad, now your life change, your responsibility is greater for the care of this beautiful princess, I bless you all three. Congratulations again. Greetings from Venezuela.

Thank you! Ohh yes, quite the change of lifestyle but wouldn't trade it for the world!

Congratulation boatsports90😍😍
I know your feeling at this moment...

Thank you! Certainly and indescribable feeling

Super big congratulations Sir!

Thank you sir!

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