FAME By Lady Gaga. second edition

in #fame2 years ago

I mean you could do some real damage song with its little cloth it's like the monster claw that she does with like so it's just that that's cool so just summarizes left which is cool


so it's just got the whole design of gold and black the Oman it's said the bottle isn't black it's totally clear so you see the black liquid which is a cool idea reminds me of an egg it

reminds me of the Harry Potter I just want pinky there sorry I think it's just so unique and I think that's really cool about it and then it's even money unique when you look into the

notes so the notes has this push-pull technology where it's the not split into top notes middle notes and base notes it's all together in just notes
so I'll tell you them belladonna which

is a poisonous flower but it's it smells really sweet so that's in it which is cool it's a bit different you don't normally see poisonous flowers in them take orchid jasmine honey apricot

saffron and incense so incense is in em by Marie Curie and if you want to go what to go watch it but it gives like a smoky effect I think it does it here instead of like putting musk in it or

something like that put incense and just gives them musky smoky can of smell not too rich or anything though so then honey jasmine apricot saffron tiger orchid so they're all mixed in

together in the sweet and it just kinda pull together as if it's just one big sweet smell and it's really sweet even normally looking at the bottle you think it's quite musky but it's not

it's actually quite sweet see right now I can smell the apricot so it just kind of it's a really sweet fragrance so all together it just gives up really sweet smell but the way it was advertised it

was like it has a blood in it and all sorts of things it obviously doesn't because that's but it obviously doesn't but.


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