
The Torah Code doesn't lie - these false Christs have come in order to deceive the masses. How many have fallen for their lies, and their schemes! It's very disturbing that the true Christ has a minuscule number of followers (and tithes), in comparison to what they have. Judgement day will be harsh for many.

I would rather follow the true returned Messiah.

All of those guys are pathetically laughable. Not because they claim to be anything special, but because they have NOTHING substantial to back it up. Clowns.

I'd say it's cute that several people around the world dress up and claim to be Jesus, but they deceive millions of people and make money off of it... Very sad.

It's sad...these guys didn't even happen to have the wisdom of Revelation 19:12-13

And his eyes were like flames of fire, and many diadems were upon his head and he had The Name written, which no one knew but he alone. And he wore a garment soaked with blood, and his name is called The Word of God.

They must not have got the "new name" meaning "Word of God" memo.

Lord Rayel aka Yeshua never made a claim. The Templars came to him to tell him who he was and even then he remains humble away from media as that is not what he is about, but it is important that people know him by his fruits and it astounds me how many are not seeking and blind

The Torah Codes don't lie. So many have proven that Lord Rayel is the true returned Messiah. So weird that the truth is in front of so many people but it is like they are blind

Good information. The Torah code never lies.

Lord RayEl is God's chosen to rule on earth

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