Seriously, Nikki Haley?

in #false-flag7 years ago

As if the level of US/EU/Israeli hypocrisy and downright creation of, then collusion with, ISIS isn't blatant and obvious enough, we are actually expected to sit back and watch while yet a new blundering chapter unfolds in the US best selling novel "False Flags Attacks: A How To Guide and How To Benefit".

It seems fairly unlikely - nay, dare I say straight-up stupid - to assume that anyone (in their right mind) would believe a word coming out of someone in any US administration (past or present), let alone a word coming from anyone operating from within the cesspool of death and lies known as the US Department of State. The US Department of State has garnered a reputation for being the world's leader in manufacturing of lies. I mean, should any American official even attempt to pretend that they speak the truth? But lo and behold, not to be outdone in this "Lie-Off", along comes Nikki Haley, US Ambassador to the UN with an unspeakable act that would put the Department of State to shame...congratulations, you just won this year's award for Outstanding Performance by a US Official in the BS Industry"!

Seriously, Nikki, is what you're claiming below even remotely supposed to make sense? Is this your attempt at trying to appear as though you actually care about human life? That your consecutive US administrations were somehow spreading freedom rather than death and destruction on a global scale?

Nikki, your US administration is praying that WW3 starts yesterday; they create, arm, train and whitewash ISIS, arm the Wahhabi KSA to the back teeth with real WMDs, disrupt any means of resolving discord through diplomacy, proceed with every single known lie and act of deceit to start war anywhere they can and then you have the gall to pretend as though you're the "good guys"?

Seriously, Nikki...the whole world has had enough of your false flags, your manipulation of your very own ISIS puppets to carry out attacks only to have your corporate, mockingbird MSM spread fake news blaming President Assad of Syria for them. This tweet of yours could not be any bigger of a present to ISIS, Nusra, etc. giving them the green light to use their very own chemical weapons in an attack that will be blamed on President Assad.

Funny thing actually think things are going to pan out as you hope?

Oh, poor, poor Nikki...we've only known you for a couple of months and already I'm hoping that you disappear. Begone, fool...begone!

Nikki Haley.jpg

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