Syria? A False Flag? War? Mainstream Media? Do They Tell The Truth?

in #false-flag7 years ago

So, is this a planned invasion that I've seen in play?  They all wanted to take over countries for a while and for a reason.  They wanted to take over the Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan and now Syria.  So, now Syrians are actually happy that Trump sent a bomb over to the real people that needed to be bombed.  While we had bombs going off ever 3-5 hours on average in 2016, it's just now that people think it matters.  But, what else don't you know about this war?

Oil and lots of natural gas.  They love the petro-dollar and want to take over these regions.  They've even slipped on mainstream television saying that they wanted to control theses regions for an elite plan to get all the oil of the world.  But, no one wanted to believe these videos and the whistle-blowers.  I think they just want you to be confused with what you believe and don't want to give you any truth, because a truth might just stop people from listening to their lies.  But, people all want their televisions, their cellphones and their internet, even though they are spying on you, so that if you ever have anything that happens to you, and you are one of those in opposing their plans for a world government at play.  However, no one wants to believe that either.  But, believe what you wish - we are being pushed into war, and war is all around us.  It's just different then we have ever discovered before.  

They have deep interest in Russia, Iran and Syria for controlling their regions.  They want all these places to be in control by the elite government and they have Syria left, and just want to establish the terror state, so they can back their war machine.  And, furthermore, they want you and your children to die for their abuse.  

Don't you think that they should send their own children to go to war for the reasons that are for this petro-dollar?  Shouldn't they be going to fight their own wars?  Why are people subject to going to fight for "freedom" while freedom is just a ploy they get you into believing that you are doing the right things.  Either way, their killing is wrong, and just like the past wars were wrong, they are promoting violence while telling you that you can't own a gun or a license in America.  How wrong is it that we have no moral grounding for our own constitutional rights, and yet we can grab a sniper rifle and blow away thousands of innocent people in the name of "freedom" or "peace."

They aren't promoting peace, they are however promoting violence and when you are speaking out about these things, there is a quiet war right at home, to make you the kind of criminal that they need you to look like.  They want you foaming at the mouth raging pissed off so that they can say that you are a criminal and place you in jails while they continue to perform their terrorist wars over millions of people, and cause natural disasters and take over all of our food markets and small ma and pa stores.  They don't care what they are doing, because it's all for your own benefit to allow them to never get to you, or allow you to find out the truth.  But, the truth is there anyways and people are waking up in mass numbers these days.  

If we're ever going to stop the clandestine murders through wars, we're going to first have to wake up and realize that there is a war right here in the homeland, and it's to take away all your freedoms, and place you in jails which are also supported by your all so genuine federal government.  But, not only are they making more money off of you in jails then out in the free world.  They are killing the transparency of a world that knows nothing about what their plans are.  I'm sorry people, but you are slaves now.  Your money is printed up on paper and is backed by nothing, which was part of the game plan too.  They don't need a free people knowing anything about what they are doing, so they just keep printing money for themselves, and backing their own monetary value on controlling the public at large.

How are they doing it?  You might even ask?  They are doing it through your phones, cellphones, computers, cars and other meta data recording devices and can even do it through your televisions, so that they  know who they are after before coming to get you.  And, when they do come after you.  Notice how they always know you better then you think they should?  It's because they are spying on you silly.  And, it's an illegal operation that is happening right here in the homeland.  They say that you are secure in your houses, but you're not silly.  You're recorded everywhere you go, so they can build a pretty fair image of the person that is speaking out against their agendas.  They wouldn't want everyone to cause a big scene now.  So, just stay asleep, flip on your televisions and believe everything that they tell you.  Read your newspapers and soak up everything is Bible, and that nothing you can do will ever help penetrate their plans for a global one world government, and kill a lot of people in the process.  Don't worry about those teachers and anonymous hackers that are trying to bring truth to the public.  Keep ignoring them, and you're doing such a wonderful job of betraying even your own families through people becoming so mindless and easily manipulated into drones, that your lives are now at stake.  And, thanks for not listening to those kids that are freaking out and asking for help.  They all need pills so they can be controlled dumby!  Wouldn't want to get in the way of a world government that is trying to kill you now - would you.  They are already over half way there, and all you have to do is pull the cover over your eyes and stay asleep.  

Not to mention, I'm tired of it.  I'm tired of knowing all these things that no one gives a flying fuck about.  I'm tired of knowing the truth about why our history has been doing horrible things to people for the last 100 years and longer.  I'm tired of not getting to live the life that I was planning to live.  I'm tired of having to fight for my rights, and to be heard by the people I most love.  I'm tired.  And, most of all I'm sick and I'm sore and have no idea why I'm constantly achy and sad.  I am just tired of all the bull shit, because people want to go keep working and paying their taxes to a government that is working highly illegally to destroy your lives, and the lives of your children.  

Don't you want better for your children?  Don't you want better for your grandchildren?  Shouldn't we be able to actually give those kids a better future then what we've gone through?

You're not supposed to silly!  That's what war does.  It hurts people, and hurts - well... YOU!

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