And Now: The Weather

in #fall8 years ago (edited)

Living in Missouri I have always been fascinated by weather. It seems like on any given day you can experience all four seasons at times. Right now, however, I am not thrilled. I'm confused and feel a little like I am missing a dear friend. That is, if one can be friends with a season of the year. Despite my terrible seasonal allergies, I absolutely love Fall. It's my favorite season of all in Missouri and currently I am not getting to experience it all that much. I have been willing it to be Fall since the end of August: opening windows, turning off the A/C, and stubbornly exclaiming once every week since that "this is the last time I mow this year!" We had a few cold days last week, to my ecstatic joy, and now we are back in the 80 degree mark. The trees and plants seem to have gotten the message, they are ready for Fall as well. I really am no longer mowing, it just feels wrong. This warm weather will just not do, at all. If Fall is my dear friend, Summer is more of a fun-loving personality that is cool to be around, but only in small doses before I feel exhausted of my energy.

To celebrate the return of the most wonderful season of the year, I make all my comfort foods such as chili, sweet potato snickerdoodles, coffee cake, and cider. I guess I could still make them, but it doesn't feel right to eat chili or drink cider when the weather is so warm. Obviously there are benefits to the warm weather: we grilled tonight and enjoyed the nice breeze outside. I'm less sad at these Summer-like conditions than I am at the prospect of Fall getting skipped over altogether. Missouri is known for its drastic weather changes and I am not prepared to jump right into Winter just yet. Fall allows me a little buffer time to prepare for snow and ice adventures. I'm a little worried that might not be an allowance I'm given this year, though. We are one month into Fall and normally we have our first frost around the 15th of October. I don't know when we will see it this year. Hopefully Fall shows up soon, I'd gladly break out my zyrtec and kleenex just to have my old friend back before Winter.

Anyone else feeling nostalgiac for Fall right now? Or maybe Spring if you're in the Southern Hemisphere?

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Those fall pictures seem like so long ago already, for me. The leaves dropped a few weeks ago and I've already experienced snowfall here in Saskatchewan. Enjoy it while you can.

I will definitely try. I was wondering if anyone was already getting snow. I have some friends in Colorado and Montana that usually send us updates in October when they start getting snow there. I haven't heard anything from them yet this year, but we have all been fairly busy with work and life so maybe they have already seen some and just not mentioned it.

It always comes early here. Soon it will be -40. Good times.

Fall is here in the Pacific Northwest. Our rain has returned and it looks to continue. The colors are changing fast.

Ours always seems to be a slow graduation in color, which probably only serves to ramp up my anticipation. On of my favorite memories is looking down my street at all the trees in different stages of changing. Some trees start in mid September and others had only recently started to change. By the end of the month I imagine the ones that started early will have dropped most of their leaves and the rest will be right behind them. We always seem to get a good gusher of rain near the end of the month that knocks all the stubborn leaves down. The meteorologists say we have a chance tomorrow for some storms. As the saying goes, though, "Give it five minutes and it will change."

That sounds like a pretty memory!

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