Something VERY Odd About ShitHoleGate (That NOBODY Caught)

in #fakestream7 years ago

It is absolutely AMAZING that something SO OBVIOUS could get by SO MANY people in the media. Journalism isn't just dead, it's like that week-old roadkill in the street that just keeps getting run over till there's nothing left but some traces of fur and a nasty grease spot.

Enjoy the video.

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Excellent post. I’m now a follower!

the media is the best form of business

Wow, another example of how deceptive and deceitful, the mainstream-media is. I'm gIad get my news elsewhere. Makes me wonder if this tech has been already used yet.

Oh wow... Combine that tech with this tech, and we have some scary tools of manipulation. Keep in mind the government almost certainly has had both of these capabilities for years now.

Wow, that's pretty slick! Can see this causing all kinds problems.

Hahaha. WaPo, CNN, and Jimmy Kimmel. What an inept circle jerk of disinformation. I was listening to NPR report on this the other day and I thought to myself, "My god are they ever grasping at straws with this one."

It's actually saddening how these dumb ass liberals refuse to criticize Trump for his true shortcomings. Like continuing the drone war, not cutting spending, and ties to big banks. They'd rather pull "racism" out of their asses and present it to the public as if it came from Trump.

To be honest, I might prefer to watch the death throes of an actual human being than be forced to endure the horrendous death throes of the MSM for another week.

Thanks for another great vid, before watching this I wasn't even aware that the "shithole" comment was unproven and based on 3rd hand accounts. The MSM presented it as cold hard fact.

The M.S.M. got me with that one also. We must remember there is no, zero, zilc, nada, nothing, none truth in them.

The lies and disinformation out there are disheartening. I stopped watching MSM a long time ago, but whenever I am forced to catch a glimpse it’s painful to watch. Nice post my man.

All of these guys are a joke. The joke is one anyone who lends them a shred of credibility.

100% agree. I like your name. Followed.

Did you noticed? 12 times asshole being said

Yeah good idea

It's just a ploy to distract people and have people pick sides , so the majority of people don't question the crimes of government and media currently happening .
It's easy for a criminal to do what they want to the masses as long as the masses are fighting over if trump said shit hole or not .

The fact that this vulgar slang is repeated with fervor under the premise that the President used this word according to anonymous sources in one article from an already verified suspiciously biased newspaper, not as verified fact, is lost on most people reacting emotionally to the emotional display of anger in the media. If this isn't clearly a ruse, an obvious trick aimed at low intelligence television viewers to purposely sow mass pavlovian reactions of morally righteous opposition, 2018 is going to be a real circus.

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