Trump calls Jim Acosta of CNN 'fake news' after he questioned Trump on why he didn't disavow the violence sooner

in #fakenews7 years ago

I guess CNN and Jim Acosta live in parallel universe because I'm pretty sure the President came out and disavowed the violence in Charlottesville hours after it happened not days like the main stream media is reporting.

CNN is just pandering to it's audience trying to create a false narrative for it's dumb liberal audience.

Trump should of asked Jim Acosta when he's going to disavow the fake news CNN puts out.

Here's Trump's tweet hours after it happened disavowing violence.

Even Melania disavowed the violence.


No matter what Trump does, some people will always be in denial. Great Post sir!

Unfortunately, you might be right.

The entrenched powers will fight Trump on every level, to the point that they completely erode the executive branches' authorities.

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