The Federal Government Fakenewsd Hawaii

in #fakenews7 years ago

Multiple people from Hawaii are reporting they were the recipients of some monumental fake news today. The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency notified cell phone users all over the state with reports of an incoming missile strike, stating "This is not a drill".


38 mins after the agency took over news media and sent the alerts, they retracted the warning with the government equivalent of "it was just a prank, bro".


While the details aren't exactly forthcoming, the official story is that a gov employee hit the wrong button, and then realized the mistake once the alert reached his phone.

Of course most people here reading this aren't surprised by government fake news at this point, but this whole scenario has my mind going in a million places...

Is it even plausible that some random button could be pressed that can terrorize millions of people in an instant? Did a missile actually get launched at Hawaii, was intercepted, and then covered up? Could this have been a plot to try to goad Trump into attacking another nation, as was reported (by a possible LARP) on 4chan? Could it be intentional in order to study the reaction of the populace?

I can think of 100 scenarios that seem much more likely than an errant employee hitting a wrong button, because even as incompetent as the government is, the rigid protocols they draw for sensitive information would never allow for such a mistake by a single person. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit, but I really doubt there's some button that can be haphazardly pressed without knowing, because we would have seen this scenario many times already if that were the case.

What do you think? Give me your best speculation in the comments below.


This button is right next to some toilet flush. The person only wanted to flush the toilet. They press the wrong button.

the best way to test your community and how they will react in a given situation is to create said situation without the community knowing it is a drill. i used to work for FEMA and train their Emergency Response Teams along the east coast. if you want people to react how they would really do so and want to get real statistics on how to improve and where needs improving then once in awhile you fake an alarm. in all honesty it is the only way to improve things.

Wow... this is freaking crazy... what if they are pulling a classic "Hey look!!! squirrel" distraction move...

I say there is something to be researched about events today in Hawaii, something went down, I'm willing to bet money that some scandal got adverted today...

psyops,pressure points. they are just using terror to control,manipulate. The 3 F's fight ,flight,or freeze. to dived conquer.
If I don't watch TV ,did it really


They just like to keep people amped up and fearful, makes a more docile public. Mental Death Bombs.

This was no accident, just a typical psy op... testing the results.

One very obvious thing to point out about the wording of this alert is that it clearly states that only a "threat" is inbound. Not a missile. One thing about threats, is we have no defense against them yet. Our star wars shield can't shoot them down. Our radars can't detect threats. We are absolutely defenseless against threats. This is a sputnik moment people. More important than the wall to prevent Mexican's entering the United States, should be the national initiative to defend against incoming threats. Some nations are already preparing very high-tech, and shocking threats, and so we need a defense system that can shoot them down. This may take billions of dollars, but not to worry, our Treasury is free now to print as much money as we need to meet any crisis.

Ok. Here is an idea. Suppose this is another instance of Mandela Effect. The Mandela Effect is that thing that everyone remembers, but doesn't turn out to be true. For example, in the James Bond movie, Jaws gets a girlfriend named Dolly. Most people remember with great certainty that she also had braces, like Jaws. But this turns out NOT to be so. Ed Dames, the CIA remote viewer instructor, has claimed that the crash at Roswell was TRUE, but that aliens went back in time and erased all physical evidence of the crash. That is how many witnesses remember it, but can't produce any physical evidence. So, along these lines, could it be that Hawaii was actually nuked by North Korea, but then some space command boys went back in time, and stopped it from happening -- only they forgot to prevent the cell phone emergency alert. Did our timeline fork again?

Whaaaat? Say whaaaat !?! That is some more triPpy stuff. Maybe..............

@chuckjordan - the Mandela effect, from what I see, is bad memory backed by poor education and the arrogance to not accept a person got something wrong. I was interested in it when I first heard about it, and then I learned that the city I grew up in was never the capital of Australia, that countries were in the wrong positions and that history I knew was, apparently, no longer history. I laughed. Korea too far north? Still on the 38th Parallel, lol. The capital of Australia was Sydney. Or Melbourne, or Perth, or that other city I can't remember the name of that is somewhere, but definitely not Canberra. Australia too far North and NZ too far south? Our flaora and fauna do not reflect this, in fact, they say we are about where we should be.

So, in short, I do not believe it was an accidental mistake at all. But I believe that is more likely than the Mandela Effect.

And please, don't tell me I am from this time line and do not understand. When most of the effect is so easily debunked I do not even have to think about things, it is patently false. Looney TOONS? Nope. Only in the States is TUNE pronounced TOON. In most of the ENglish speaking world it is TYUNE. And Looney TYUNES is what it was.

Dolly not having braces though, that is the one that I am stumped on as I could have sworn she had braces, that was the joke. However, it is the only one.

Yeah Dolly's got me too as I swear I remember braces. VW's emblem had me also as I grew up driving them. A 71 bug and a 74 ghia and neither to my memories had a separation in the letters but hey I was young back then and into many things............

Take Richard Nixon, for example. I grew up remembering him to be the worst president. Corrupt. Nasty. Evil. But now, in 2018, Nixon seems to have some honorable qualities I admire such as not trying to enrich himself while in office or never, ever working with Russians against the USA.

Tricky Dicky was only held in contempt for his role in the cover up of Watergate. He was never truly reviled. A really bad example. And Hillary is the only presedential contender I can think of who has actually worked with Russia against the USA.

Everything is done on purpose. In politics nothing happens by accident.
I think it would be a big mistake to call the government incompetent. They appear to be, but on purpose. They do exactly what they want. They have thinktanks with the most brilliant minds in America working for them. They are everything but stupid. But by believing it is just incompetence, we are blind to see the real intentions behind it. They use incompetence as an excuse.

Same with wars. Does anybody really believe that Nikki Haley believes what she says? She might, but not her handlers. They have her say all this bullshit. That is not incompetence. Same with Trump and all the other meat puppets. The brains behind them are way smarter than we think.

And think about it. The "Patriot Act" was put out just a few days after 9/11. No incompetence there.
A decent Health Care Plan is impossible because of incompetence. Really? I don't think so...

Wow. we expect the best, and no unexpected things happen!!!

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