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RE: The 'Fake News' Fallacy Used by the Media Monopoly

in #fakenews6 years ago

Yet, when we examine their stories and narrative of so-called "facts" and "real news", we can see that they are engaging in fake news, twisting events, misleading viewers, fabricating news, and blacklisting other stories that are counter-narratives to their own.

And never for our good. It is always to promote harmful things on us, from bad chemicals to modes of behavior that are destructive to self worth or strong families. Designed to make us hate those they get us to pay to bomb for them, to send our fathers, brothers and sons off to kill and be killed, to make us hate even our neighbors.

Their evil is plain to see and I view anyone now with suspicion the moment I hear the talking points start.


Talking heads and repeated gibber jabber to condition the masses into a streamlined of decisions to keep things going the way they want.

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