Who is really the author of #Fakenews, and why do they want to control it

in #fakenews8 years ago (edited)

In the months leading up to the presidential election of 2016, the term FakeNews really came to the forefront.  It quickly came to be the catch all term to describe any article that showed a candidate in a bad light, or even the POTUS himself.

But isn't that just satire? 

Since the days of George Washington, political figures have been the target of satire articles and comics, people like Mark Twain, Will Rogers made a living at this.  Satire and Propaganda have always been with us.

Propaganda: You believe what we tell you.

 In the 1930's Adolph Hitler learned to use the full power of propoganda and "fake news".  He appointed Goebbels as his propaganda spokesperson... And he was very good at his job! 

 During just a few short years, they used positive party, and negitive Jew propaganda until most of the nation was lined up with the same thoughts as herr Hitler., this worked in part because there was no dissenting view allowed to be published..

If it's not broke don't fix it

in the years following WWII, propaganda was still a very important tool to those in power, but the tactics had to change.

Now controlling opposing view wasn't as easy as it once was, you simply could not make people disappear in the night for writing what they wanted. So the next best thing.. CIA project "Mockingbird". Control the news outlets, talk down any view other than the party line, and use a new term when needed "conspiracy theorist". This alone was enough to bend the will of the people at the time.

So what went wrong?

With Al Gore inventing the Internet, now all of a sudden people were getting news from outside main stream media/ state sponsored sources. Now instead of being able to drag the sole dissenter with a printing press, off screaming into the night, we had thousands of investigative bloggers posting truths willy nilly around the world.

This really became a problem following 9/11, because not only did some people not only not think the official story was true, but now they can share that with others.

  It was shortly after the news that Seal Team 6 had killed Osama Bin Laden hit the airways, that people on the internet were able to make a direct challenge to the government story... Hacked Stratfor emails punched holes all in the official burial at sea story. Every sense then it's been a all out war to control the Internet.

one of the first lines of defense was paid shills, Government of NGO's employees whose sole job was to down vote, disrupt, Misdirect, or even provide dis info on various topics. Groups like "correct the record" operated off a flowchart and could ruin or stop just about any topic.  

But soon we became wise to these shills, once spotted we were soon able to lead them off script and expose them. 

But that wasn't enough anymore, control was again slipping away. And now social media like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit etc. could spread things faster than speeding bullet.. And leading up to this election, "they" played the next hand.

Only this time it wasn't just a defensive posture, they went on the attack. 

First they have created  unstable backbone in the Internet, they gave "control" to out of country Intrests, this card has yet to be used, but make no doubts, it will be.

Second they set up many websites, mostly in the "alt news" fashion, and proceeded to crank out many outlandish articles.  98% of the population could see them for what they were. Keep in mind there were also real Americans, creating satire as we have always done... But now the new twist... Liberals, and special snowflakes, and even partyline democrats and some republicans began feigning outrage..

Now those mainstream media mockingbirds simply fed the peoples minds with stories of #FakeNews,  Fake News was now responsible for global warming/lack of global warming, fall of the Roman Empire, the Borg taking Picard, and the death of Princess Leia.. But mostly the staggering defeat of Hillary!  Now those pushing the buttons didn't care if she won or lost, all that mattered was being able to control what We The People considered the truth.

They have shown how serious they are about this, using a lame duck president to trample on the constitution and taking steps to remove the freedom to produce anything but state party news.. And even better, They have convinced a large part of the population that this is a good idea.... AND blamed it all on the Russians,  but that's propaganda that is still waiting to be played out.


"Most 98% of the population could see them for what they were. "

That attitude is contrary to these other you expressed right after. Can they be perceived as fake by the vast majority, and then go around and control what the people consider the truth?

"Now those pushing the buttons didn't care if she won or lost, all that mattered was being able to control what We The People considered the truth."

"They have shown how serious they are about this, using a lame duck president to trample on the constitution and taking steps to remove the freedom to produce anything but state party news.. And even better, They have convinced a large part of the population that this is a good idea .... AND blamed it all on the Russians, but that's propaganda that is still waiting to be played out."

And your sentiment is that this contral they haz is very matter much . . .

I would say a very large number (I used a arbitrary percentage for impact) of the population , has been able to tell fake articles from any real news, it was never a big an issue as "THEY" made it seem to be.
But while people could tell the article they just shared on Facebook wasn't real, when they heard the CIA talking heads in the media, the whitehouse, etc. saying the Russians are behind this wave of Fake news, trying to steal the election, they fell for that hook, line and sinker, giving public support to the removal of first amendment rights

So people know not to trust the media, that was your argument with:

I would say a very large number (I used a arbitrary percentage for impact) of the population , has been able to tell fake articles from any real news, it was never a big an issue as "THEY" made it seem to be.

But, you invalidated your own position when you say that they fell for it and gave support for the removal of first amendment rights..

How can you attribute the vast majority, lets just stick to that, with the ability to distinguish truth from fiction so to speak, yet, they end up trusting the people(THEY) who haven't been able to successfully dupe them, and not only end up believing these people who they could tell were lying, but they end up giving support to subjugate their own freedoms.. how can you even function without going completly mad in such a situation where your fellow man knows it's a lie, but all of a sudden the lie they know has become a truth they support?

First, it doesn't make sense, period.
Second, you're building a mind frame of "us vs them" with the dynamic of absolutely NO COMMON SENSE, completely stupid, utterly idiotic. Either they have control over the attitude of the people or they don't, either the people believe them and have no reason to question them, or they don't.

Uh... People trust the media for the most part, but they can tell the difference between fake news articles and real... Two different things... I didn't invalidate anything... And I didn't build the Us vs them... It's been around long before my time... That's why the Government has had to blow up our own ships to convince Us to go to war.. Been this way forever

How, either you trust someone or you don't, right? How can someone with compromised trust be trusted to report "real" news? And either way, you said that

they fell for that hook, line and sinker, giving public support to the removal of first amendment rights

which seems like "because if they didn't support it they wouldn't have been signed into law"

but we know that nobody went to publicly support the government in taking away their freedom of speech, and if they did, it wasn't because they were convinced with fake news by knowing what isn't fake news (the cia saying it's the russians?).

No, you weren't the first to use the paradigm of US vs THEM, I don't think I said you were the first one to build a mindframe of "us vs them", I just said that you were building that same, tried, mind frame.

All of that aside it revolves around this, none of that is really important, who cares. What I want to know is if you can see the insanity of saying "people trust the media to lie to them, and not to lie to them".

Many people care. Everyone should care.. Any true American should care... The first Amendment just got wiped out basiclly..

And I have no idea what you mean "people trust the media to lie to them, and not to lie to them"

People think what the MSM tells them is true, CIA controls MSM for that very reason, when the MSM told people these "fake news articles" they were seeing on FB were a problem, people thought it was true... They were told they came from the Russian, they also think this is true... And yet the "fake news articles" did nothing to change anything... Only MSM's big production of it

First you said that

"98% of the population could see them for what they were".

I said it was contrary to the sentiment that "they have been duped", to which you said:

People trust the media for the most part, but they can tell the difference between fake news articles and real.

People trust the media (for the most part), but the media lies to them and people can tell the difference.

Is that not the same exact discourse that you had so far?

Then you said that they got duped and signed away their freedoms by supporting the government. Because of fake news that didn't even help.

.. They have convinced a large part of the population that this is a good idea.... AND blamed it all on the Russians, but that's propaganda that is still waiting to be played out.

But while people could tell the article they just shared on Facebook wasn't real, when they heard the CIA talking heads in the media, the whitehouse, etc. saying the Russians are behind this wave of Fake news, trying to steal the election, they fell for that hook, line and sinker, giving public support to the removal of first amendment rights

So in the end, when you said that 98%.. thing you didn't really mean it like "98% of the population could see that the MSM was directing a narrative of "fake news", to make people give their freedoms away", you meant like "98% of the population COULDN'T see them for what they were" because why would you be swayed by someone you don't trust, if you could see the MSM for what they were, what on god's green earth would make you consider anything they say as "fake" or "real", let alone trust them, and at that trust them with delivering news (? based on the fact that you could actually see when and what is a lie and what isn't)
That's what I meant by isn't it insane in saying "people trust the media to lie to them, and not to lie to them".

He was saying that 98% of the people could tell the "alt news" disinfo mills they set up were fake but that they still primarily trusted the MSM. That way, when the MSM sources used all the disinfo the same forces that are behind them had spread to establish the "fake news" narrative they believed it was Russia or whatever and helped discredit actual alternative media.

O ok, he was saying that the majority could tell they were being deceived and chose to trust the msm still when it said it was russia and because they believed in it, in turn helping discredit the real alt media, and in turn they also supported the whole 1st amendment thing stuff. Not to sound very extremely convoluted.

And now it's their fault that we have no more first privilege? God damn americans who want to take our freedoms away.

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