The Russians are Coming! The Russians are coming!

in #fakenews8 years ago

By now, you have seen those hold out, hard line, last few "Trump is the anti everything" Facebook friends, that you allowed to linger on your friends list, mainly from pity, stick their  prideful little noses out from under the blankets at the recent release of  the almighty "17 Intel agencies" said Russia did it report, and post... See I told ya so!

No? Maybe just me then.

Now I have tried to be a kind soul, and educate as many as possible in my little circle to the more than likely "truth" of the matter.

And while having a actual conversation with some of these folks is near impossible due to the fact they stick fingers in ears and chant Fake news, Fake news over and over. Hopefully you have better luck than me, if not, it's going to be a long 8 years.  But please in the intesrest of helping humanity, allow me to give you a couple of talking points perhaps..

It's all Fakenews now

Long gone are the days of the investigative reporter going out and "getting the scoop", digging out a real story, or asking tough questions when given a chance to interview a person in a interesting or powerful job.  It's all scripted or staged to some degree, and the larger the news media, or the bigger the person, the more scripted and controlled it is.. 

Your local channel 6 news reporter is probably a good person, entered the field with vision in their eyes, I have given interviews to several of them..but the number of folks they reach with that report is limited, and must pass an editor as well. But walk into the Whitehouse press room, or onto a CNN news set and it's a whole different world. Not as question is asked that wasn't cleared beforehand.. And with so many of these "media stars" also on the CIA payroll, you can bet any story they push is someone's agenda.

Fake news first was a way to discredit and fight back against the "alt news" .  New Internet, or other than main stream media sources.  Once a fake news label was given to a site or source then the opposing side did not have to debunk, or counter point by point or engage at all, simply saying fake gave excuse to not even bother reading.

Fakenews as a weapon.

soon it was figured out that Fakenews was going to be a propaganda tool.  

A tool that when used by the state media would prove to be very effective during the last election.

Want to make the other side seem desperate and hopeless? Publish news articles on their behalf.. The more outlandish, or boastful in the claims the better.  It will serve two purposes... If your enemy is really having sex with a couple of hookers, a story of him having sex with 40-50 hookers will make 2 seem normal. And it will make it look like the other side is out to get him!

These types of tactics are very much like CIA standard operating procedures when overthowing a government somewhere.  Tactics like having body doubles or look a likes of a leader or president star in gay porn movies, things like that. (Yeah, that's a real thing)

Propaganda war

In every conflict or war the first victim is the truth.

The job of propaganda is to make one side of something love it's side more and at the same time hate the other side.

In every instance there has to be a "Bad Guy" or the enemy. In this case it was the Russians turn, again.

are the Russian hackers to blame for anything?  What hackers?

Ever since we have started keeping important or worthwhile information on computers, there has been an army of people trying to get that information.. That's a fact. 

But given the history of the Intel services, every time they are working hard to get you to think something, your better off thinking something else.

When you see reports of attacks on civilian targets by some force,  favorites are hospitals & schools baby formula factories

When you see reports of attacks on warships, Aircraft.

when you see civilian aircraft shot down.

when you see this type of news, don't just take some pundits word for it...remember 16 American Intel agencies said there were WMD's too.

We have hacked governments, and citizens, even our own for years.. We are experts at it.. But we are ready to go to war over some email hacking of non government computers?  

It's all Fakenews.. It's all propaganda.. Free yourself... Think for yourself

  1. If someone wants be to believe that the Russian government is responsible for the hack then they need to present proof. I'm not saying it isn't possible, just don't expect me to take someone's word for it.

  2. Even if the Russians were responsible for the DNC hack, it wouldn't have been a problem for the DNC if the contents of the e-mail weren't incriminating. One bad action doesn't excuse another.

Exactly, anything is possible in this day and age, but we as a people should stop giving that free pass " because I said so" reason... Show me something, prove to me something, stop assuming I am just a little worker drone that will take whatever you say as fact... Even more so when you have a long history of making things up that fit your need!

  1. That's the most insane part of this whole mess, let's just ignore what's on the emails and focus on how you found out... Oh it came from a basement email server? Oh look at what the Russians did... It's crazy logic

Thanks for the replies!

Clearly the Russians paid you to write this... JK. I think it's kinda funny that they are pressing this so hard when Assange has very clearly stated many times now that the leak originated within the DNC. He's even said it on Fox News at this point but still they persist. The Washington Post even admitted that the article that started the whole "fake news" narrative was fake itself. I have only come across one person who actually believed that they were lieing about Hillary and "the Russians did it" and she's the most left-wing, liberal, welfare state supporting person I've ever met. I don't think hardly anyone even watches lame stream news any more, let alone believe it.

If anyone would just look at the money ties between HRC and Russia, the amount they make from her, would they really want to kill the golden goose ?

HA! That first paragraph is one of the top reasons why I spend almost no time on Facebook anymore, and am so thankful to have found Steemit when I did.

Oh and yeah, it's sad but true... We haven't spoken since November really, except they are like a little parrot... Stick their heads out and spitter n sputter about Russians,,, and popular vote,, and this week it's obamacare and Russian hackers's Almost funny... Almost

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