Conspiracy Theory pt3: The Good, the Bad and the #Fakenews

in #fakenews8 years ago

Welcome back to my final report on the war against free speech. I feel them closing in on me, and I must head underground,  you never know when the next drone strike is coming. 

9/11 was a pivotal moment in the history of America,  and I'm not just talking about the event itself, I am referring to being free to talk out in the open about the topic. You could find any number of books, movies, blogs etc.. regarding melting steel, planes vs. missiles and so forth.. For a moment the censorship had faltered and we were exploiting the idea of free think to the max.

However such victory was short lived as it turned out. TPTB simply could not have its citizens. Running around developing its own ideas about what the Governement could do..they had learned from 9/11 and were ready.  They didn't have to wait long.

After a few false flags, false starts the lines in the sand were drawn and the new anti free think tactics were being deployed.

The "CT" crowd had been lured into a comfortable spot, some political parties, even ex wrestlers/ govenors were saying it's cool to think outside the box.. And boy did the CT troops fall right in line.  No sooner did the shooting stop at Sandy Hook then observant Public persons start finding holes in the story, and the longer in went, the more didn't seem to add up, and the conspiracy finders were not silent about it.  Soon they were presenting "facts" or lack there of in the same manner they had been, only this time, instead of finding some with open minds, and interested questions, they were met with full on volly's of detest and outrage.  Simply dropping a phrase like " but where are the bodie" in a online forum would result in something akin of getting lynched... Soon those who did not take everything the Governement said at face value, was once again forced into the shadows. The stigma of being called a dirty  "conspiracy theorist" carried the full weight of shame it once did. 

But what happened, what clever knew tool was so effective at beating down, and controling any wayward thinking.

Meet the shill-- the CIA,FBI, DOD, CTR patrolled computer nerd, social media ninja... The newest top secret weapon used against the unsuspecting American public with a open mind.  The "shill" was a paid public employee, whom with orders to create many an account, set in place to hang out online in locations, that such "Off Topic" conversations may take place,  and when witnessed the budding topic that may lead down a path away from government backed truth, the shill ninja was to use supplied script, flow chart and effective tactics to belittle, harass, scare, redirect, disinfo the conversation into the vast ether of cyberspace, ending it before it gained ground.

This type of battle was very effective, and is still used heavily to this day.. It took a while for the CT army to learn, spot and counter the shill.

Small scale exchanges took place in the far reaches of cyber space, and as the general public became more and more under control, not aware that their conversations were being guided by these masters, a new counter weapon was put into use, one so powerful it came close to winning the war once and for all.


A single fired, multi level, fire for effect weapon of mass amusement.  First created in the bowels of the Net, places with names as sinister sounding as 8/chan, Half Chan, the idea was so simple.. Attach a plain but often ironic, or funny caption to a photo that sparked a second thought... Released onto social media platforms, where soccer moms, gamer dudes, general public, would share, post, retweet the MeMe over and over, until it's message was etched into the back of the brain of citizens everywhere, and unsigned, who was to blame?   We are legion.. You can't stop us all.

Not only was the MeMe a very effective tool in getting word out about  conspiracy happenings, it was most effective in politics as well... To effective... And that brings forth the dark times, and perhaps the end?

The #FakeNews Fake war, Real problem

The Government had a complete and total meltdown of information, a total loss of control.. And in a last ditch effort to bring the American people in line, drastic measures were needed..

first rebranding an old tactic... Now instead of shaming someone with the CT label, they would slap #fakenews onto everything, much in the same way..

now they would take some soon to be out of work shills, and have them churn out article after article of the most horrible fake drivvel ever written, and proudly brand it with fake news.

They would once again use the Main Stream Media/ CIA talking heads in an attempt to make "that" news the source of "real news" 

all along complaining how bad "#fakenews" is getting ..

censorship was the plain and open cry heard across the land, to the tune of " save us from fake news"

and in a bold and brilliant move, the powers that be, put a out the flame of liberty that was the 1st amendment to the constitution..

No more false flags, no more birth certificate, no more pizzagate... No more will the American people be able to Free Think as before..

So until out of the ashes we rise again, so long my fellow nut cases, be safe!


I think it's less that people actually believe the bs they're selling and more that they don't want to really be bothered with the truth. They know if they know the truth which they would if they actually took a long hard honest look at it and applied even a little bit of thought, then they would be responsible for saying and acting accordingly. It's easier to swallow the bitter pill of a sugar-coated lie and drown out the voice of reason in your head with inane sitcoms and reality shows, alcohol, and if that stops working they have medication for it now. They've steered the narrative so far from the truth and the reality has become so depraved that anyone pointing that out looks like a lunatic to those drowning in their white-washed fantasies that are spoonfed to them on a 60 inch flat screen. They know their lives are fucked up but surely everyone's isn't right? There must just be something wrong with them. Everyone on TV has such a wonderful life. Better just pretend their's is too so as not to draw the ire of the herd. Some Prozac will help with that. And so it goes...

Right on the money... Once they have decided which pill to partake of, it's the side effects that get them... If THIS is true, then that means that THIS also is true, and if 9/11 was a inside job, that means bad people really are in charge, and if they are that means Pizzagate is probably true, and that means they really de kill Elvis ... It's not getting them to start... They just are afraid of where it stops

Yes if you question one thing you'll have to question everything and probably have to change your whole life... that's too scary so it continues... drown it out and back to sleep til it gets so bad you have to wake up

And if it were even Just THAT, I could cope... When things go to tense , un pill yourself for just a while, be it thru, wine, women, song... Just a touch to forget the now, forget the know.. But the true perils lie within others, do I share with them. Or do I allow them to sleep....with the understanding comes great sorrow as well

Yes and people will fight to keep their ignorance... that's the biggest dynamic we're up against

Oh yes, Fema camp is in the future. Just for posting this I am added to another list. Classified dissident with a file folder that would choke a cow, only it is not on paper anymore. Nope. All we are, are bits and bytes stored safely at your local fusion center. No level of encryption can hide you from the massive computing power. Oh you thought tor kept you safe? Not when they got all the internet traffic monitored at the end points. Try to wake up and get beat right back to sleep. Just forget about it all. After all what is the point in playing a loosing game.

(upvoted and followed)

Oh yeah... Tor... Here let's just funnel everyone into using this so we can keep track better ...
And thanks for the words , at least some of us at camp victory will know each other :)

Tor was and incredibly clever trick... make everyone think they're safe and monitor what they do when they think noone is looking...

Resteemed and gave an upvote. This work is amazing and factual. We aren't so much as allowed to place the character of this world on the chopping block, because they're right - you're wrong and there is no God. Yeah... that's what we're led to believe. And, you can't do anything to affect your world... so don't you dare try speak out about something you see is wrong or you're the next in line to be treated like a slave and a number with no face or name. Hey - where'd my humanity go for crying out loud. Can't we just talk about how we are being treated without so much as getting a wrench thrown in our faces for trying to do the right thing? What gives? I thought you all said that you were care-givers and that you cared about people. I am not so sure they care about people. IT's money that pays them. I wonder who would still care had we taken money out of the equation. Isn't it silly that we can't even tithe with our own words, or our own mouths? Are we people anymore, or are we robotics? I'm seriously not sure anymore because I am not allowed to critically think anymore. It was a cool thing to do before sedative drugs came around. People talked and got along and even if we didn't agree we could still get along simply because we were humans sharing our human existence with people. But, I'm scared now. I'm afraid that we aren't able to share our human experience with our world. Not how we want to. Especially if you want to grind the 666 layers of iron off your heart. This worlds just going to place that heart into more iron. And, fuck their iron! I got something stronger to break their hell. It's called love. Love is stronger. Love is harder. Go think what you wish, or hate me all you want.... but, loving is a lot harder to do. This world has been tricked and right now all your minds are on their chopping block. Enjoy your television and your sadness, because that's all that they wanted in their stores for you. It never had to do anything with those fake smiles and fake families you see in commercials selling you products. It was all about the war that was being played for your mind. They wanted ruthless scumbags, and they wanted this fascist killing machine. This is why we can't so much as pretend to pull our loved ones off the worlds wheels. The Devil had us all tricked and I wanted to run away. Too bad they I believe are able to stop me from running or I'd run, and get them running with me. Then they would see just how silly this whole of a world is being. It's dictatorship; to it's agendas and order and don't get out of line or you'll have to pay the consequences. But, who pays for the crimes that are being set up all around us - and against us, where we're concerned. It's as if the lame money took over the heart, and now in it's place is a fiction of character where money is concerned - it's the only concern. You could be dying, and they won't care, because the truth is - that's where they wanted you. Have you ever looked at side effects of medications. Did you know all they are is known affects? I believe those drugs are capable of doing a lot more damage before they ever make a humanity a better humanity.

Oh without a doubt, meds and big pharma are a big part of the equation. We "would not have Been able to get the programming results, without the right state of mind".
They figured that out fast with the early days of MKULTRA with LSD etc...
Thank you for your kind words, what I wish we could figure out is when we lost it all, when did they become our mind.

It was when they started using satellites as things to use to target people and place them into bad situations. We all know this world is being tricked up - so it's best to stay leery about their THINGS. And, they can't become your mind. You have your own mind and protect it in a manner that you feel comfortable with your own thoughts. When you have idea's and thoughts that feel wrong and aren't your own. They probably aren't. People just have to know that they must be watchful over their minds these days and that's kind of sad to even think like we do - because of our phones and devices. We should fear our technology when we could be doing great things with them - and instead - we're becoming subjects to be tested on. It's kind of silly to think that main stream isn't sort of a hedge-hog criminal. If we want to get this things off the chopping block - we just have to know that we can control our minds and be humble in ourselves and face reality in a different way. Just, protect YOUR thoughts, and the ones that you know you're thinking hard to have. Especially love. Love hard! Because they aren't going to use mind control technologies to help us love each other more. So - when we do, and when we succeed and make breakthroughs we're actually using our own minds and compassionately so. It's just a choice to make sure that you choose your most positive emotion over the negative ones. If we aren't trying to do those things, and aren't aware of our own minds - our minds can easily become tricked and manipulated into being the other person - or the person that we hate in ourselves. So, love your mind, protect your body and bless as many people as possible. Hopefully we'll get to spend heaven together in a much more amazing way then we're allowed to here. The earth as a whole I believe has been tricked up and mind-fucked. Best to be leery and speak out with people that are speaking out in the same ways. We're all after better lives, and we all know that somehow they are possible. But, we're all also up against a lot of bull shit that is created over people to help them fall, hurt and feel defeated. Don't let the Devil get a foothold, if you believe like that. I do... and I just want to wake people up. I want people to see their systems are actually hurting them worse then if they actually ever cared - because I know if they did care and just even in tiny ways more then they do... our whole world could forever feel that impact. Instead, I fear the exact opposite is going on... we are being impacted by people not willing to do their jobs, and not in a manner that shows a great character from our outlets and resources. For me, I just want to release the demons that I see taking over peoples minds. Like television. It's a fascist box for moral decline and getting people used to pressures that never would have ever needed to exist. Believe it or not. You're thinking with your whole mind when you think positive thoughts. When they are negative ones though - you're listening to something else... it's not your own mind or the God-mind. You're hurting by the worlds all so clever stuck on stupid evils.

The thing to remember is that it is YOUR mind. That implies several things. One, that you are not your thoughts. Most people identify with their body and their thoughts and their emotions but these aren't you. You are the point of awareness, the consciousness experiencing these things. Secondly, that you can control them. It takes practice but you can control your thoughts by applying your will. Emotions shouldn't try to be controlled directly, they follow thoughts. Change your thoughts you change your feelings. It doesn't happen instantly usually, but eventually they will change. When your feelings change your body responds. It was the chemical reactions in the body brought about from the emotions caused by the previous thoughts that made the emotions linger. Once the body responds to the new emotions those will be the one's that linger and the whole process gets easier but it all starts with changing your thoughts through applying your will which can only happen when you realize you are not any of these things but that they are tools that the real you can use.

Awesome comment! Thank you... You're right, we're all just like sponges for information and for emotions and things to happen, but it all starts with our thoughts. I've been doing a lot of self-reflection things to really look at myself and my life as something that I can change. My hope is that we can break the cycle that people are on - help people to become more, and help people be able to truly look outwardly in life and be able to find themselves as most people don't look inwardly at themselves at all - or that they have any power to change their circumstances at all. I for one am a firm believer in that we can change our lives, and that people can change. It's what people are all up against though that makes people stop dreaming or doing what they first wanted to do. I hope that we can become more human then we are and have been turning into robots with accepting the world as cruddy as it is sometimes. I know that with the positive things that we're doing and writing on here even that we can affect our whole world. Together is the key that people missed. And, without that together or wholeness - people lose sight of family and friends, and even some of the people that we thought we were to people fade. It's sad - but in that frustration I've found that there are more people willing to do this sort of thing then not - it's just not popular anymore to think or to learn. I wish it were, but people are highly a problem, because we're all a part of this world and what the world is doing is highly unsophisticated. Even, I think, it's highly wrong. I don't like the ways the world is treating people, and I hate how people have become so mundane in their ways, and don't have any fight in them for the things that are right. I'm sick of seeing people left and right - who have given up in some fashion or another. I don't think people should have been forced to give up the ways that some have. It's quite sad, but through all this struggle I hope that we can all come together somewhere in life, if not for one great thing, one good thing - even just a mediocre thing. I still wonder if that's ever possible. Somehow I fear that people are too bought and too forced out of their own hearts. There is still good in there - but, it's up to us to show people that good again, and show people what they've been missing. I hope one day we will, and that day will be awesome as it is in my dreams. I really like your comment here - it helps. Thanks!

Glad you got something helpful out of it... That was my intention.

God Bless @gregmartin, keep up the amazing work! I'm glad I'm a fellow but case! I'd rather be that then be a part of what this world is consumed with. It's an honor being called that by you bro!

You're very welcome! Love reading from you dude.

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