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RE: Fake News? Where is this leading and why?

in #fakenews8 years ago

You are not conspiracy minded and yet you say THEY will be pushing to change the law to hold website owners liable and only credentialed media will be allowed. Sounds legit;-)

And yes I have been in a building where child rituals and satanic abuse happened. The Assembly of God Church in my hometown. In fact I just spoke to my 6th grade teacher that had the horror of her daughters being at the hands of this. Her and her husband (my 7th and 12th grade English teacher) who were not members of the church but took their two daughters to the daycare while they taught school. The new preacher who my mom just loved drove the Noah's Ark Sunday school bus every week, he used to stare at me in the large rear view mirror, and the hair on the back of my neck would stand up. I avoided him at all costs. My spidey sense is pretty good, I don't always know why I feel the way I do but I am rarely wrong about a person. You know what he did? He dressed up like Satan and was molesting the kids in daycare, he told them that he could see them at all times and if they told their parents...he would kill them. My teachers oldest daughter Heather did tell her parents and my best friend's mom the postmaster was on the jury. AND THEY WERE CHILDREN NOT TEENAGERS. Believe what you want but I know differently because I have researched into this for years and the only way the gruesome shit that has gone on within the Dark Web and in real life is because there are powerful people that have kept the alphabet soup agencies away. Here is the recent arrest of the former Speaker of the House.


You are not conspiracy minded and yet you say THEY will be pushing to change the law to hold website owners liable and only credentialed media will be allowed. Sounds legit;-)

It's not a conspiracy it's how these things tend to go. People are predictable, it doesn't mean they're planning on it together.

My spidey sense is pretty good, I don't always know why I feel the way I do but I am rarely wrong about a person. You know what he did?

That's some terrible shit that happened. Drives home my point though. This church wasn't satanic. It wasn't a widespread conspiracy in your community. It was a single pedo and he was in a position of religious authority. Christian religious authority.

That's the point I'm making. There aren't secret satanic cabals, doing shit like this. There are fucked up people , and they are for the most part christian and use the shield of their religious authority to pull this off. This jackass wasn't molesting strangers, he wasn't providing child prostitutes to visiting dignitaries.

If it had been one of my kids he touched though, his picture would be on the side of a milk carton.

I don't deny at all there is some creepy freaky shit on the dark web. But don't think for a second that the dark web is any way dark and scary. It just means that connections are peer to peer instead of running through a centralized server. It's dark in the intelligence sense of "going dark", meaning you're not leaking meta data about your actions to the entire world. This emboldens some people. They think the same people that made this stuff don't know exactly how to break it.

FBI has brought down operator after operator and used parallel construction in their warrants to do so, because if people knew how badly the encryption is broken for things like TOR they wouldn't use it. But our government are the ones who made this tool. They made it so our intelligence operatives could communicate in hostile territory without fear of being tracked.

Fact is you can't do anything without it being tracked or known about.

Dennis Hastert proves my point about the powerful falling from this just as easily as anyone else. He was speaker of the house and for awhile he was also chairman of the intelligence committee. He is part of this powerful elite. If your theory were correct he would have been protected because he was all the way at the top. But he wasn't. It doesn't help matters that even though the article you linked calls him a pedophile, he is most certainly not one. He's a closeted gay man attracted what would be called grown men even a generation ago. These weren't little boys or girls, they were 17 and 18 year old men. They were men because they had reached the legal age of consent. This is what I'm talking about. You hear about these horrible despicable acts of human trafficking and they are horrible and despicable acts. But this isn't children, these people are old enough that in most cases they are being lured away from their families with promises of marriage.

So yeah I think the energy and effort being wasted on things like pizzagate could be better spent tracking down victims and reuniting them with their families. I'm going to use my sounding board for that call, because to me it doesn't matter one bit if the perp is the speaker of the house, president of the USA or some homeless dude living under a bridge. What matters is we find these kids and their world safer.
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