Fake News is Fake News.

in #fakenews8 years ago

Fake news is just the latest tool being used to divide us and people are buying it.

Lets start with the 2 basic things that the media does.
From an early age kids see their parents reading newspapers and watching the news on TV, from that early age you are being conditioned to believe what the media is telling you.

The media is used by the government or establishment to let you know what it wants you to know, it puts the political slant onto stories that is needed. It tells you who is good and who is bad from the establishments needs at the time. Yes it tells you about events around the world but if those events can have an effect on the establishment then it paints those events in a chosen light. News is used as propaganda to further national security, it always has been used in this way and always will be.

Now over the last, say fifty years there has been a massive change in mainstream media ownership. Where once you had a number of independant new agencies you now have global media barons, one company owning large swathes of the media all around the world with agendas on what politics and parties they support. That childhood conditioning to believe the news media is being used to decide who comes to power. An ever smaller group of people were deciding the direction the world would take and working to ensure THEIR best interests were supported by governments that were elected by their support of them.

Now as more people take to the internet the narative of the establishment media came under threat, independant reporters and bloggers started to challenge the lies told and trust in the official media sources was threatened. Now the establishment doesn't like threats so it started to set up it's own 'independant news sites', ones with a large political bias that swamped the internet with stories of outrage, half truths and outright lies.
The growing social movements wanting change and a more equal world for everybody were attacked and slandered using the very medium they had used to come together. Nationalism was whipped up and politics was dragged ever further to the right.

A monster has been created and those who created it have lost control of it.

So now they need to kill the monster so the mainstream media can regain control of giving out the news so they give the monster a name.

The monster is called Fake News, it is neither just right wing or left wing but made up of both. It was created to kill those who spoke the truth, who challenged the establishment narrative and as it is killed by the establishment so will that challenge to it die.

As for old Donald, well he is the George chosen to slay the dragon and while Americans may have voted for him it was those who decide who the media support who chose him.
(And before you say the media was against him who was it that told America it was time for an anti establishment President and then put Trump front and centre on all the news, both real and 'fake'.)

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