Awake To Righteousness And Sin Not...

in #faith6 years ago

My Lord:

Let us reason indeed.

1 Corinthians 15:34, " Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame. "

Who really believes that the man of God whom wrote the above words, did not, was not, could not but do evil?

If it is as the liars say then it is all for not. The very man who said "Awake to righteousness and SIN NOT" is supposed to be nothing but a filthy rage wretch chief of sinners. What a hypocrite he would have been if he spoke one thing and wrote one thing but lived another. Paul said "sin not" but he could not but sin? How filthy is the double minded mind? How great is a false witness? How much destruction can one single sinner cause? How utterly absurd and foolish, what teaching is this but of satan himself and them that serve that evil one. They will quote to death "if I say I have no sin then I deceive myself" but surely will not finish with the Truth of it. Will not put it into the proper past tense of a man unsaved, for they lost in their sins are sure of their salvation in sin. What else could it mean to a sinner lost and bound, a servant of satan, a child born of the devil?

If we say we have not sinned then we make Him a liar, for we all know all have sinned. Yet the born again saints of God do not sin, so then the Truth is complete. The seed of God does not sin as it goes on to say in 1 John. They will always quote the thing that excuses them to be a sinner and unable to bring their bodies into subjection, but never continue on to find that they are unsaved and not of God, for they can not cease from sin and this is absolute proof of their perdition, absolute proof of being condemned. No one wants to be told they are a child of the devil and that they are going to hell and they have never known the Lord in which they feign to know in sin.

Reward me ACCORDING to MY righteousness, not according to the Lords righteousness. You are to put on His mind and walk as he walked. He does not pick you up and walk for you, He went to the cross for you and gave you a chance to be reconciled to Him, if you choose to by faith and not the sacrifice of the washings and eating and keeping of times. Not by sacrifice of animals or the mutilation of the flesh, (I am sorry for all them that do mutilate themselves trying earn salvation) not by the circumcision, not by beating yourself, whipping yourself, but by the simple Truth, denying yourself. TEMPERANCE, knowing the judgement to come and TEMPERANCE/SELF CONTROL through the faith in Christ, a faith working by love and proven by deeds/works. Doing WORKS WORTHY/MEET for repentance. This is where I say it is a Commandment of God that all men REPENT and that REPENTANCE IS A GIFT OF GOD to them who REPENT.

2 Samuel 22:21, " The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness: according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me. "

Psalms 18:20, " The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me "

That all good things come from the Father of lights and so this is the what I call a gift as shown to me and the brother I disagree with on this passed away. O how I would love to speak to him about this.

2 Timothy 2:25, " In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; "

A little here and a little there!

James 1:17, " Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. "

True righteousness is that they who DO righteousness are righteous. The thing they fail at that they are given the righteousness of the Lord and it is done for them, LIES! It is FAITH being counted as righteousness, (AGAIN), If you truly love the Lord you possess a "peculiar" quality, the contents of Belief, Faith and Love. You OBEY this form of doctrine from the "heart". You are a WORKING faith, as written if you "continue in the faith", "IF"! The righteous do not sin any longer for they obey the form of doctrine that Christ spoke, Go and Sin No More! All, not one single soul will not be judged in the end, resurrection of Life, or the resurrection of damnation. Once you are saved from your PAST sins you are clear, clean, righteous and then you get express your Love for that, either "continue in the faith" that set you from, which is "obedience unto righteousness" or exercise sadly the same old man who disobey the Commandments of the Lord and "sin unto death". It is very simple, but MANY make so much more out of it and try and confuse with all sorts of foolishness. They just as in the old days add to the Truth, they make it what it never was and it still the same as it ever was, there is no new Commandments. All one has to do is listen to them speak, they add all sorts of foolishness unto the Truth till one is ALWAYS saved in their sin and ALWAYS unable to cease from sin and if they do anything then they are making Christ of no effect. They reason they can not see past "if your salvation is of the Law then you have made Grace to no effect". Dogs chasing their own tails around and around, ever learning and never able to come to the fullness of the knowledge of the Truth. They can not understand so it has to be done for them, rather then OBEY the doctrine. They who do righteousness are righteous, eat of the butter and the honey so you will KNOW to refuse the evil and CHOOSE the good. See it is a faith by work, a faith working by love as written. Being judged in the end by those works, did you OBEY or did you refuse to obey and continue in the lust of your flesh. Did you fight to work it out for yourselves or did you waste your time in this very short vapor of time serving unrighteousness and having pleasure int them that do so?

1 John 3:7, " Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. "

Christ is not your righteousness in that it is given over to you, so then you will hidden from God and God only sees the Christ and you can go on sinning everyday. Christ is the righteous EXAMPLE set before you to OBEY, (I MUST SCREAM THIS FOR IT IS SO VERY IMPORTANT) "IF YOU LOVE HIM YOU WILL KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS", He who said "Go and Sin No More".

John 14:15, " If ye love me, keep my commandments. "

It is a sin thing, a disobedience thing and to be found worthy in the Truth you must live by the faith in that which you can not see, obeying from the heart. Christ is the cure to set you free from sins past, and if you love Him you will obey Him and continue in that faith you find the day or night you are saved for real. Not this pretend stuff you find on the tv or the radio, or all these false preachers and their books. Nor by all them who for a pretense speak of Christ, which I do rejoice for Christ is preached even if by contention. That is why the righteous DO NOT SIN, they obey from the heart, the very place you either let the Lord reign or sin reign, that free will choice the exercising of the true nature God hath given to all mankind.

I keep saying it not because I am wise, I did not figure this out on my own. I did not wake up say "look I am going to chase Jesus Christ and figure this out and tell everyone that most are wrong and are leading many, many souls to hell. Listen to me I am all wise. I am not wise at all but in the fact that I love Christ, He gives the increase it is nothing to may ability that I am able to understand any of this. He either opens ones heart and mind or He does not, if you will diligently seek Him you to will be given the Truth and you will cease from following the blind into hell down that broad way that is so very easy to find. Weeks before my death I found Christ, and yes He was lost, lost to me and I found Him. He was not far away all I had to do was REPENT, without even being told this by any man, I did this that night He spoke in me and told me I was forgiven. Not because I kept the Law, made some righteous sacrifice, or did anything but one simple absolute Truth, OBEYED! I obeyed from my heart the Commandment that is given to all men and I established the Law in me, it became known to me. I once lived without the Law but then sinned revived and I died.

Again, the old is the new, the new is the old, it is the same as it ever was but men always refuse to obey. The same thing they did back then they do today, they disobey. They allow satan, evil, sin sit upon the throne of God and show itself to be god. They put themselves into bondage to the knowledge of good and evil and they will die for it, for God hath surely said. Men go about creating their own images of the Lord God Almighty and refuse to conform. Christ came and RAISED THE BAR so they could not have excuse, He RAISED the bar and the lost hate this Truth. The fact that they actually have to do something to be saved just breaks their false image they have created and they can not have this, not satan that evil one.

The old:

Deuteronomy 30:2, " And shalt return unto the LORD thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul; "

The new:

Colossians 3:22, " Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: "

Nothing changed but the ritual sacrifices taken out of the Way, the priest hood a man, to Christ. The same then is what they try to rebuild, looking to man, men for their salvation. They love them that come in their own names and for these good men the will die for them, but scarcely will they die for a righteous man. They speak well of men, loving the false ways they speak of just as their fathers did also. What was nailed to the cross? what was taken put of the Way? Go and find it, study to show thyself approved, prove your love, YOU WORK IT FOR YOURSELVES. Stop with the foolish denomination and institutions of men. Stop buying there books and there nonsense, stop searching for signs and wonders and look for yourselves within. Examine yourselves to be in the true faith working by love and proven by deeds.

Romans 7:9, " For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died. "

Hear that simple Truth, I was alive without the Law "ONCE", but then the "COMMANDMENT" came, sin revived and I cried like I never had before, godly sorrow to realize the Truth of the horror that I had committed in the face of God Almighty. Calling myself a truther and speaking all sorts of evil things like a complete idiot having no understanding of what the Truth even was at all. Then I DIED, I was crucified with Christ, I live but not I He liveth in me and set me free from all that which I had ungodly committed. All the things I did without the Lord as my RIGHTEOUS EXAMPLE living in my heart. I DID have an infinitely wicked heart before all of this, but then I was given a new heart "literally" and it was all new, all things had become new and sadly I had NO ONE to explain this to me and I made many ignorant choices, being a babe. Here one will find a millstone for them that lead the little ones away and deny them!!! One is easily deceived by the workers of satan who teach the inability, that vain imagination of men "its all done for you now" you can live as you please and NOTHING can take from the love of God, "NOT EVEN YOUR SELF"! Filthy vile disgusting lies they all were and I had to FIGHT, RUN, WORK IT OUT FOR MYSELF WITH CHRIST through the Holy Ghost, the very Spirit of God Almighty. To ESCAPE FROM THEM THAT LIVE IN ERROR, for if you do not ESCAPE FROM THEM they will leaven you, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, of them that profess the Truth but DENY IT in deeds/works! The hypocrites who bear false witness and take Gods Name in vain, frustrating the Grace of God, taking it in vain and making of NO EFFECT TO THEM not them that actually find it. They try and shut up the door to them and make the TWICE the children of hell!!!! YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS MUST EXCEED THAT OF THEM. If it does not exceed them that take Gods Name is vain and bear false witness of the Way, the Truth and the Life then you will NOT enter in the Kingdom of God.

A little here and a little there!!!!!

Righteousness by faith alone, hear the Truth of it and not their lies, their inventions of men, do not go whoring after them. Do not cheat on the Lord with anyone else, you and Him, one on one, Him and you working together, laboring together in the vineyard that ye are called. Some given 5, some 2, some 1, do not bury this Truth, but work it out and give increase to God. For all the glory goes to God, no flesh shall glory before Him, no not one.

What is it to have righteousness "imputed" to you?


Strong's No.: G3049
Greek: λογίζομαι
Transliteration: logizomai
Pronunciation: log-id'-zom-ahee
Definition: Middle voice from G3056; to take an inventory that is estimate (literally or figuratively): - conclude (ac-) count (of) + despise esteem impute lay number reason reckon suppose think (on).

Romans 4:3, " For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. "

Romans 4:5, " But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. "


Strong's No.: G4102
Greek: πίστις
Transliteration: pistis
Pronunciation: pis'-tis
Definition: From G3982; persuasion that is credence; moral conviction (of religious truth or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher) especially reliance upon Christ for salvation; abstractly constancy in such profession; by extension the system of religious (Gospel) truth itself: - assurance belief believe faith fidelity.

Faith is fidelity as said time and time again. It is OBEDIENCE, sin unto death or disobedience unto death and RIGHTEOUSNESS unto OBEDIENCE. To obey the Truth, not in sin, but walking free of sin. The righteous do not sin, they do not desire it and they have the ability to control their selves. They do not walk after the lust of their flesh but by the Spirit of God Almighty. It is so very simple that is staggers them, causes them to fall down in the face of it. Obey the Truth and you will live, rule over yourselves and you will live. God did not tell Cain to do so for nothing, God did not get it wrong, make a mistake or anything else. God made all mankind UPRIGHT, it is mans free will desire to walk hunched over with the weight and the filth of sin. Mans own creation, own design, own knowledge of good and evil and his lack of faith that keeps him lost, bound to the service of evil. All you have to do is obey, but first you must obey the very first thing God Commands all men to do, REPENT, Not some silly change of mind, stop hearing them who speak so foolishly. Repent from the heart, a heart felt desire to serve God and not anyone else. To get up out of the mire and turn back to God, letting go of sin, of evil. Becoming guilty before God confessing and forsaking sin. Mortify the flesh, put it to death. Make no more provisions for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof. FIGHT! When you actually find the Truth and are baptized in the Holy Ghost and actual event, you will be given a new heart and all things will become new and the battle will begin!

Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness!

To obey the doctrine from the heart or to deny it, refuse it, close your eyes to it, close your ears to it, close your nose to it and not hearken unto the Lord. Your choice and in the end everyone will know they chose their own fate. Nobody will have an excuse, many will say "but", yet it will not change to Truth. They worked iniquity and never knew the Lord, for if they had known Him and loved Him, they would have obeyed the Him.

Go and Sin No More!

Not saved by the works of the Law, but out of love one keeps them. I am not saved because the forth Commandment and show forth the works of being saved by keeping it. I do not do it out of duty or even reward, it is by love that I chose to keep this day. It is by love I do not murder anyone and would rather die then to. It is by love I do not steal, by love I do not lie, by love I bear not false witness, by love I rather be defrauded and forgive it, then to strive against my fellow man. It is by love I do not covet my neighbors things, by love I do that which is right. It is by love and love is the fulfillment of all the Law and the prophets.

Hebrews 11:4, " By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh. "

Fidelity to God, obedience unto righteousness COUNTED righteous.

Romans 6:16, " Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? "

Its not the work that saves you, the work proves you. It is by believing, a believing faith that WORKS by love and is proven by deeds. Doing WORKS worthy of repentance.

Matthew 3:8, " Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: "

Acts 26:20, " But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance. "

Do not let them beguile you with words that please you. All done for you, once saved always saved, eternal security, just believe, just have faith, just say this, just do nothing, pre trib, not of works, no more Law, not under the Law, all are sinners, no one can cease from sin, Christ righteousness is my righteousness, God can not see me He see only Christ, all are filthy rags wretches and chief of sinners and not one can be righteous, liberty serving corruption, the Commandments of God are no more, nothing can take me out of the hand of God, nothing can remove me from the love of God, God loved me just the way I am, God loves sinners, heaven is filled with sinners. One can go on and on with these lies they buy and sell each other. Do not buy from them, escape from them. Do not fall for denominations and inventions of men, learn for yourselves what Faith really is and how it really works by love. Do not deceive yourselves with their lies, their inventions, their vain imaginations, they who OPPRESS the Truth for a lie. Denying the power of GODLINESS, but having a form of it.

2 Peter 2:3, " And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. "

Romans 1:17, " For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. "

Romans 1:18, " For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; "

They hold the the TRUTH IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, that the way is the way of the unrighteous, that sin will not out sin grace, that it is the finished works of Christ. If you hear these people talk like this RUN FROM THEM, FLEE FROM THEM THAT LIVE IN THIS ERROR. DO NOT PARTAKE OF THEIR SINS WITH THEM. Be ye separate and peculiar, come out from that great whore that rides upon the back of the beast, appearing like a lamb and speaking like a dragon. Keeping of days and times and doing all those works of righteousness and yet not out of love for Christ but for their inability to cease from sin. They throw their money at them that come in their own names buying their books and building up their own righteousness planting seeds trying to buy their way in. They say not of works but they sure will keep sunday, they sure will give to maintain that creation of man, they sure will feed the poor, cast out devils and do many good works. But in Truth they deny the power of being godly, that it is not needed. They will show forth outwardly of being it, yet inwardly they are filthy and most of them will proclaim this filthiness and boast of it. Saying they prove they need Christ more, that this is how they bear witness to His power over sin, is not being able to cease from sin. Not working out but Him doing for them.

Matthew 7 will forever be to them, for them, about them.

Matthew 7:22, " Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? "

They very thing they deny is what they are doing themselves. "Not of works" but they are trying to make of works, so they can boast of it in the day, saying "BUT" Lord did we not do many wonderful works? They can not see their noses right before them. They refuse to hearken, refuse to hear, refuse to obey, refuse to Go and Sin No More and that they have the power to do so. Refuse that their are the righteous of God every time they say their are none that are righteous. They bear false witness every time they speak of God saying these lies when He has said none of it. Satan said you are not going to die and this is the lie they hold to be true. This is the lie that gives them a license to sin, freedom in sin, liberty in sin. This is the guile that the Lord speaks of, the deception who warned us all of. Fables of men they love, but the Truth they do not.

One is counted righteous by faith, a faith that works by love and is proven by deeds. A faith bearing the contents of the word "Faith", fidelity, loyalty, monogamy, faithfulness, obedience, obeying, obey, doer, doing, keeping, maintaining all of these things I have said even when I had no real understanding of them. It was just in me to say this, but time having passed and I diligently seek, search, desire in my heart the treasures of God to be found, I am given a more and more. If God does not open your mind and heart then one will never be able to see, hear and smell. Will never get past the lies they sell as Truth. Will ever be learning and never able to come to the fullness of the knowledge of the Truth. One will be tossed to a fro by ever silly wind of doctrine. You will find the truth in that which has none, the finished works of Christ somehow being yours and you will never get passed this until you stop loving lies.

Obedience perfects, to be humble is to obey. To walk with God humbly is to obey Him. Obedience is to suffer for the right reasons.

How do you suffer in the flesh? By denying your flesh to fulfill the passions and the lust thereof. There is also tribulation and persecutions and mockings. There are many things one can suffer. but the only reason one truly suffers for the Lord is if they CEASE FROM SIN and OBEY FROM THE HEART THAT WHICH HE SAID. It is the only Way and there is no other way. Know if you cease from sin you will suffer for it, do not by the lies of God does not want me to live like this, to suffer, to submit to the froward, to love thy enemy despite their actions. God loves not the sinner, hears not the sinners but we are to show forth the fruit of love, to convince others of the Truth. I am not here to hate anyone, but the deeds of them I do hate. I have not pleasure in them that do unrighteousness and nor does the Lord God. They who suffer cease from what? SIN! NO one suffers for the Lord by sinning, they suffer for evil already, it is that nature of sin, kill, steal and destroy, you will suffer for it absolutely. Better to suffer for doing that which is right, this is acceptable with God.

1 Peter 4:1, " Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; "

Revelation 2:6, " But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate. "

They say judge not, but it is judge not hypocrite. If you say murder not and murder then you are not to judge. But it is clear the men of God in the flesh that walk by the Spirit are to judge. If you can not judge the simplest matter what is the point? You who can not cease from sin have no right to judge anyone, you must first remove the beam from your eye, then you can help remove the beam from your brothers eye. Remove sin from your life and then you can show the Way to others, that they can cease from sin, can do all things, can judge righteously. Do not have to feign they are of Christ but can actually be in Him and He in them.

1 Peter 4:6, " For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. "

Do not live for the lust of men, freedom in sin, inability, sin nature, all done for you, finished works, no more Law, once saved always saved etc etc and all things like unto these. Do not live for the license to sin, but live no more for these things live for the will of God. Be ye just, loving mercy and walking humbly with Him. Do righteousness and be ye righteous. Be ye perfect as the Father is perfect. Be ye holy as the Father is holy. Be without spot, without blemish, without wrinkle and know you are able. Why live in unbelief? Why take Gods Name in vain and show Him to be useless, unable to keep teach you to cease from sin. Why make Gods grace of no effect? When it is clear that if you truly know Him, you will obey Him. If you truly love Him, you will obey Him. You will not pretend you are clean, you will be clean having a good conscience before God and all men.

1 Peter 4:2, " That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. "

Grace teaches us to what? How to live right now as said above. To not live the rest of your time in the flesh serving the fables, inventions, creations, the words of men who are merchandising you with lies. To be righteous, to take an inventory that is estimate (literally or figuratively): - conclude (ac-) count (of) + despise esteem impute lay number reason reckon suppose think (on). To examine yourselves, take inventory, come to a conclusion and be counted among the children of God, despising the shame of sin and turning from it, walking in obedience to the Truth, esteem others greater than yourselves and working for their riches "Truth", having imputed to you through the Holy Ghost the Truth, the knowledge and the understanding, reckoning, supposing, thinking on the Lord, making inquiry of Him. The word always in your mouth and on your mind. Being kept in perfect peace from sin because you are not making provisions for your flesh, but working to increase the Lord, obeying the the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ. Not buying fables of Christs righteousness is cloaking you to be righteous, but you are being Christs righteous example He gave to us.

You awake to the Truth, awake to righteousness and you cease from sin, you stop sinning. It is very simple, it is the Way to the Truth to have Life eternal.

Just keep going over it and over it fighting the good fight of faith and proving your love. Go over this Truth and over it, read it, write it, profess it, share it, this is my wares, I am selling the Truth and it only costs everything you have really. All your heart, all your soul, all your body, all your mind, all your might, all your strength. Sell all that you have and give it to the poor. Give it to them that have not the Truth, who are lost in this world, poor, having nothing, having no life. Work for them, fight for them, be the light, shine into the darkness the Truth, you can, you are able, you have power that is found in godliness. Do right and you will be accepted.

Affirm this constantly, just keep going over it and over it. Seek out of the book of the Lord and read it. Do not let anyone read it for you, work it out for yourselves. A soldier fighting for the Truth and not obeying anyone but the Lord Christ.

Romans 3:8, " And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just. "

Many find this to be true, many find that written it is by the disciples that they can do evil and good will come to them still, no matter what they do they are free, at peace, at rest, safe in their sins, their damnation is just!

2 Peter 1:10, " Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: "

Virtue: A effectual operation of a fact of being in a certain state.

To your faith add virtue, add the contents of the the word faith, do not be empty, hollow, vain, useless, but show forth the fruits of your faith. Faith by works and works by faith out of love and is proven by your deeds. You will never fall, never will you lack for any good thing if you will give all diligence to your calling. If it be ye have been called out, the Eklesia. The true remnant of the Lord Jesus Christ, the church built of His body and not them who feign.

Awake to obedience.

Awake and obey.

Awake and submit thyself to God and to righteousness.

Ephesians 5:21, " Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. "

Fear of God, hating sin and going and sinning no more.

If it be you really have tasted that the Lord is gracious, then know all of this. Know 2 Corinthians 7:11, know you are clear in the matter.

If you have not yet truly been saved, have not yet been baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire, then Repent. If you believe with all thine heart be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus for the remission of sins past and receive the Holy Ghost. Do not follow anyone who says you can not do all things, do not partake of their hypocrisy. Do not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, for what hath light to do with darkness? Nothing, reprove, rebuke and exhort with all longsuffering. Do not walk after the lust of your flesh anymore, you can cease from sin, there are righteous saints of God, born again who go and sin no more. Remember GOD HAS MADE ALL MEN UPRIGHT, He made no one to sin, sin is not in you, it is an action taken, a choice made. You conceive sin by choosing to sin as James wrote for us. Your flesh is not evil, the desires of it is and it does not become sin until you submit yourself to do sin. When you make provisions for your flesh, you will born sin into the world. It is not in you, it is in the world!

Again, God has made ALL men upright, no one has a nature to sin, no one is born to sin. You are born to worship God and keep His Commandments, this is the whole duty of man. Do not suppress the Truth in unrighteousness, but AWAKE TO RIGHTEOUSNESS AND SIN NOT.


Seek, Repent and Sin No More!!!

It is remission of sins past and not permission for sins future.

We are the words we speak.

We will give an account for every idle word we speak, we will be justified by them or condemned by them. Out of the treasures of the heart the mouth speak of you!

This is my Lords day, a day He made Holy. He sanctified one day, He rested one day, He made this day for man and not man for it. I am not saved by this day, am saved so I do my best to keep this day holy. It is lawful to do good on this day, you judge yourselves what is good. Can you judge for yourself that which is good and evil? Do the will of God and you will be able to.

Let grace abound, that is let the teaching of denying ungodliness and worldly lust and living sober, righteous and godly in this present life be understood. Let this Truth be in you and deny it not. Peace unto all who love the Lord Jesus, all who fight to enter into His rest Amen.

Bless be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen.

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