Stir It Up.

in #faith6 years ago


I saw this piece and I fell in love with it. It would be a great injustice if I couldn’t share it with you all, as I was blessed by it.
I saw this piece in a form of picture message few years ago, and unfortunately, i couldn't find that picture anymore, so i wrote the words out, word for words, as it was in that picture.

'In the Scripture, Joseph was falsely accused and put into the prison. I can imagine him year after year praying, “God, please, get me out of this prison. God, you know I didn’t do anything wrong”. Joseph’s dream was to one day be free, but God said, “Joseph, that’s too small. Not only am I going to bring you out of prison, I am going to make you ruler over the whole nation”.

A few years later, when Joseph was in charge of all Egypt, I am sure there were nights when he went outside and looked up at the stars and thought, “*God, I never dreamed you would put me here. I was just praying to get out of prison, but God, you supersized what I was dreaming about”

Like Joseph, no matter what you are praying about, it may seem big in your mind, but to God, it is a small thing. You might be saying, “God, just help me pay my bills or clear my debts, help me make it through the month” and so on. That may seem like a big thing to you, but God says, “That is too small”. He wants to bring you into overflow. He wants you to lend and not borrow. You might say, “God, I’m so lonely, just bring somebody into my life, I don’t care at this point, God, I will take anybody”. No, you may have settled, but God didn’t settle. He is going to bring somebody into your life greater than you imagined. Somebody who honours Him, somebody who loves you, who is fun, talented and good looking.'

Why don’t you stir up your faith today? You don’t have to figure it all out, just be open, just say, “God, I trust you! I believe your plans are more than I could imagine. I receive the dream you have for me, knowing that it is so much bigger than my own!." Amen.
Take the first step, you don't have to see the whole staircase. Remember:

God will always send the rain. You just go ahead, and prepare your field.

The thoughts He has towards you, they are thoughts of good and not of evil, to give you hope and a bright future. The BIBLE says; "Before you call on me, I will answer, while you are yet speaking, I will hear you".
Trust the master strategist. It has to end in your favour, and that is the only way to go; upward, forward, and better. Yank off those worries and stir up your faith, for without faith, it is impossible to see God; to see His hands and works manifest in your life.

Enjoy grace and renewed strength. Amen.

Thank you for reading.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


good artstics

Thank you. :)

Christianity is a fight of faith and there is nothing to worry about because Jesus has already won on our behalf and also by stiring up your faith everything you've lost will surely fall into place @olawalium. Nice article dear.

Exactly. On point, my married friend. Thanks cutie.

Anytime dear


God will always send the rain. You just go ahead, and prepare your field.

This got to me like meeeeehn...
Thanks for sharing this brother. I'm encouraged.

This delights me. Thanks a lot, brother.

This comment has received a 0.14 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @novicedeveloper, @novicedeveloper.

Wow...thanks. :)

Thanks a lot.

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