Peace on Earth requires goodwill towards all on the earth, just as people, or at least most do, have/feel towards kittens and puppy dogs

in #faith5 years ago

Peace on Earth requires goodwill towards all on the earth. Just as people, or at least most do, have/feel towards kittens and puppy dogs.

But when we look at Religions... what do we see and hear... Contentious, Hatred, and Fear. How does that then influence and affect our Politics as well as everything else?

Because the world we live in is not outside of ourselves but within a box with 4 walls, a top, and a bottom. A Temple made of Clay... Flesh and circulating with blood.

Within that, a Matrix of beliefs and opinions papered and plastered against the inner walls. That is no more than our own opinions or the opinions of others and or opinions of what others believe and what they believe about the opinions of others and what they believe about the opinions and beliefs of others on and on and on...

As we peer out between the cracks and out of this mosaic of leaded glass, like one that might look out of a Church window. While living their lives out inside of one. And once a week or twice a month making their sabbatical journey to visit one for an hour of Praise and Worship of a Graven Image or 2 or 3 or just a few minutes.

But never self-aware, or cognitive of the relative reality that we live within and what is happening always within the Temple, be it light or dark. Completely unaware and even forbidden by the beliefs and opinions of others too afraid to enter or told that it is a sign of weakness or a sign of insanity, a place where Angels fear to tread.

I had heard repeatedly standing outside of these Churches that Meditation was NEW-AGE and a sign of the Devil.

So the day I was reading and studying the Torah and the Gospel. It came as a huge Shock to discover the word Meditation in the Holy Bible. In Psalms 1:2, right there at the beginning.

And I realized, in a moment an epiphany, that the People inside the Churches were being Lied to and on a daily basis.

If this lie was so easily told and repeated, what else was being denied to the people? That the Torah and Especially the Gospels of the Messiah held within them but were being withheld from the People? For what motive and why?

I had spent the majority of my life Studying Religions. So I was familiar with Meditation that was taught in these "New Age" Traditions, that were 1,000's of years old, going back to the foundations of the present age.

Through my own experimentation and testing, I had found no darkness but light in them. As concerning the lessons and the practices or traditions. I was not interested in the worship and praise of GODs or Deities. I was interested however in the Truth of Reality and my own Reality within me.

In peace and understanding and what the Masters of the Universe had to offer, that counted for Ancient Knowledge Truth and Wisdom. It was from this place and frame of reference or perspective that I sought out the Messiah and his truth of what good is.

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