Oh Holy War, what hast thou done to the women and children, the least among you, under the setting Sun?

in #faith5 years ago

How about making WAR, Conquer, Famine, & Death from War, Illegal, at least immoral? Make them Unholy instead of Holy WAR as the Mother Church has done?

The Vatican, the Mother Church, and all her Daughters, the Sister Churches say that Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and the God of War, the Trinity. The IMAGE made by the hands of man, given the Name of a MAN, and worshiped as the Deity... (Do not worship Graven Images)

That says only God is Good and the nature of man, Evil, unable to do good to be good. (Deadmen do not Speak)

Even though that is how the Bible describes the Nature of Devils... for their nature is evil they are unable to do good. What are the Churches saying, and which God are they serving daily? (Jesus, making evil good and good evil?)

Dying to forgive the Wolves of all their Sins, washed in the blood of the Good Shepherd that provides for them his flesh as the Emperor's New Clothes, the Lambswool, making all their Sins & Crimes against Humanity, invisible to the All-Knowing All-Powerful and All-Seeing Eye of the Spirit of Truth.

Forgiven by the death of a Deity, that's a new one, for what they do, have done, and will do to the Sheep - spirits meek and mild, the least among you (the women and children).

Judge the Devils by their works, they come to Kill Steal and Destroy. Sounds like the Brits & Conquistadors killing the Sheep, their enemies, and victims. Standing beside his QUEEN, the Mortal Virgin Mother, they recreated the Queen of Heaven.

Now of all the Religions, which one sought and still seeks DOMINION over the Whole WORLD. (Serving which Spirit?)

To Rule the World and be all Powerful, remind anyone of the Vatican or the Church of England. Judge them by their works just as one judges the tree by its fruit.

How many countries and people have died, having to fight for Independence from the Church of England? Whose head just so happens to be the Monarchy. How many still 3rd world countries are still dominated by the Vatican.

Coincidence that they are all corrupt, possibly by the Belief in Grace Only by Faith Only instead of the Rule of Law the Rod of Order out of Chaos. (Do not Steal...)

"They travel to the ends of the world to save a man's Soul..."

Even though he came and died, giving his life as the Messenger, planting a seed, as the Messiah. In hopes that one day the message would be deciphered, correctly. Instead of still being called Heresy, to believe Jesus is a Son of God and the Brother to Mankind.

The Children of God doing the goodwill of God as given in the Torah and Prophecy.

"Anyone on the face of the Earth, that does my will and loves one another, I will call my Son. With Jesus, the Prince of Peace standing beside the KING of Hearts.

The Emperor of Rome Constantine in AD 325 with his private interpretation. Remade Jesus into their latest Rendition of the God of War, taking the place of Mithra and Mithraism. That also was born on Dec. 25th, the Darkest of Days, the Winter's Solstice. Huh, Jesus told by his Mommy to come and stand beside her?

In Stephen's Vision of the Son of Man is standing beside Mary the Queen of Heaven that was still alive and the Mother of 5, and is definitely not a Virgin?

BTW, Since when did sex become the greatest of offenses and something dirty? The entire planet is a Great Ball of Sexual Energy. Procreation and how new life is created out of almost nothing. Also since when did a female defile a male, when the opposite is true.

As though Women Raping Men is such a problem in the Cities? Would that be heaven or hell?

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