Love one another

in #faith5 years ago

Love one another. Does that require Interpretation, the creation of an alternative command? One that ends up saying, that only God is Good, that a Good God, like a Good Father, wants his Children to be evil, his Creation, ie their offspring made in his image? Evil instead of Good?

That was and still is, the conclusion of the Priests of Rome. Why, because the narrative suited their desires, of the end, justifies the means.

What Emperor, wants his Warriors, Soldiers, and Assassins to be Peace-Loving Hippies? That love their Enemies instead of hating them? Peace instead of War, then who is there to Conquer and how can one use Famine against them? Live long and prosper instead of Death to all your children and all the generations of them?

Peace in the Middle East? Then what happens to the Merchants of War and their Death Machines? Turn to rust and Dust or made into weapons that tackle the roots and rocks as they till the soil for the next years harvest?

I ask you, what does the Messiah say without adding Love your Friends and Hate your Enemies of the Old Wineskin? Added to the New Wine, the word Good without the word Evil added to it, of the Gospel? Something all the lovers of Sin love to do when reading the Bible as if it is just one Book, without division.

As if there is not the Old and the New, the New Cloth and the Old or the Old Wineskin and the New Wine, the Good Words of the Messiah. Instead of the Hate and sacrifice demanded, for the forgiveness of Sins.

When Christ says the better way is Love Obedience and Mercy. Stop repeating the same mistakes day after day. And instead, repent. Do not sin by obeying the Law, become Law-abiding citizens. Do the Goodwill of the Author of the Commandments. Do not Kill instead of Kill then offer up a Sacrifice...

Which is better and leads to that Good Gate? Stealing, then making some sacrifice or Do not Steal, obeying the law, the Commandment and the Rule that is Golden?

The taking of the Messiah, as Teacher, Preacher, Prophet, Soothsayer, and Truthsayer. Eating and drinking of his words and Spirit? Or making him into your Meat, Drink and the Idol to which they are offered, as the graven Image gave the name of a Man, his Name.

The name of the Son of God made into his Father by the Priests of Rome. The same Priests, written of throughout the Bible that the Messiah condemns as Liars and the Father of them. That only serve themselves with their lies of Praise and Worship of Graven Images. And the Laying of Heaps and Chains upon the People.

Did the Messiah ever say, you were Cursed? And that Our Father in Heaven made you in the Image of Devils, unable to do good, the Offspring of Satan? Does the Commandment, Love thy Neighbor as thyself say that you are unable to do good and unable to love thy Neighbor?

Or that not doing the goodwill of God and doing what God says not to do is the Way of the Messiah and the Apostles? It only takes a single Lie to destroy the Truth and make it all a Lie. As one drop of poison makes all that is pure into poison and no amount of Good can make it otherwise.

Remember what the Messiah says and if you cannot then study to show yourself approved. That you approve of the words and what is the Goodwill of a Good God and Father. That the Messiah and Our Father in Heaven have suffered so that you might know the Truth...

Love, Obedience, and Mercy are the goodwill of God Our Father and are a Choice or the World would already be perfect. For that is the Will of the God and Father of the Messiah and the message that he was sent to tell.

Compare the Lion and the Lamb, laid down side by side, the look, listen, understand, and perceive the differences. What is the difference in the Spirit, between a Sheep and a Wolf washed in the blood and covered with the lambswool? Which one follows the Shepherd and the other would Kill the Shepherd to save its own life?

The Truth is Self-evident but you have to give it all of your attention. The Devil is in the details...

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