Grace Only for Wolves does nothing to protect the innocent. Would you give the Most Powerful People on the Planet Grace only, the Freedom to do do what thou will to the Children of the Earth and of Spirit?

in #faith6 years ago

Jesus the Messiah, the High Priest that is called Son at least 3 times in the Gospels by his God, Yahweh the God Of Israel, Jews and Gentiles ie, the Creator, Natures God. "Our Father, hallowed be that name... " given in the lords prayer to Our Lord.

Jesus said, he would build his Church on God being our Father, the King of Kings, that Jesus is seen standing next to in the vision of Stephen... not the Priesthood and not the Mother of Jesus, the God with a Mommy...

Another Mother being called a Virgin and she is made the Queen of Heaven in the Narrative of the Priesthood. Contradicting everyone in the Gospel and making both Yahshua and Yahweh into liars. Jesus somehow made Fatherless Godless Lawless and Reprobate in their new belief and faith.

As of 325 AD and the Narrative of the Nicene Creed.

The basis and Foundation of the Catholic's Universal Religions. That is also the foundation of the Protestant Religion after a few changes. Still based on the Trinity and a Jesus the God to win all Wars with 3 Heads. The Image gave the Name of a Man, by the Priesthood.

A Graven Image being called Jesus, to be worshiped and praised or be Cursed to hell for any refusal to bend the knee to the latest God of Rome and the Priesthood. That have created some 2,500 different Gods.

The Name Our Father, Stolen and applied to themselves; the Priesthood of Rome. A Bunch of Roman Men, all virgins, calling themselves Our Father... But calling God Our Father and Jesus the first of many Brethren, the Son of God... they call that belief Heresy. Making it a Crime and the only unforgivable SIN.

The Curse of Anathema upon any that deny Jesus their Deity...?

And still to this day just like in the past they Curse and Abuse Women. The letters of Paul states that WOMEN Defile Men. They believe and see nothing wrong with having sex with children, especially the sodomizing of little boys. While protecting those Priests, making that the Priority of the Vatican, the Mother of Babylon, the Mother Church. Doing nothing to protect the Children.

Forgiving the Perps and saying nothing about Repentance... the same thing they said to Hitler and the Nazis and the Mafia. With the same thing being said to the KKK by the Protestants...

Their God saying it is Good to Hate & kill Heretics, the Enemy just like Satan, any one of a different faith or belief... that the worst of sins. good and Evil, Racism and Prejudice decided by Faith. Their cup made to overflow daily with Fear and Hate instead of Love for their Fellow Human Beings.

Disciples DO NOT CURSE others to Hell. Disciples SO NOT KILL... Disciples obey and do what Jesus says to do and not do according to Jesus doing and being the living example of the will of God, Our Father made Flesh. Even if they fail time and time again.

The narrative does not change to tickle their ears, taking comfort in lies instead of the love of the Truth.

Claiming not doing what Jesus says to do and doing what Jesus says not to GOOD and the GOODWILL of God and the Messiah. God came to die to make hurting children forgiven as is all Sins their Claim... Evil made Good and Good made Evil by Believing in a Faith.

Where God and his Christ, the Owner of the Flock and the Good Shepherd are the Ones being Deceived and made the FOOL.

By Wolves washing in imagined blood and wearing the Imaginary Cloth made from the Skin of a God...pretending they are Sheep. When in spirit, within that darkness created by the light of Christ the sin remains in full from the Carnal desires of the heart unchanged.

Grace Only for Wolves does nothing to protect the innocent. Would you give the Most Powerful People on the Planet Grace only, the Freedom to do do what thou will to the Children of the Earth and of Spirit?

While claiming everything that is happening to the Children, is the WILL of JESUS and of God, that of a Good Father? Believing God is in control of everything Men do to the Women and Children, no matter if it is good bad or evil... of no importance, believing the lie is what saves you, faith is all that matters...?

The Chains of desires of the flesh still surround the Spirit. The Emperors New Clothes, Satan taking on the mere Appearance of an Angel of Light... and Storming the Gates of Heaven.

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