Claiming God is made deaf Dumb and Blind by the Power of the Religious is Insane and Evil, as if it's OK to break the Law if God is first made Blind and Deaf to it or if God first or last Forgives it

in #faith5 years ago

Good Bad or Evil, done in the name of Judaism Christianity or Islam is still Good Bad or Evil under the Rod of Order the Rule of Law.

Rape or Sodomy of Children Women or Men is still doing Harm to Others no matter how we justify it rationalize it excuse it or label it.

Claiming God is made deaf Dumb and Blind by the Power of the Religious is Insane and Evil. As if it's OK to break the Law if God is first made Blind and Deaf to it or if God first or last Forgives it.

Would any Good Parent believe hurting their Child OK if the PERP shed the blood of a Sacrifice before or after the Crime is committed? Or if the Focus was on Getting into Heaven and not going to Hell for doing it to the children of the Enemy?

I wonder if GOD/JESUS thought it GOOD according to the Rule of Law the Commandments and the Golden Rule... Or agreed that if anything happens on Earth God first Willed it... When Jesus is the Only one besides the Disciples to do the Goodwill of God.

The Starving of 500,000 children to Death... Famine... to Conquer because of WAR in the Name of, Does it Matter?

...Jewish Christian or Muslim Children of Parents and Families that loved them...(EMPATHY) or of some other Religion made the Enemy of another Religion...

Religions... at War...fighting for Dominion, some for peace, each the Mortal Enemies of another... Family Feud... the Hatfields and the McCoys... going on nigh for Centuries and Millennia... WHY

Fighting over who Jesus is... some say a Man ... some say a Prophet ...some say the Deity ...Some say the Son of the Deity, the first of many children... Brothers and Sisters, Sons and Daughters... The Family of Heaven and Earth...

As it is in Heaven so shall it be on Earth... Peace on Earth... Goodwill towards all... Love one another... love your neighbors as yourself... love your friends and enemies equally... you must follow Christ to be called a Disciple... Doing the Opposite of Christ makes you AntiChrist.

Killing People and Children in a Name and claiming it the Name of God... as though that makes it Special... claiming it the Will of GOD... after God said Do not Kill... just makes you a Liar and a Murderer of Children, both the children of Man but also the Children of God, if you believe in the God and Father of all Creation, Natures God.

Which, words above are good and are of love, fitting the Gospels of Peace, as given by the Apostles? Which words fit the Beliefs said by the Religious, that use the Fear of coercion and the threat of duress to force their beliefs onto the children?

Rightly divide the Tares from the Wheat and gather them into your barns for safe keeping.

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